Can You Control Voluntary Muscle Movements?

  • Thread starter Jamez
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In summary: There has not been a study specifically asking people if they can move their scrotum up and down, but it can be learned through practice. There is evidence that muscle movements can be learned, and that martial artists can control a lot more of their muscles through meditative techniques. There is no evidence that muscle movements are completely an evolutionary trait, and that they are either genetic or determined at birth. Some people are born with the ability to vibrate their own eardrums, but that is definitely weird.
  • #1
Why is it that some people can move muscles and others can't?
Like why can't i flare my nostrals?
is it weird my friend can voluntary contract and relax his scrotum up and down?

please post any strange voluntary muscle movments you can do.
Why can somepeople do it and not others?
Biology news on
  • #2
i have a freakish degree of control. i can flare my nostrils, move my toes with some control, my nose, my ears, my whole...general...scalp region, my pecs, and i can move my tongue and adams apple both really fast. i can do the scrotum thing too. just suck it up, then let it go. penis too, contract and relax.

p.s. this topic is very disturbing
  • #3
The scrotum thing is kinda rare but not unheard-of. And those who do not naturally posses the ability can learn it with lots of rpactice. In fact, it is taught as a martial-art technique to protect against groin kicks.
  • #4
My younger daughter can make multiple folds in the tip of her tongue. It's really weird, I've seen some people on tv do it.
  • #5
rare? yay i feel so special
  • #6
I have verticle scrotum control, didn't think it was special...

To answer your question, when something stops being used, it's lack of mobility stops being a negative thing. Humans a long time ago lost the need to move their ears, and people who couldn't move their ears were just as likely to survive as people who couldn't. Simmilarly, people who were born unable to move their scrotum, flare their nostrils, move specific toes etc. had no real disadvantage, and thus were just as likely to survive as people who couldn't.
  • #7
LURCH said:
The scrotum thing is kinda rare but not unheard-of. And those who do not naturally posses the ability can learn it with lots of rpactice.
Has there actually been a study asking people if they can move their scrotum up and down? And then a further study to see if the trait can be acquired?
  • #8
After close examination i have discoverd i can verticaly move my scrotum slightly by contracting a muscle which seems to be inbetween the muscles i use to stop mid-way through urinating and the muscle i use to contract my anal sphincter.

I don't think muscle movements is totaly an evolutionary trait, i think they can be learned. Martial arts people can learn to control a lot more of there muscles through meditative techniques, they can even change their heart rate. Is there any of these muscle movments affected by genetics?
  • #9
i can vibrate my own eardrums. i have no idea how it is possible, but i can flex some muscles somewhere around my head and i feel my middle ear vibrating and it sounds like I am in the middle of an avalanche. is that really weird?

FAQ: Can You Control Voluntary Muscle Movements?

What are voluntary muscle movements?

Voluntary muscle movements are movements that are consciously controlled by the brain. These movements are initiated by the brain and can be stopped at any time by the individual.

How do voluntary muscle movements differ from involuntary muscle movements?

Involuntary muscle movements are not under conscious control and are controlled by the autonomic nervous system. These movements include things like heartbeats and breathing. Voluntary muscle movements, on the other hand, are consciously initiated and controlled by the individual.

What types of muscles are involved in voluntary movements?

Skeletal muscles are the main type of muscle involved in voluntary movements. These muscles are attached to bones and are responsible for movements such as walking, running, and lifting objects.

How does the brain control voluntary muscle movements?

The brain sends signals to the muscles through the nervous system. The motor cortex, located in the brain's frontal lobe, is responsible for initiating voluntary movements. The brain also receives feedback from the muscles through sensory neurons, allowing for adjustments in movement.

What are some examples of voluntary muscle movements?

Examples of voluntary muscle movements include writing, typing, playing instruments, and any other movements that are consciously initiated and controlled by the individual.

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