Can You Keep Up with Move-a-Day Chess?

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In summary: I don't think so. If this game is going to happen, it should happen with the two original players. Thanks for playing, but I'm out.In summary, the two original players are going to play a game of chess through the mail. The game will be played one move per day, with a week for vacation. If one player is absent for five consecutive days, the game is declared a win for the absent player. Use of algebraic notation is encouraged, and the game will be drawn up on the board every five or ten moves. Anyone who is interested in playing can comment on the game, but should be discouraged from making comments that might help the players outside the game. After the game is over, anyone who
  • #1
Science Advisor
I remember hearing someone talk about playing chess through the mail. This was back in the olden days when mail meant the U.S. post office, not email. I wonder if anyone would be interested in playing a game of chess at this website, right here in this thread. First person who wants to play will take the white pieces, second person to respond will take the black pieces. (I have not played since high school, so I will opt out of playing.)

Just a few ground rules:

1. Aim for each person playing one move per day, but allow for vacation trips and other contingencies. If a player is absent for five consecutive days and has not asked for a delay in the game, the other player is declared the winner.

2. Use algebraic notation. Example: Nxe5, Qg4; Qb6, c5;

3. I will try to draw up the position on the board about every 5 or 10 moves, scan it and upload it to this thread so onlookers will be able to tell how the game is going without having to get out a board and run through all the moves.

4. It will be tempting for onlookers to make comments along the way, but this should be discouraged since it gives the players outside help. Let the two players do it all on their own.

5. After the game ends, anybody who cares to can comment on where so-and-so went sour with a bad move, or made a particularly brilliant move.

Any takers?
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  • #2
:biggrin: Sounds like loads of fun, unfortunately I can only play Chinese chess and am still raw with the pain of being "stripped naked" by my grandpa and my brother's friends .
  • #3
I would be more than happy to play a game with anyone who is willing. :)
  • #4
One more ground rule: This will not be strip chess. :redface:

It's Grizzlycomet controlling the white pieces against an opponent to be determined...
  • #5
Notation Chess? Interesting. What is the website or "mail"? I am extremely good at chess and people can find me playing at yahoo games under user name kingbaku07. I would be willing to try out this new form of "chess". lol!
  • #6
i played chess once. Apparently its not called a Horsey.
  • #7
Prawn to King's horsey 4
  • #8
jimmy p said:
i played chess once. Apparently its not called a Horsey.
Hehe. You'd be surprised at how many chess players there are that actually does call it a Horsey :)
  • #9
It sounds like maybe we have a game lined up.

What is the website or "mail"? - killerinstinct

The way I envision it, when Grizzlycomet is ready to start the game, he/she (sorry, I am not sure which applies) will just post something like "d4" here in this thread. Then killerinstinct will respond by posting "d5" or whatever in this thread, in roughly 24 hours. I don't think we need to be super strict with the timing. You two probably live in different time zones anyway. So if you both prefer posting your move in the early evening, and if one of you is 5 hours ahead of the other as far as time zones (just as an example), then the other person might wish to respond either in 5 hours after the other person, or 29 hours after the other person.

By keeping the game at a snail's pace, each player has the time to really concentrate and find a good move.

If a player is certain about what his/her response will be to a move by the other player, I don't see a problem with that player posting a move in just minutes after the other player posts a move. The opening part of the game may lend itself to that. But the point is that neither player should feel pressured to make a move in less than about a day.
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  • #10
Well then, let's get it underway.

Oh, and btw in my case "he" would apply.
  • #11
As they say at the Indianapolis 500, "WE HAVE A RACE!"

Thanks for the additional information, Mister Grizzlycomet.

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  • #12
Horsey to king bish 4
  • #13
I thought we had a game between Grizzlycomet and killerinstinct. Jimmy's move N-KB4 is not a legal first move, so I think Jimmy is just having some fun.

I hate to be the bad guy here, but how about we say that if killerinstinct hasn't made his opening move by June 1, another member can step in and take the black side?
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  • #14
Why not make it a word-association type of game? i.e whoever replies to the thread gets to move a piece, with odd posts moving black pieces and even posts moving white pieces. That could make it even more interesting. :smile:
  • #15
Chen said:
Why not make it a word-association type of game? i.e whoever replies to the thread gets to move a piece, with odd posts moving black pieces and even posts moving white pieces. That could make it even more interesting. :smile:
I did this kinda thing at my chess club quite a few times, with several people on each side making alternate moves without discussing them. It can lead to some really interesting things when everyone has a different plan. I'm not sure this would be a good idea here though, with so many people able to come in and post at will. Most likely, it would be one hell of a mess :rolleyes:
  • #16
Well, maybe just a select few could play, i.e 5 on each side or something like that. I've never watched a "team chess" match before, might be interesting. :smile:
  • #17
Chen said:
Well, maybe just a select few could play, i.e 5 on each side or something like that. I've never watched a "team chess" match before, might be interesting. :smile:
Yeah, a few on each side might work. If enough people are willing to play, that is.
  • #18
All this power is going to my head!

Chen's idea is an interesting one. Still, I'd like to make this first game one on one. After it has concluded, we could try the tag-team idea for the second game.
  • #19
I might be willing to give it a go. My dad was pretty good at chess.
  • #20
With apologies to killerinstinct and Jimmy (if they really want to, they can set up another thread and play each other), go for it, Schwarzschildradius.

We will see if a Grizzly Comet can escape the deadly clutches of your black hole.
  • #21
I'd better get moving on my black hole theory studies! :rolleyes:

In any case, my first move remains the same
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  • #22
schwarzchildradius said:
I might be willing to give it a go. My dad was pretty good at chess.

His dad, ha!
  • #23
Killerinstinct, I thought you had abandoned us.
  • #24

Rock on George for Ringo one time.
  • #25
Please don't make me have to embarrass myself.

Schwarzschildradius, are you still around? Or Killerinstinct, or Jimmy? Anybody?

If nobody steps up to the plate in the next 48 hours, I will offer myself as a lamb to the slaughter and take the black side. I warn you, it could get ugly.
  • #26

I now have the chance to make a pluperfect fool out of myself. I played 50 to 100 games between seventh and tenth grades, with mediocre success against the other guys at school, then gave it up, except for three or four games spread over my adult years.

1... d5

If anybody feels like they had dibs on the game, and that I am horning in, they should feel free to play their own game on a parallel thread.
  • #27
Why not try an online chess site like
  • #28
D.D., thanks for the tip. I just now looked at the site. I was ignorant of the fact that there was such a thing out there. Still, if G.C. wishes to continue here, I will oblige him.

FAQ: Can You Keep Up with Move-a-Day Chess?

1. What is "Move-a-day chess"?

"Move-a-day chess" is a variant of traditional chess where players make one move per day, rather than taking turns in real-time. This allows for longer periods of strategic planning and can be played over a longer period of time.

2. How do I play "Move-a-day chess"?

To play "Move-a-day chess", you will need a partner or opponent who is also willing to make one move per day. You can either use a physical chess board or an online platform to make your moves. The rules and objectives of the game remain the same as traditional chess.

3. Is there a time limit for each move in "Move-a-day chess"?

There is no set time limit for each move in "Move-a-day chess". However, it is important to communicate with your opponent and agree on a reasonable timeframe for making moves to avoid the game dragging on for too long.

4. Are there any benefits to playing "Move-a-day chess"?

Playing "Move-a-day chess" can help improve strategic thinking and planning skills, as well as patience and discipline. It is also a great way to connect with friends or family who are not physically in the same location.

5. Are there any drawbacks to playing "Move-a-day chess"?

One potential drawback of "Move-a-day chess" is that the game can take a longer time to finish compared to traditional chess. It also requires a consistent commitment from both players to make a move every day, which may not be feasible for everyone.

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