Can we make use of Greens function if there are no charges?

In summary, the green's function contribution will arise from the surface terms in the equation for ##\phi## when there are no charges present on the boundary.
  • #1
I can't think of a situation where we can utilize greens function without the presence of a point charge. let's consider the following equation:

[itex] \Phi=\frac{1}{4\pi \epsilon} \int dv \rho(x')G_{N} (x,x')+ \frac{1}{4\pi} \int da F_{s}(\rho , \phi) G_{N} + <\phi>_S [/itex]

Here we see that a volume with no charge distribution could still have some potential (due to external fields) and we have green function contribution.
The concept of green function and utilizing it to find ANY potential is very vague to me because we originally found green function using the concept of point charge, and I don't get how it would help us in finding any potential (even if there are no point charges). Any explanation is appreciated. Thanks
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  • #2
The boundary terms arise from inhomogeneous boundary conditions. Physically, you will need to induce certain charges on the boundary to keep these boundary conditions satisfied. You may see the Green's function contribution from the surface terms as accounting for these induced charges.
  • #3
Orodruin said:
The boundary terms arise from inhomogeneous boundary conditions. Physically, you will need to induce certain charges on the boundary to keep these boundary conditions satisfied. You may see the Green's function contribution from the surface terms as accounting for these induced charges.
Lets say we have the following conditions given and we want to find the greens function in cylindrical coordinates:

## \nabla^2 \phi =0## this will eliminate the volume charge term in the equation for ##\phi##
we also have that ##\phi|_{s} = F_{s}(\rho , \phi)## at the surface.

##\phi=\frac{1}{4\pi} \int da F_{s}(\rho , \phi) G_{N} + <\phi>_{s} ##

now for greens function do I consider the following or should I consider any further terms?

##G_{N}= \frac{1}{|\vec x -\vec x'|}##
  • #4
never mind I have found out where I was missing. your hint was very helpful. but there is one further question that pops out here. say we have written the greens function for such a problem in cylindrical coordinates, on the surface and considering the ##F_s = E_0## a constant, we arrive at the following equation:

##\phi=\frac{E_0}{4\pi} \int \frac{\rho ' d \rho ' d\theta'}{\sqrt(z^2 +\rho' ^2 -2\rho' z cos\theta' )} ##
but as previously indicated don't have any charges here (just the boundary condition), hence what does the primed quantities indicate here if not the charge?
thank you for your time again.

FAQ: Can we make use of Greens function if there are no charges?

1. Can we still use Greens function in the absence of charges?

Yes, Greens function can still be used even if there are no charges present. It is a mathematical tool that helps us solve differential equations in a variety of situations, including when there are no charges present.

2. How does Greens function work in the absence of charges?

Greens function still works in the absence of charges by providing a solution to the differential equation that is equivalent to the boundary conditions of the problem. It essentially takes into account the influence of the charges that were present at some point in space and time, even if they are no longer present.

3. What is the significance of Greens function in the absence of charges?

In the absence of charges, Greens function can still be used to obtain the response of a system to an external stimulus or boundary condition. It allows us to understand the behavior of a system in the presence of charges, even if they are not present at the current moment.

4. Are there any limitations to using Greens function in the absence of charges?

While Greens function can still be used in the absence of charges, there are certain limitations. For example, it may not be applicable in systems with complex boundary conditions or non-linear behavior. It is important to carefully consider the specific problem at hand when using Greens function without charges.

5. Can we use Greens function to solve problems with no charges present in all dimensions?

Yes, Greens function can be used to solve problems without charges present in all dimensions. It is a versatile tool that can be applied in one, two, or three-dimensional systems, as long as the boundary conditions are well-defined and the problem can be expressed in terms of a differential equation.

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