Can You Set Energy Conditions in Zwienbach Exercise 6.2?

  • #1
Homework Statement
Let ##\psi_1(x) ## and ##\psi_2(x) ## be two normalized stationary states with energies ##E_1## and ##E_2## , respectively, with ##E_2 > E_1## . At t = 0, the state of our system is

$$\psi(x,0) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(\psi_1(x)+\psi_2(x))$$

Determine the smallest time ##t_0 > 0## for which ##\psi(x, t_0 ) \propto \psi_1(x) − \psi_2(x)##
Relevant Equations
time independence of a stationary state:

$$\psi(x,t+t_0) =e^{\frac{-iE}{\hbar}(t+t_0)}\psi_1(x)=e^{\frac{-iE}{\hbar}t_0}\psi_1(x,t)$$
I can write
$$\psi(x,t_0) =\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(e^{\frac{-iE_1}{\hbar}t_0}\psi_1(x) +e^{\frac{-iE_2}{\hbar}t_0}\psi_2(x))$$

for the second coefficient to be -1 i need ## -1=e^{-i\pi}=e^{\frac{-iE_2}{\hbar}t_0} ## so ##t_0=\frac{\pi\hbar}{E_2}## and the above equation becomes
$$\psi(x,t_0) =\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(e^{\frac{-iE_1\pi}{E_2}}\psi_1(x) -\psi_2(x))$$
and for the first coefficient to be 1 i need a condition on the energy like ##E_1/E_2 = 2## so ##e^{-2\pi i} = 1## but I'm not sure if I can set this condition on the energies.
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  • #2
So what have you tried so far?
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Likes lambdadandbda
  • #3
I updated the thread with a solution attempt, sorry, I'm still new to the forum.
  • #4
lambdadandbda said:
Homework Statement: Let ##\psi_1(x) ## and ##\psi_2(x) ## be two normalized stationary states with energies ##E_1## and ##E_2## , respectively, with ##E_2 > E_1## . At t = 0, the state of our system is

$$\psi(x,0) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(\psi_1(x)+\psi_2(x))$$

Determine the smallest time ##t_0 > 0## for which ##\psi(x, t_0 ) \propto \psi_1(x) − \psi_2(x)##
Relevant Equations: time independence of a stationary state:

$$\psi(x,t+t_0) =e^{\frac{-iE}{\hbar}(t+t_0)}\psi_1(x)=e^{\frac{-iE}{\hbar}t_0}\psi_1(x,t)$$

I can write
$$\psi(x,t_0) =\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(e^{\frac{-iE_1}{\hbar}t_0}\psi_1(x) +e^{\frac{-iE_2}{\hbar}t_0}\psi_2(x))$$

for the second coefficient to be -1 i need ## -1=e^{-i\pi}=e^{\frac{-iE_2}{\hbar}t_0} ## so ##t_0=\frac{\pi\hbar}{E_2}##
That's a step I don't understand. You need to consider both coefficients.
lambdadandbda said:
and the above equation becomes
$$\psi(x,t_0) =\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(e^{\frac{-iE_1\pi}{E_2}t_0}\psi_1(x) -\psi_2(x))$$
This is wrong. Exponentials don't work like that.
lambdadandbda said:
and for the first coefficient to be 1 i need a condition on the energy like ##E_1/E_2 = 2## so ##e^{-2\pi i} = 1## but I'm not sure if I can set this condition on the energies.
You can't. You need a rethink.
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Likes lambdadandbda
  • #5
The trick in such questions is to factor out a global complex phase. In this particular case, I suggest trying to factor out ##\exp(- i E_1 t_0 / \hbar)##.

(Note the use of the ##\propto## in the question. This means that ##t_0## can be earlier than the time at which ##\exp(- i E_1 t_0 / \hbar) = 1## and ##\exp(- i E_2 t_0 / \hbar) = -1##, which is what you were trying to calculate.)
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Likes pines-demon, lambdadandbda and PeroK
  • #6
PeroK said:
That's a step I don't understand. You need to consider both coefficients.

This is wrong. Exponentials don't work like that.

You can't. You need a rethink.
thanks but I don't understand what is wrong, is ##e^{-i\pi}=-1## correct?
  • #7
lambdadandbda said:
thanks but I don't understand what is wrong, is ##e^{-i\pi}=-1## correct?
You left a ##t_0## in the exponential. @PeroK might have been confused by what you are doing, as it is not a standard way to solve this (see my reply above).
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Likes lambdadandbda and PeroK
  • #8
DrClaude said:
You left a ##t_0## in the exponential. @PeroK might have been confused by what you are doing, as it is not a standard way to solve this (see my reply above).
I interpreted the question as requiring:
$$\psi(x, t_0) = k(\psi_1(x) - \psi_2(x))$$Where ##k \in \mathbb C##.
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Likes pines-demon and lambdadandbda
  • #9
DrClaude said:
The trick in such questions is to factor out a global complex phase. In this particular case, I suggest trying to factor out ##\exp(- i E_1 t_0 / \hbar)##.

(Note the use of the ##\propto## in the question. This means that ##t_0## can be earlier than the time at which ##\exp(- i E_1 t_0 / \hbar) = 1## and ##\exp(- i E_2 t_0 / \hbar) = -1##, which is what you were trying to calculate.)
ah thanks! it was simple, factoring out as you said:
$$\psi(x,t_0) =\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}e^{\frac{-iE_1}{\hbar}t_0}(\psi_1(x) +e^{\frac{-i(E_2-E_1)}{\hbar}t_0}\psi_2(x))$$ then ##-1 = e^{-i\pi} ## gives ##t_0 = \frac{\hbar\pi}{E_2-E_1}##
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Likes pines-demon and DrClaude
  • #10
PeroK said:
That's a step I don't understand. You need to consider both coefficients.

This is wrong. Exponentials don't work like that.

You can't. You need a rethink.
sorry, I left a ##t_0## in the equation.
  • #11
lambdadandbda said:
ah thanks! it was simple, factoring out as you said:
$$\psi(x,t_0) =\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}e^{\frac{-iE_1}{\hbar}t_0}(\psi_1(x) +e^{\frac{-i(E_2-E_1)}{\hbar}t_0}\psi_2(x))$$ then ##-1 = e^{-i\pi} ## gives ##t_0 = \frac{\hbar\pi}{E_2-E_1}##
Correct. Note that this is a common trick because the absolute complex phase of a wave function has no physical significance: ##\psi## and ##e^{i \alpha} \psi## (##\alpha \in \mathbb{R}##) are the same physical state (no experiment could distinguish the two). Only relative phases are relevant in quantum mechanics (like the phase between ##\psi_1## and ##\psi_2## in your problem).
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Likes lambdadandbda

FAQ: Can You Set Energy Conditions in Zwienbach Exercise 6.2?

What are energy conditions in the context of Zwienbach Exercise 6.2?

Energy conditions in the context of Zwienbach Exercise 6.2 refer to specific criteria or constraints applied to the energy-momentum tensor within a given physical or mathematical framework. These conditions are used to ensure that the solutions to the equations remain physically meaningful, often related to the conservation of energy and the stability of the system.

Why are energy conditions important in Zwienbach Exercise 6.2?

Energy conditions are crucial in Zwienbach Exercise 6.2 because they help in maintaining the physical realism of the model. They ensure that the energy densities are positive and that the energy fluxes behave in a physically plausible manner. This is important for deriving accurate and meaningful solutions to the exercise.

Can you provide an example of a typical energy condition that might be applied?

A typical energy condition that might be applied is the Weak Energy Condition (WEC), which states that for any timelike vector \( v^a \), the energy-momentum tensor \( T_{ab} \) satisfies \( T_{ab} v^a v^b \geq 0 \). This ensures that the energy density as measured by any observer is non-negative.

How do you verify if a given solution satisfies the energy conditions?

To verify if a given solution satisfies the energy conditions, you need to substitute the solution into the energy-momentum tensor and check if the resulting expressions meet the specified energy conditions. This typically involves mathematical calculations to ensure that inequalities such as the Weak Energy Condition or the Dominant Energy Condition are satisfied.

What happens if the energy conditions are violated in Zwienbach Exercise 6.2?

If the energy conditions are violated in Zwienbach Exercise 6.2, the solutions may become unphysical or non-viable. This could imply scenarios like negative energy densities or non-causal behavior, which are not acceptable in realistic physical models. Therefore, ensuring that energy conditions are met is essential for the integrity of the solutions.
