Can We Talk of Points of Space?

In summary, you are saying that points are not physical objects and that space is a geometric concept.
  • #1
misster y
Hello, I'm new here, excuse my english...
Are there points in our space?
If there are not, as it seems obviously if space was (is) created since big-bang (can points be created?), the consecuences are strong.
For example, we deduce inmediately the uncertainty of positions --if there are not points, there are not (x,y,z)--, every function f(x,y,z) is aproximate, the space is not continuos, we are not in R^3 but in Q^n, etc...
What do you think?

Llorenç Balsach

"The matter-energy is not inside a space-time, but the space-time is a manifestation of the matter-energy"
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  • #2
"Points" are not physical objects- they are concepts.

As far as saying "every function f(x,y,z) is aproximate", well of course that's true.

You seem to be confusing physics with mathematics!
  • #3
misster y said:
the consecuences are strong...


Math are tools, models, you use the ones that serve your purpose. In my case, f(x,y,z) is just fine.
  • #4
HallsofIvy said:
"Points" are not physical objects- they are concepts.
Is space also a concept?
We see the matter but also feel the space!
I points are a concept then the position (x,y,z) of matter is another concept not a reality.
But I can do the question with other words: Can we talk of points of space? Can we apply this absolute concept in physics?
This is an axioma that never appears in the books of physics!
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  • #5
Points are basically a tool for our bookkeeping. They do not correspond to any physical structure. The fact that laws of nature seem to be diffeomorphism invariant strongly supports this position.
  • #6
ahrkron said:
Points are basically a tool for our bookkeeping. They do not correspond to any physical structure.
Yes, I agree.
But, let me insist: if points are a tool for our bookkeeping, what is a punctual position of a particle? It is also a tool?, have a particle a position?, my idea is that there is not an exact-punctual position but not due to the uncertainly principle nor to our medition instruments but because there are not points, there are not a point to assign a position --nor instants--. There are not (conceptual) points in our space as in maths. In the fundaments of physics, what is the definition of the position of matter?
For me all this is due that the matter-energy is not inside a space-time, but is the space-time that is a manifestation of a matter-energy!
  • #7
There are no points in noncommutative geometry and it still works quite good.
  • #8
misster y said:
Is space also a concept?
We see the matter but also feel the space!

A "space" is a geometric concept. It is usually considered a plenum (which should answer your original question).

You say we can "feel the space"...I disagree. I know that we can conceive of space -- indeed, of many spaces -- but I don't think perception of space is anything more than relating yourself to some other "observer" (IOW, without two reference points, would you still "feel the space"?).
  • #9
ahrkron said:
Points are basically a tool for our bookkeeping. They do not correspond to any physical structure. The fact that laws of nature seem to be diffeomorphism invariant strongly supports this position.
Could you explain a bit about what 'diffeomorphism invariant' means?
  • #10
This link takes you to a section of Carlo Rovelli's "living review" on Loop Quantum Gravity exactly on that issue:
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  • #11
misster y said:
Is space also a concept?
We see the matter but also feel the space!
I points are a concept then the position (x,y,z) of matter is another concept not a reality.
But I can do the question with other words: Can we talk of points of space? Can we apply this absolute concept in physics?
This is an axioma that never appears in the books of physics!

If you are going to talk about "points" and "space" in this way, then I have to ask "what is YOUR definition of 'point' or 'space'". The fact is that physics and mathematics often use the same terms with DIFFERENT definitions. Which are you using?

FAQ: Can We Talk of Points of Space?

1. What are points in our space?

Points in our space refer to the basic unit of measurement in the three-dimensional world. They are infinitesimally small and have no dimension or size, but they are used to define the location of objects and their relationship to one another.

2. Are points physical or conceptual entities?

Points are considered to be conceptual entities, as they have no physical properties. They exist in our mathematical understanding of space and are used to describe and measure physical objects and concepts.

3. Are points in our space infinite in number?

Yes, points in our space are infinite in number. This is because space is continuous and has no boundaries, so there is no limit to the number of points that can exist within it.

4. How do we represent points in our space?

Points in our space can be represented in various ways, depending on the context and the coordinate system being used. They can be represented by coordinates, such as Cartesian coordinates (x, y, z), polar coordinates (r, θ), or spherical coordinates (r, θ, φ). They can also be represented by vectors or matrices in linear algebra.

5. Do points in our space have any physical significance?

No, points in our space have no physical significance on their own. They are simply used as a tool to understand and measure the physical world. However, they are crucial in many scientific fields, such as physics, astronomy, and engineering, where precise measurements and calculations are necessary.

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