Can You Calculate the Pinger's Angle Using Hydrophone Data?

  • Thread starter Number2Pencil
  • Start date
In summary, the crewmen must use information from the hydrophones to calculate the angle of a pinger placed in the ocean.
  • #1

Homework Statement

This is somewhat of a design problem instead of a right/wrong answer. A pinger is placed in the ocean which produces an audible sound at random intervals from an unknown location. For simplicity say the sound travels at 1m per second. 3 hydrophones are placed on a submarine in a T shape, with a max distance of 10 m for the top of the T and 20m for the long part of the T. The only information from the hydrophones about the ping includes which hydrophone the ping hits first, and the times it takes for the ping to travel from the first hydrophone to the other two. The crewmen must use this information to calculate the angle of the pinger relative to the sub.

Homework Equations

parabola = Ax^2 + Bx + C

The Attempt at a Solution

I put hydrophone A and B on the top of the T. I tried to use the fact that at 0deg the time between hydrophone A and B would = 0, at 90deg the time between A and B would be 10s, and after acurately drawing a scaled down version on a piece of paper and properly having the pinger placed at 45 deg, when the time between A and B was 2.67s the angle was 45 deg.

I tried to create a parabola equation to make an theta(t) equation...but it didn't turn out so well.

any other ideas??
Physics news on
  • #2
hmmm...I'm going to ask the trig forum if there is some standard way of triangulation that would help me out...
  • #3
alright, well I've found no obvious I've tried taking a 2-d mathematical approach, with only this physics equation: v = d/t

I know I can place the hydrophones where i want, so I'm going to set the origin reference (0,0) right inbetween two of them so they are located at (-pos.x,0) and (pos.x,0) and the third one i will put directly below the origin at (0,pos.y)

so i know the speed of sound in water, and delta-time (i'll label it t.1 and t.2 for hydrophone 1 to 2 and 1 to 3 respectively), so i can find delta-distance (d.1 and d.2), so it's time for the distance formula on delta-d for hydrophone 1 and 2:

\Delta d_1 = \sqrt{y^2 + (x + pos_x)^2} - \sqrt{y^2+(x-pos_x)^2}

where x and y are the coordinates of my unknown pinger..

solving for this I got:

y = \pm \sqrt{16x^2p_x^2-4x^2\Delta d_1^2-4p_x^2\Delta d_1^2 + \Delta d_1^4}

which gives me a curve(s) where the relationship of delta-d.1 always holds true...
so now the distance equation for delta-d of hydrophone 1,3

\Delta d_2 = \sqrt{y^2+(x+p_x)^2} - \sqrt{(y+p_y)^2+x^2}

so now i can plug in the y= equation from above and try to solve for x...or i can try to let mathcad do it for me!

yeah...mathcad stalled out thinking for about a whole minute before it gave up and told me "no solution found". looks like I'm going to have to attempt this by hand...UNLESS somebody out there would be kind enough to chug it into their fancy math software and see if it can do it !

FAQ: Can You Calculate the Pinger's Angle Using Hydrophone Data?

1. What is the "Not your typical Sonar Problem"?

The "Not your typical Sonar Problem" refers to a scenario in which traditional sonar systems are not able to accurately detect a specific target due to various environmental factors, such as noise interference or complex underwater terrain.

2. What makes this problem different from other sonar-related issues?

This problem is unique because it requires a more specialized approach and advanced technology to overcome the challenges posed by the specific environmental factors. Traditional sonar systems may not be effective in this scenario.

3. What are some potential solutions to this problem?

Potential solutions include the development of advanced sonar technology with enhanced signal processing capabilities, as well as the use of alternative techniques such as acoustic imaging or underwater robotics.

4. How does this problem impact scientific research and applications?

This problem can greatly impact scientific research and applications that rely on accurate sonar detection, such as marine biology studies, underwater mapping, and military operations. It can also hinder the development of new technologies and advancements in the field of sonar.

5. Are there any ongoing efforts to address this problem?

Yes, there are ongoing research and development efforts to address this problem, with the goal of creating more advanced and effective sonar systems that can overcome the challenges posed by the specific environmental factors. These efforts involve collaborations between scientists, engineers, and industry professionals.
