Can you recommend a modern book on the calculus of variations?

In summary: So according to this definition, a fortiori, a functional has an extremum at ##y_0## if and only if it has an extremum at ##y_0## in both ##\mathcal{C}## and ##\mathcal{D}_1##.In summary, the definition given in the wiki article is different from the one given in the book.
  • #1
Hello guys,

Recently I came across a definition to which I'd never given much thought. I was reading through Gelfand and Fomin's "Calculus of variations" and I read the part about weak and strong extrema, and I really can't manage to wrap my head around these definitions. They can be found in the wiki article (basically a copy-paste of the book):

My immediate thought is that these definitions must be inverted. I mean, if you have:

[tex] \| f-f_0 \|_1 < \delta [/tex]

For certain f's, then, a fortiori you have:

[tex]\| f-f_0\|_0 < \delta [/tex]

For all these f's. So this means that the extremum defined with the 1st order norm should be stronger!

At some point I found a definition that was the exact opposite of the one given in wiki (in some google book), but I can't find it anymore. Maybe I should just sleep on it, but I'd still like your input. While we're at it, can you recommend a good, modern book on the calculus of variations? I find that most books on the subject used as references are pretty dated and often not very clear.
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  • #2
The Wiki article looks wrong. As you noted, it seems to have weak and strong reversed.
  • #3
They aren't reversed. Strong is called strong because it allows a wider class of variations. To be a weak extremum you only have to check differentiable variations.

It would be nice to hear some book recommendations. I love Gelfand Fomin, but a more advanced presentation that assumes more background analysis would be great.
  • #4
I reread the definition again just to clarify to myself whether strong implies weak. And it does. The norms are only used to restrict the class of variations. So the "stronger norm" is more restrictive on the allowed variations. Thus it produces a weaker form of extremum.
  • #5
well it is kind of late but yet..

I would say that extrema in "0-norm" are stronger.

Consider a functional ##J## defined in ##\mathcal{C}[a,b]## (that is the space of all continuous functions from ##[a,b]## to ##\mathcal{R}##) then if ##J## has an extremum at ##y_0 \in \mathcal{C}## certanly it also has an extremum at ##y_0 \in \mathcal{D}_1## if it is defined on ##\mathcal{D}_1##.
I don't know if i was clear enough. I hope so..
  • #6
i forgot to say that ##\mathcal{D}_1## is the set of all smooth functions ##y:[a,b] \rightarrow \mathcal{R}##.
Then obviously ##\mathcal{D}_1 \subset \mathcal{C}##. Let ##y_0 \in \mathcal{D}_1## (##\Rightarrow y_0 \in \mathcal{C}##). Then if ##J## has an extremum at ##y_0## in ##\mathcal{C}##, then it also has an extremum at ##y_0## in ##\mathcal{D}_1## (since ##\mathcal{D}_1## is a subset of ##\mathcal{C}##).

FAQ: Can you recommend a modern book on the calculus of variations?

1. What is an extremum in functional analysis?

An extremum in functional analysis refers to the maximum or minimum value of a functional. A functional is a mathematical mapping from a set of functions to a set of real numbers. Extrema of functionals play a crucial role in optimization problems, where the goal is to find the function that maximizes or minimizes the value of the functional.

2. What is the difference between a local and global extremum?

A local extremum is the maximum or minimum value of a functional within a specific region, while a global extremum is the maximum or minimum value of the functional over the entire domain. In other words, a local extremum is a point where the functional has a higher or lower value compared to its neighboring points, while a global extremum is the absolute maximum or minimum of the functional.

3. How do you find extrema of functionals?

The process of finding extrema of functionals involves using techniques from calculus, such as differentiation and integration. The first step is to take the derivative of the functional with respect to the function it maps to. Then, set the derivative equal to zero and solve for the function. The resulting function will be the one that maximizes or minimizes the functional.

4. Can a functional have multiple extrema?

Yes, a functional can have multiple extrema. However, it is not guaranteed that all extrema will be distinct. For example, a functional might have multiple local extrema at the same value, which would result in only one global extremum.

5. What are some real-world applications of extrema of functionals?

Extrema of functionals have various applications in fields such as physics, economics, and engineering. For example, in physics, extrema of functionals are used to determine the path that a light ray will take through different media. In economics, they are used to find the optimal production level that maximizes profit. In engineering, they are used to optimize the shape of structures for maximum strength and minimum weight.
