Can you explain where the mathematics are in music?

In summary, the conversation discusses the relationship between music and mathematics, with the participants sharing their personal experiences and observations. They touch on topics such as equal temperament, the use of math in composing music, and the correlation between music and math in the brain. They also mention the historical connection between Pythagoras and the discovery of this relationship.
  • #1
I am a musician, I've been playing guitar form 8 years now. And piano and drums as well for under 3. People tell me music is mathematical same with artwork, something i am also very proficient at. Is it purely from the patterns of the notes and timing of the pitches that make it mathematical? Or the organization of notes into chords derived from scales and intervals. I understand how there are mathematical principals but the application doesn't seem like it, to me. I don't perceive it as mathematical, i am not a math wiz at all so i find it funny how something that people say is composed of math comes naturally for me. Can anyone illuminate this?

Thank you
Mathematics news on
  • #2
Oh where to begin...

The most fundamental aspect of modern western music is equal temperament. This comes from observing that if you raise by an octave you double the frequency. The chromatic notes arise from dividing this interval by 12 logarithmically.

A 12 note scale has relations with abelian groups. IIRC there is a connection between the subgroups and triads (i.e. all chords are mathematical). Some subgroups are "better" and these correspond to consonance. There's also some mathematical reason as to why the harmonic seventh is "sweeter" than the standard minor seventh.

Counterpoint. Oh counterpoint. There are entire books that use math to teach students how to compose counterpunctual music.

I remember glancing through a math paper which looked at chord progressions. The very complicated progressions in orchestral music seem to have deep underlying structure. I don't remember much from the paper though.
  • #3
It's correct to say that that mathematics can be used to explain certain aspects of music but, as traditional music is practiced, playing or composing music does not use mathematical methods. The rules of harmony and counterpoint have their own jargon and rules of thumb. (Such as "b to f and f to b is the devil in music".) These rules are somewhat systematic but they are not a form of mathematics that it is taught in math courses.

I think a few peoplel do apply mathematics and computer science to analyze, composea and genrate music. Such people must know mathematical methods as they are taught in math courses. That type of education isn't gained by natural instinct.
  • #5
pwsnafu said:
The most fundamental aspect of modern western music is equal temperament. This comes from observing that if you raise by an octave you double the frequency. The chromatic notes arise from dividing this interval by 12 logarithmically.
Equal temperament, though, is a compromise to make the practice of music simpler; no need to retune keyboard and fretted instruments at every key change. It is only an approximation to 'perfect' temperament. There's a good discussion of temperaments and history at
  • #6
As a pianist and mathematician, it's my opinion that there is no clear relationship between music and math, in the sense that math is directly applicable to actually playing music or vice versa. Yes, there's the obvious use of counting beats, but that is not exactly deep mathematics, just a little counting and ratios.

However, in the brain, there could be relationships where we don't see them on the surface. There are studies showing that music correlates with better performance in math. Mathematicians, engineers, and physicists are overwhelmingly more likely to play musical instruments than the general population. I was once in a big lecture room where someone asked who played an instrument and only a few hands went up. However, among mathematicians, the proportion of people who play instruments, at least casually, is noticeably higher.
  • #7
Take a look at the interactive application at this site HERE.

See if that helps.
  • #8
Pythagoras was the first to have discovered the relationship between music and mathematics when he observed a pattern between the thwang of tongs at a blacksmith shop. Try searching about that thing.

FAQ: Can you explain where the mathematics are in music?

1. What is the connection between mathematics and music?

The connection between mathematics and music is that music is essentially a mathematical language. The rhythm, pitch, and structure of music can all be described and analyzed using mathematical concepts such as ratios, sequences, and patterns.

2. How do mathematics contribute to the creation of music?

Mathematics plays a significant role in the creation of music. Composers use mathematical concepts to compose melodies, harmonies, and rhythms. For example, the concept of musical intervals is based on mathematical ratios, and the use of time signatures in music is also based on mathematical divisions of time.

3. Can you provide some examples of the application of mathematics in music?

One example of the application of mathematics in music is the use of the Fibonacci sequence in music composition. This sequence, which involves adding the two previous numbers in the sequence to get the next one, has been found in the structure of many musical pieces. Another example is the use of mathematical algorithms to generate musical patterns and melodies.

4. How have mathematicians contributed to the study of music?

Mathematicians have made significant contributions to the study of music by developing mathematical theories and models that help us understand and analyze the structure of music. For example, the concept of musical scales, which is crucial in music theory, is based on mathematical principles.

5. How can understanding the mathematics behind music enhance our appreciation of it?

Understanding the mathematics behind music can enhance our appreciation of it by allowing us to recognize the patterns and structures within the music. It can also help us understand how different elements of music work together to create a cohesive piece. Additionally, understanding the mathematical complexity of music can deepen our appreciation for the talent and skill of musicians and composers.
