Can you Prove that {2}_{}an+1 = _{}an _{}an+2 =(-1)n for the Fibonacci series?

In summary, the conversation discusses the proof that a series following the equation a_{n+2} = a_{n+1} + a_n is a Fibonacci series. The goal is to prove that a_{n+1}^2 = a_n a_{n+2} + (-1)^n, with an example of n = 1 and n = 2 provided. The recommended proof by induction is explained, breaking it into two cases for odd and even values of n.
  • #1
Mathematical induction...please help me!

[tex]_{}a[/tex]1 =1, [tex]_{}a[/tex]2 =1,[tex]_{}a[/tex]3 =2,[tex]_{}a[/tex]4 =3...[tex]_{}a[/tex]n = [tex]_{}a[/tex]n-1 + [tex]_{}a[/tex]n-2 is a Fibonacci series...Prove That
[tex]^{2}_{}a[/tex]n+1 = [tex]_{}a[/tex]n [tex]_{}a[/tex]n+2 =(-1)n
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  • #2

that is a ^2_n+1
  • #3

Sorry, but your mix of LaTeX and forum formatting is completely unreadable. Check out this thread: and try to repost the equation.
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  • #4

Suk-Sci said:
[tex]_{}a[/tex]1 =1, [tex]_{}a[/tex]2 =1,[tex]_{}a[/tex]3 =2,[tex]_{}a[/tex]4 =3...[tex]_{}a[/tex]n = [tex]_{}a[/tex]n-1 + [tex]_{}a[/tex]n-2 is a Fibonacci series...Prove That
[tex]^{2}_{}a[/tex]n+1 = [tex]_{}a[/tex]n [tex]_{}a[/tex]n+2 =(-1)n
It is far better to put "[ tex ]" or "[ itex ] [/itex ]" tagas around entire equations rather than bits and pieces!

[itex]a_1= 1[/itex], [itex]a_2= 1[/itex], [itex]a_{n+2}= a_{n+1}+ a_n[/itex]
is a Fibonacci series.

I believe you also have an "=" where should have a "+". I think you want to prove that
[tex]a_{n+1}^2= a_n a_{n+2}+ (-1)^n[/itex]?
In the case that n=1, for example, [itex]a_1= 1[/itex], [itex]a_2= 1[/itex], and [itex]a_3= 2[/itex] so your formula becomes [itex]1^2= 1(2)+ (-1)[/itex] which is true. If n= 2, [itex]a_2= 1[/itex], [itex]a_3= 2[/itex], and [itex]a_ 3[/itex] so your formula becomes [itex]2^2= (1)(3)+ 1[/itex] which is true.

I would recommend proof by induction on n.

Suppose [itex]a_{k+1}^2= a_k a_{k+2}+ (-1)^k[/itex]. You now want to prove that [itex]a_{k+2}^2= a_{k+1}a_{k+3}+ (-1)^{k+1}[/itex].

I would now break the proof into two cases:
1) k is odd. You have that [itex]a_{k+1}^2= a_k a_{k+2}- 1[/itex] and want to prove that [itex]a_{k+2}^2= a_{k+1}a_{k+3}+ 1[/itex] where [itex]a_{k+3}= a_{k+1}+ a_{k+2}[/itex] so that [itex]a_{k+2}= a_{k+3}- a_{k+1}[/itex].

2) k is even. You have that [itex]a_{k+1}^2= a_k a_{k+2}+ 1[/itex] and want to prove that [itex]a_{k+2}^2= a_{k+1}a_{k+3}- 1[/itex] where [itex]a_{k+3}= a_{k+1}+ a_{k+2}[/itex] so that [itex]a_{k+2}= a_{k+3}- a_{k+1}[/itex].
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  • #5


Related to Can you Prove that {2}_{}an+1 = _{}an _{}an+2 =(-1)n for the Fibonacci series?

What is mathematical induction?

Mathematical induction is a proof technique used to prove statements about mathematical objects that have an infinite number of elements, such as integers or natural numbers.

How does mathematical induction work?

Mathematical induction works by first proving that a statement is true for a base case (usually the smallest element in the set) and then using this base case to prove that the statement is also true for the next element in the set. This process is repeated until the statement is proven to be true for all elements in the set.

What are the steps of mathematical induction?

The steps of mathematical induction are as follows:

  1. Prove the base case (usually for the smallest element in the set)
  2. Assume the statement is true for an arbitrary element in the set
  3. Show that the statement is also true for the next element in the set
  4. Conclude that the statement is true for all elements in the set by repeating step 3 until all elements have been covered.

What types of statements can be proven using mathematical induction?

Mathematical induction is typically used to prove statements about natural numbers, integers, or sets with a well-defined ordering. It can also be used to prove statements about recursive functions or algorithms.

What are the limitations of mathematical induction?

Mathematical induction can only be used to prove statements about infinite sets that have a well-defined ordering. It cannot be used to prove statements about continuous sets, such as real numbers. Additionally, it relies on the assumption that the statement is true for the previous element, which may not always be the case.

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