Can You Beat the Most Difficult IQ Test Online?

  • Thread starter Synchronised
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    Iq Test
In summary, the conversation revolved around IQ tests and their validity. The participants shared their experiences with different types of IQ tests, including online ones and those administered by psychologists. They also discussed the possibility of sharing answers and respecting the integrity of tests. The conversation also touched upon the topic of who is considered to be the smartest person in the world and mentioned individuals such as William James Sidis and John von Neumann. It was also mentioned that some employers use IQ tests in their hiring process. Overall, the conversation was centered around the topic of IQ tests and their various forms and uses.
  • #1
Hey guys, I did most of the IQ tests on the internet and I get about 140 in most of them but I couldn't do this one I coun't even do question 1 so I am really curious to know how to do them :(
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  • #2
Synchronised said:
Hey guys, I did most of the IQ tests on the internet and I get about 140 in most of them but I couldn't do this one I coun't even do question 1 so I am really curious to know how to do them :(
They aren't really IQ tests, it's just stuff someone made up. You shouldn't worry about it.
  • #3
Evo said:
They aren't really IQ tests, it's just stuff someone made up. You shouldn't worry about it.

Ok, that makes me feel better lol
  • #4
It should also be noted that IQ tests on the internet in general are useless.
  • #5
Number Nine said:
It should also be noted that IQ tests on the internet in general are useless.

Yeah I know but I live in Australia and I can't do the real test here.
The main reason why I am interested in IQ tests is because I have to do the medicine admission test this year and it is similar to the IQ test (section 3).
  • #6
Dunno, I think the questions look rather fun :-p
  • #7
Doesn't Australia have real IQ tests?
  • #8
SteamKing said:
Doesn't Australia have real IQ tests?

I don't think so. We have the medicine admission test which is the closest to an IQ test.
  • #9
micromass said:
Dunno, I think the questions look rather fun :-p

If you solve any of them post the solutions/method please :P
  • #10
Synchronised said:
Yeah I know but I live in Australia and I can't do the real test here.
The main reason why I am interested in IQ tests is because I have to do the medicine admission test this year and it is similar to the IQ test (section 3).
Which test? WAIS? Stanford-Binet? Raven Matrices? I've been given real IQ tests several times in my life starting at age 11 (they are administered by psychologists) and are nothing like what you see online.
  • #11
Synchronised said:
If you solve any of them post the solutions/method please :P

No sorry, the preamble states: "We ask that you do not share your answers in any public forum in order to maintain the integrity of the test." So I think we should respect that. (not that I actually know any of the answers right now, but some look doable if I have enough time)
  • #12
Evo said:
Which test? WAIS? Stanford-Binet? Raven Matrices? I've been given real IQ tests several times in my life starting at age 11 (they are administered by psychologists) and are nothing like what you see online.

In Belgium it is quite common to ask IQ-test questions on a medicine admission test. These questions look quite like what you see on the internet. But they're not actual IQ-tests.
  • #13
Evo said:
Which test? WAIS? Stanford-Binet? Raven Matrices? I've been given real IQ tests several times in my life starting at age 11 (they are administered by psychologists) and are nothing like what you see online.

It is called the UMAT, it is 3 sections, section one is logical reasoning, section 2 is 'understanding people' and section 3 is non-verbal reasoning (pattern recognition, special problems, series etc...) very similar to IQ test questions.
  • #14
micromass said:
No sorry, the preamble states: "We ask that you do not share your answers in any public forum in order to maintain the integrity of the test." So I think we should respect that. (not that I actually know any of the answers right now, but some look doable if I have enough time)

If you do all of them that means you have an IQ of 180!
I was looking at who is the smartest man in the world and many sites say it is William James Sidis with an IQ of about 275 :D
  • #15
Synchronised said:
If you do all of them that means you have an IQ of 180!
I was looking at who is the smartest man in the world and many sites say it is William James Sidis with an IQ of about 275 :D

I don't know, but Von Neumann looks more impressive:
  • #16
micromass said:
I don't know, but Von Neumann looks more impressive:

WOW! In 53 years he was able to do ALL that!
Terence Tao is very smart too, he was born in Australia :) Many consider him as the best mathematician in the world at the moment!
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  • #17
micromass said:
In Belgium it is quite common to ask IQ-test questions on a medicine admission test. These questions look quite like what you see on the internet. But they're not actual IQ-tests.
Yes, and some employers do the same, I had to take it for a position at AT&T years ago. Also a test that would test your ability to do more than one thing at a time. You'd be given a couple of pages of math word problems, and while you're doing the problems, a recorded voice comes on and starts telling you to make changes, making you skip back and forth between problems and change what's there. The weirdest was a grueling 2 day test, where they shut you alone in a small room at a desk and you're told that you are the new CEO of a company, where the previous CEO left under questionable circumstances. I loved tests.
  • #18
Evo said:
Yes, and some employers do the same, I had to take it for a position at AT&T years ago. Also a test that would test your ability to do more than one thing at a time. You'd be given a couple of pages of math word problems, and while you're doing the problems, a recorded voice comes on and starts telling you to make changes, making you skip back and forth between problems and change what's there. The weirdest was a grueling 2 day test, where they shut you alone in a small room at a desk and you're told that you are the new CEO of a company, where the previous CEO left under questionable circumstances. I loved tests.

My previous maths tutor topped Australia in maths in 2007 (high school finals) and did actuary at uni then he applied to work with commonwealth bank and in the admission test he said they asked him some very difficult probability questions in a face to face interview and he had to answer in about 4 minutes without using pen and paper.
  • #19
Synchronised said:
My previous maths tutor topped Australia in maths in 2007 (high school finals) and did actuary at uni then he applied to work with commonwealth bank and in the admission test he said they asked him some very difficult probability questions in a face to face interview and he had to answer in about 4 minutes without using pen and paper.
Ouch! More companies should do testing or have a probationary period where you're only temporarily employed until you can prove you can do the job, it would solve so many problems with incompetant people being hired.
  • #20
Evo said:
Ouch! More companies should do testing or have a probationary period where you're only temporarily employed until you can prove you can do the job, it would solve so many problems with incompetant people being hired.

I totally agree with testing. We hire to fire our AP clerks. Never seen or heard of a test being administered, just the usual "You'd be a good fit for our Club House, and on paper you could do the job. You're hired!"
  • #21
I think I took the WAIS 3 a while ago and scored something in the low 70s?
  • #22
PhizKid said:
I think I took the WAIS 3 a while ago and scored something in the low 70s?

FAQ: Can You Beat the Most Difficult IQ Test Online?

1. What is the most difficult IQ test online?

The most difficult IQ test online is considered to be the Cattell III B test, which is a timed test that measures language and reasoning abilities. It has a maximum score of 161 and is often used by high IQ societies as a benchmark for membership.

2. Can anyone beat the most difficult IQ test online?

While it is possible for anyone to score well on the most difficult IQ test online, it requires a high level of cognitive abilities and critical thinking skills. It also takes a lot of practice and preparation to achieve a high score.

3. How can I improve my chances of beating the most difficult IQ test online?

To improve your chances of beating the most difficult IQ test online, it is important to practice and familiarize yourself with different types of questions that may appear on the test. You can also work on improving your problem-solving and analytical skills.

4. Is it possible to cheat on the most difficult IQ test online?

It is not recommended to cheat on any test, including the most difficult IQ test online. Cheating not only goes against ethical standards, but it also defeats the purpose of taking the test and can lead to inaccurate results.

5. How do I know if I have a high IQ based on my score on the most difficult IQ test online?

The most difficult IQ test online is just one measure of intelligence and should not be the sole factor in determining if someone has a high IQ. There are various other factors that contribute to overall intelligence, and a high score on the test does not necessarily mean a high IQ.
