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You are stuck in a circular area with a fence around it, while there is a velociraptor out there. At least he can't get in. You can pass through the fence anywhere you want though. And if you can reach the perimeter before the velociraptor reaches you, you can escape. Unfortunately the velociraptor can run 4 times as fast as you can, and whenever you move, he will always run at 4 times your speed to your point of escape.
\draw[ultra thick,green!70!black,dashed] circle (4);
\draw[thick,red,->] (0,4.2) arc (90:270:4.2);
\draw[thick,blue,->] (0,0) -- (0,-{4*pi/4});
\draw[fill,blue] circle (.04) node
\draw[ultra thick,green!70!black,dashed] circle (4);
\draw[thick,red,->] (0,4.2) arc (90:270:4.2);
\draw[thick,blue,->] (0,0) -- (0,-{4*pi/4});
\draw[fill,blue] circle (.04) node
\draw[fill,red] (0,4.2) circle (.04) node[above] {Velociraptor};
\end{tikzpicture}View attachment 7997
How can you escape?
\draw[fill,red] (0,4.2) circle (.04) node[above] {Velociraptor};
\end{tikzpicture}View attachment 7997
How can you escape?