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The above article refers to the CMB "wall" in sections 2.4.2 and It's my current understanding that this wall prevents observation of the very early universe; i.e, earlier than 380,000 years after the Big Bang. I also understand (I hope, correctly) that this is because photons from these earlier epochs are strongly scattered by the super-heated plasma. Thus the CMB is optically 'thick'. See section 2.1.1., Blackbody radiation.
Would it be possible for my understanding to be checked and confirmed/corrected, please? Thank you.
I also have two other questions relating to the CMB wall.
This article... http://inspirehep.net/record/827549/plots ...features the following diagram.
As you can see, the CMB is displayed as a kind of wall, albeit one that permits certain types of information to pass through it.
I read this diagram to mean that density fluctuations and gravitational waves can carry meaningful information to us about the inflationary epoch. Also, that primordial neutrinos can carry meaningful information to us about Big Bang Nucleosynthesis.
My questions are these.
1. Could my reading of this diagram please be checked and confirmed/corrected? Thank you.
2. Am I right to conclude that the CMB is optically 'thick' to all wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation?
Thank you for any help given.
The above article refers to the CMB "wall" in sections 2.4.2 and It's my current understanding that this wall prevents observation of the very early universe; i.e, earlier than 380,000 years after the Big Bang. I also understand (I hope, correctly) that this is because photons from these earlier epochs are strongly scattered by the super-heated plasma. Thus the CMB is optically 'thick'. See section 2.1.1., Blackbody radiation.
Would it be possible for my understanding to be checked and confirmed/corrected, please? Thank you.
I also have two other questions relating to the CMB wall.
This article... http://inspirehep.net/record/827549/plots ...features the following diagram.
As you can see, the CMB is displayed as a kind of wall, albeit one that permits certain types of information to pass through it.
I read this diagram to mean that density fluctuations and gravitational waves can carry meaningful information to us about the inflationary epoch. Also, that primordial neutrinos can carry meaningful information to us about Big Bang Nucleosynthesis.
My questions are these.
1. Could my reading of this diagram please be checked and confirmed/corrected? Thank you.
2. Am I right to conclude that the CMB is optically 'thick' to all wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation?
Thank you for any help given.