Can You Prove the Convergence of Zeros of a Holomorphic Function?

  • MHB
  • Thread starter Chris L T521
  • Start date
In summary, a holomorphic function is a complex-valued function that is differentiable at every point within its domain. The convergence of zeros of such a function can be proven using the Cauchy integral theorem, which states that the integral of a holomorphic function around a closed curve is equal to the sum of its residues at the singular points within the curve. This can only be proven for functions defined on a simply connected domain. The zeros of a holomorphic function are closely related to its derivatives, as the derivative will also have a zero at any point where the original function has a zero. This relationship, known as the argument principle, has real-world applications in fields such as physics, chemistry, and electrical engineering.
  • #1
Chris L T521
Gold Member
Here's this week's problem.


Problem: Prove that if $f$ is holomorphic in the unit disc, bounded and not identically zero, and $z_1,z_2,\ldots,z_n,\ldots$ are its zeros (with $|z_k|<1$), then


Use Jensen's formula.

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  • #2
No one answered this week's question. Here's my solution below.

Proof: In dividing $f$ by $z^n$, if necessary, we can assume that $f(0)\neq 0$. Now, suppose otherwise in the given statement. Since $-\log x \geq 1-x$ for $x\in (0,1)$, this implies that $-\sum\log|z_n|\rightarrow \infty$ and thus $-\log(\prod_n|z_n|)\rightarrow\infty$ which now implies that $\prod_{k=1}^n|z_k|\rightarrow 0$. By Jensen's formula, for $r<1$, and $z_1,\ldots,z_n$ the zeros in $|z|<r$,
\[\log|f(0)|=\sum_{k=1}^n\log(|z_k|/r)+\frac{1}{2\pi} \int\log|f(re^{i\theta})|\,d\theta.\]
Since $|f|$ is bounded on the unit disc, by letting $r\rightarrow 1$ and exponentiating this formula, there is a constant $M$ so that $|f(0)|\leq e^M|\prod_{k=1}^n z_k|$, which contradicts $f(0)\neq 0$ and $\prod_{k=1}^n|z_k|\rightarrow 0$.$\hspace{1in}\blacksquare$

FAQ: Can You Prove the Convergence of Zeros of a Holomorphic Function?

What is a holomorphic function?

A holomorphic function is a complex-valued function that is differentiable at every point within its domain. It is also referred to as an analytic function.

How can you prove the convergence of zeros of a holomorphic function?

The convergence of zeros of a holomorphic function can be proven using the Cauchy integral theorem. This theorem states that the integral of a holomorphic function around a closed curve is equal to the sum of its residues at the singular points within the curve. If the curve encloses a finite number of zeros, then the integral will be equal to 2πi multiplied by the sum of the residues at the zeros.

Can the convergence of zeros be proven for all holomorphic functions?

No, the convergence of zeros can only be proven for holomorphic functions that are defined on a simply connected domain. This means that there are no holes or gaps in the domain and that any closed curve within the domain can be continuously deformed into a point without leaving the domain.

What is the relationship between the zeros and derivatives of a holomorphic function?

The zeros of a holomorphic function are closely related to its derivatives. If a holomorphic function has a zero of order n at a particular point, then its derivative will also have a zero at that point, but of order n-1. This relationship is known as the argument principle.

Are there any real-world applications of proving the convergence of zeros of a holomorphic function?

Yes, proving the convergence of zeros of a holomorphic function is crucial in many areas of science and engineering, such as physics, chemistry, and electrical engineering. It allows for the analysis and prediction of the behavior of complex systems, such as the movement of fluids or the stability of electronic circuits.
