Can You Safely "Drink" Liquid Nitrogen?

  • Thread starter whozum
  • Start date
In summary, people have discovered that drinking liquid nitrogen can create a cool effect where the nitrogen vaporizes near your tongue and creates a floating layer of gas, allowing you to blow smoke and impress your friends. However, it is important to only drink a small amount at a time and not actually swallow, as it can cause freezing of the surrounding tissue. Some people have tried it, including a professor in a chemistry class, but it may not be safe and should be approached with caution. There is also a recipe for a drink using liquid nitrogen, but it may not be suitable for physicsforums.
  • #1
Another trick you can do is to "drink" LN2. since the nitrogen will vaporize when it gets near your tongue, it will float on an insulating bed of
nitrogen gas and not actually freeze your tongue. You can then blow smoke
and impress your friends. Important Note: don't drink very much at a time
(just a sip) otherwise your skin temperature may eventually get to freezing,
and also do not actually swallow since your epiglotis will seal off your
esophagus and hold the LN2 long enough to freeze the surrounding tissue.

Where can I see a video of this? Has anyone tried it or know someone who has? What are your thoughts if I said I wanted to try it?
Chemistry news on
  • #2
My professor actually did it when I took gen chem. He then spit it out all over the place.
  • #3
Anyone else have input? I was hoping GCT would make an appearance.
  • #4
Seen this before?

[edit:Its just a page describing how to make a drink called "liquid nitrogen."

I just thought this might not be good for physicsforums?]
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  • #5

FAQ: Can You Safely "Drink" Liquid Nitrogen?

What is liquid nitrogen?

Liquid nitrogen is a colorless, odorless, and extremely cold liquid form of nitrogen gas. It has a boiling point of -321°F and is commonly used in various scientific and industrial applications.

Can you safely drink liquid nitrogen?

No, it is not safe to drink liquid nitrogen. It can cause severe damage to the mouth, throat, and digestive system due to its extremely low temperature. Inhaling liquid nitrogen can also be dangerous and may lead to asphyxiation.

What happens if you drink liquid nitrogen?

If someone were to drink liquid nitrogen, it would cause severe burns and frostbite on the inside of their mouth and digestive system. This can lead to tissue damage, internal bleeding, and in some cases, death.

Is it safe to handle liquid nitrogen with bare hands?

No, it is not safe to handle liquid nitrogen with bare hands. It can cause severe frostbite and tissue damage upon contact. Protective gloves and eyewear should always be worn when handling liquid nitrogen.

What is the proper way to handle liquid nitrogen?

The proper way to handle liquid nitrogen is to use protective gear, such as gloves and eyewear, and to always handle it in a well-ventilated area. It should also be stored and transported in insulated containers to prevent any accidents or injuries.
