Can We Track a Photon's Path in the Double Slit Experiment?

In summary: Uncertainty_principleNow, you need to understand that HUP is a fundamental consequence of the rules of QM. It cannot be overcome. It is not something that will someday be "overcome by technology". It's just how the world works. You can choose to reject QM, but if you do, you reject all of modern physics. And you gain nothing in return.So even if you could "track" a particle, it would still not be possible to know its initial position and momentum precisely. Ergo, you cannot track a particle, quantum mechanically. The best you can do is calculate probabilities of where it might be. That is,
  • #1
The results of the double slit experiment lead to the conclusion that a photon travels as a wave. Question 1: Is it possible to track the journey of the photon? It seems to me (correct me if I'm wrong) that from the moment we release the photon till contact with the detector we don't know what happens. Question 2: Isn't the wave then a calculation based on all the possibilities which tries to explain the probabilities of where the photon could be? It seems to me that we don't know how a photon travels, however that we have figured that a wave best describes where the photon most likely could be. Please help, thanks
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  • #2
JoshuaMandlazi said:
The results of the double slit experiment lead to the conclusion that a photon travels as a wave. Question 1: Is it possible to track the journey of the photon? It seems to me (correct me if I'm wrong) that from the moment we release the photon till contact with the detector we don't know what happens. Question 2: Isn't the wave then a calculation based on all the possibilities which tries to explain the probabilities of where the photon could be? It seems to me that we don't know how a photon travels, however that we have figured that a wave best describes where the photon most likely could be. Please help, thanks

Welcome to PhysicsForums, JoshuaMandlazi!

If you track the path of the photon, then you essentially constrain it to a single path. That changes its behavior as it moves to the detector. There can be no interference.

When it goes through the double slit unobserved, there is interference between possible paths and it behaves wave-like. So yes, that is the calculation to explain the probability.

What exactly are you asking past this?
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  • #3
Thank you DrChinese. Looking at matter in normal everyday life it is hard to believe that the building blocks or subatomic particles move in a different way following different sets of rules. Does the act of tracking the photon actually alter its path? Thus as you put it constrains it to one path? Or does the act of tracking allow you to find which of the multiple possible paths it took? Does the act of measuring alter the state of a subatomic particle?
  • #4
JoshuaMandlazi said:
The results of the double slit experiment lead to the conclusion that a photon travels as a wave. Question 1: Is it possible to track the journey of the photon? It seems to me (correct me if I'm wrong) that from the moment we release the photon till contact with the detector we don't know what happens. Question 2: Isn't the wave then a calculation based on all the possibilities which tries to explain the probabilities of where the photon could be? It seems to me that we don't know how a photon travels, however that we have figured that a wave best describes where the photon most likely could be. Please help, thanks

The only way we know if a photon is in the setup to begin with is if it interacts with something we can measure, like a photon-detector. Whatever we can deduce about the behavior of the photon comes exclusively from whatever measurements we can make.

So yes, we don't necessarily know what the photon is doing before it hits a detector. What we can do is make up theories that seem to give good predictions no matter what sort of measurement we do. In that case, the best we can say is that before it hits the detector, it is exceedingly likely that it behaves as quantum mechanics predicts it will.

If it makes no sense to talk about the single trajectory of a single photon, but the quantum state of the photon seems to be a consistent and accurate description of what we're likely to see, we might be tempted to shift what we base our models of reality on.

That'd be a bit of a stretch, though.
At best, we simply don't know enough yet.
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  • #5
JoshuaMandlazi said:
The results of the double slit experiment lead to the conclusion that a photon travels as a wave. Question 1: Is it possible to track the journey of the photon?

The only theoretical structure I am aware of, which has a photon propagating as a particle, is within Bohmian mechanics where the particle is guided by 'pilot waves'.
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  • #6
JoshuaMandlazi said:
The results of the double slit experiment lead to the conclusion that a photon travels as a wave

It doesn't lead to that conclusion.

The problem is beginner texts and popularisations to not give a fully quantum analysis of it. To fix that please have a look at the following:

  • #7
JoshuaMandlazi said:
Thank you DrChinese. Looking at matter in normal everyday life it is hard to believe that the building blocks or subatomic particles move in a different way following different sets of rules.

In fact they do.

But you need to understand exactly what QM says which can be obscured by popularisations. Here is a much better way to view QM:

  • #8
JoshuaMandlazi said:
1. Looking at matter in normal everyday life it is hard to believe that the building blocks or subatomic particles move in a different way following different sets of rules.

2. Does the act of tracking the photon actually alter its path? Thus as you put it constrains it to one path? Or does the act of tracking allow you to find which of the multiple possible paths it took? Does the act of measuring alter the state of a subatomic particle?

It's tough to "make sense of", but consider this:

1. The building blocks - quantum particles/systems - follow a single set of rules (called Quantum Mechanics). Their classical behavior (what you see everyday) follows from that, not the other way around. You don't see the quantum behavior directly! If you could, it would seem normal to you. What you see is essentially an averaging of the quantum behavior.

2. You probably are aware there is something called the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle (HUP). You need to have a basic understanding of this - which is a consequence of Quantum Mechanics. The HUP makes it difficult to answer your questions as you have asked them. So here are a few comments:

a. A particle in an unknown (indeterminate) state WILL be altered by a measurement or observation. For example, an x-spin measurement will place the particle in either a + state or a - state.

b. Once the state is known from a. above, generally a subsequent measurement (x-spin in our example) will reveal the same value (there is NO change).

c. Quantum particles ALWAYS have indeterminacy in some or all of their quantum properties. Measurements can yield information about some quantum properties, but that information is limited in accordance with the HUP. Indeterminacy means: the property does not possesses a well-defined value.

d. The relative number of available paths for a particle determines the likelihood of a particle result. The paths do interfere as if each is actually occurring. Yet the final observation always reveals a single outcome from available outcomes. Measuring position repeatedly and often therefore reduces the available paths and eliminates most of the interference. That yields a path that looks (to us) as if it agrees with a classical particle path. But that is a very special case, something seen in a laboratory and is rare elsewhere. The particles in your body do not behave classically and do not have a specific position, momentum, etc. because those attributes are not being observed.
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  • #9
Please forgive my ignorance, but:

DrChinese said:
a. A particle in an unknown (indeterminate) state WILL be altered by a measurement or observation. For example, an x-spin measurement will place the particle in either a + state or a - state.

b. Once the state is known from a. above, generally a subsequent measurement (x-spin in our example) will reveal the same value (there is NO change).

What about Quantum Entanglement?
  • #10
ToddM4 said:
What about Quantum Entanglement?

Entangled properties are in a superposition and therefore indeterminate individually. So an observation (say spin) on that will place the property in a specific state. Subsequent observations will be consistent with that.
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  • #11
You may want to take a look at this
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  • #12
DrChinese said:
It's tough to "make sense of", but consider this:
1. The building blocks - quantum particles/systems - follow a single set of rules (called Quantum Mechanics). Their classical behavior (what you see everyday) follows from that, not the other way around. You don't see the quantum behavior directly! If you could, it would seem normal to you. What you see is essentially an averaging of the quantum behavior.
A great deal of the wierdness of QM is due to the fact that nature does not restrict herself to particular "possibilities" but allows intermediate states. Think of Schrodinger's Cat (with its environment of course)! But then, which is wierder - that nature should prefer certain states over others or that she couldn't care less?
  • #13
What do you think of this representation: ?

FAQ: Can We Track a Photon's Path in the Double Slit Experiment?

1. What is the double slit experiment?

The double slit experiment is a famous demonstration in quantum physics where a beam of light or a stream of particles is passed through two parallel slits and produces an interference pattern on a screen behind the slits. This experiment helps to understand the wave-particle duality of light and matter.

2. What is the journey of a photon in the double slit experiment?

In the double slit experiment, a photon is emitted from a source and travels towards the two slits. It then passes through one of the two slits and diffracts into a wave. This wave then interferes with itself as it passes through the two slits and produces an interference pattern on the screen. Finally, the photon is detected at a specific point on the screen.

3. Why is the double slit experiment important?

The double slit experiment is important because it provides evidence for the wave-particle duality of light and matter. It also demonstrates the strange behavior of particles at the quantum level, where they can act as both waves and particles. This experiment has also led to the development of many modern technologies, such as electron microscopy and quantum computing.

4. How does the distance between the slits affect the interference pattern?

The distance between the slits determines the wavelength of the diffracted wave and, therefore, the spacing of the interference pattern on the screen. If the distance between the slits is decreased, the wavelength of the diffracted wave increases, and the spacing of the interference pattern decreases. Conversely, if the distance between the slits is increased, the spacing of the interference pattern also increases.

5. Can the double slit experiment be performed with other particles besides photons?

Yes, the double slit experiment can be performed with other particles, such as electrons, protons, and even large molecules. This experiment has been successfully demonstrated with various particles, further confirming the wave-particle duality of matter. However, the results may vary depending on the properties of the particles used.

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