Can You Solve These Four IQ Test Problems?

  • Thread starter leopard
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    Iq Test
In summary, the conversation revolves around solving various math problems and finding the correct answers. The participants discuss their approaches and ask for clarification on certain problems. The main focus is on problem 1, which is causing difficulty for one of the participants. Additionally, there is a request for the name of a program used in the original post.
  • #1



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  • #2
1. 2

The 2nd square in a row shares all of the 3rd square's lines, not accounting for translation. This leaves 2 as the only choice.

2. 5

This is about having the same number of black squares inside a square and outside. Their numbers are already the same, which means the answer is 5.

The other 2 are obvious...
  • #3
2 and 4?
  • #4
The only one I haven't gotten so far is the 1st one...

Werg22 said:
The 2nd square in a row shares all of the 3rd square's lines, not accounting for translation. This leaves 2 as the only choice.

I don't know if I like that reasoning since it would appear to ignore the 1st square in each row, making the 1st square's content arbitrary. In other words, you could place an irregular pentagon circumscribed by an oval into any square in the 1st column, and your solution would appear to be unaffected.

I don't like my answer (as it's sort of similar), but here's what I've come up with:

The number of distinct white regions in each square is:
4 2 1
8 4 2
3 2 ?
Now, this means from the top row to the middle row, each of the numbers of white regions double. And from the middle to the bottom row, they're log(root 2)'d. So the number of white regions in a given column corresponds to: A, 2*A, log base 2(2*A). Hence, the only viable option is choice #1, because it's the only one with a single white region.

  • #5
Please correct me if one or more of my answers are wrong. I am not completely sure about 1 and 3.

Problem 1:

I believe that the answer is 5.

Problem 2:

The correct answer is 5. Assign each of the squares inside the box a value of -1 and each of the outside ones a value of +1. The rest should be easy :wink:

Problem 3:

I believe that the answer is 2. One reason would be symmetry. 1, 3, and 5 would work because each of them would cause for there to be an equal number of white and red squares, but then it would not be symmetrical.

Problem 4:

I think that the correct answer is 4. Each of the shapes shifts one unit to the right and wraps around to the next line. With the exception of the circles, the shapes cycle through the colors blue, red, and green. In that order. So the next triangle is green. There is a second way to look at this, rather than looking that rows one looks at diagonals. Each way leads to the same answer though.
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  • #6
ƒ(x) said:
Problem 1:

I believe that the answer is 5.

I'm still curious about this problem-- any reason why?

  • #7
ƒ(x) said:
Please correct me if one or more of my answers are wrong. I am not completely sure about 1 and 3.

Problem 3:

I believe that the answer is 2. One reason would be symmetry. 1, 3, and 5 would work because each of them would cause for there to be an equal number of white and red squares, but then it would not be symmetrical.

I'm pretty sure that's right, but not for the reason you give

Imagine the shape folded into a cube. 2 would have the cube cleanly divided half and half into red and white parts.
  • #8
davee123 said:
I'm still curious about this problem-- any reason why?


Let me think...I remember that I went off on some tangent...

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  • #9
Does anyone happen to know what the correct answers are?
  • #10
pretty simple:

1. 2
2. 5
3. 2
4. 4
  • #11
Am sure about 3 and 4, they are pretty simple but don't know about 1, 2.

3- 2nd
  • #12
2 3 4 I thought were pretty obvious.

#1 is kicking my *** though. I call defeat.

here's looking at me, kid:
  • #13
I got:

1. 3

number of straight lines equals number of curved lines

2. 5 or 4

5 with the rule number of black squares inside equals number outside

or 4 with the rule number of squares increases by 2 for each row/column starting from the top/left

3. 2

4. 4
  • #14
Soca fo so said:
1. 3

number of straight lines equals number of curved lines

What exactly do you mean? Counting curved line segments, I get:
2 1 4         4  1 10
4 2 0   OR:  10  2  0
2 1 ?         2  1  ?
And counting straight line segments, I get:
0 1 1         0  2  3
0 4 4   OR:   0  8  4
1 2 ?         3  4  ?

How do the numbers of curved vs. straights relate?

I did just notice an interesting pattern with the number of intersections, though. The number of curved line segments in each square is equal to the number of line *intersections* (not corners). Which would similarly make the answer #3. Huh. I like that answer, actually.

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  • #15
Sorry yeah I should have been more explicit, I meant:

The totals when you add all 9 boxes together, and that e.g the two circles in the first box would be counted as two curved lines.

I think I prefer your explanation for why it would be 3 better though. I'm not sure I really like the answer to the second question being 5 either.


In answer four would the touch of thecircle and oval count as an intersection and would the touch be considered a double touch/intersection?
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  • #16
Soca fo so said:
In answer four would the touch of thecircle and oval count as an intersection and would the touch be considered a double touch/intersection

It either counts as 1 intersection or 0 intersections, I would think-- each of which wouldn't fit as an answer. It would only count as 2 if the two ovals intersected, similarly to the upper-left corner of the problem.

  • #17
I think posting to an old thread is not prohibited, correct me(and delete this post:) ) if I am wrong.

My question to the OP, leonard. I just want to know the name of the program

in the pictures above. I tried to contact him but he doesn't receive PMs.
  • #18
Hey, people, can anyone help me ??

I want to know the name of the program in the OP's post.

  • #19
OK, found it, it's a web page:
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FAQ: Can You Solve These Four IQ Test Problems?

1. What is an IQ test and why is it important?

An IQ test is a measure of a person's intelligence quotient, or their cognitive ability. It is important because it is often used as a tool to assess a person's overall intelligence and potential for success in certain fields or tasks.

2. Are IQ tests accurate in measuring intelligence?

The accuracy of IQ tests is a debated topic among scientists. While IQ tests can provide a general measure of a person's cognitive ability, they do not necessarily reflect all aspects of intelligence and can be influenced by factors such as cultural and educational background.

3. Can IQ be improved through practice and training?

Studies have shown that while IQ scores can improve with practice and training, the extent to which they can be improved is limited. Some experts argue that IQ is largely determined by genetics and cannot be significantly changed through practice.

4. How do IQ tests differ from other cognitive assessments?

IQ tests measure a person's overall cognitive ability, while other cognitive assessments may focus on specific skills or areas of intelligence, such as memory or problem-solving. IQ tests also tend to be standardized and have a set of established norms for comparison, while other assessments may vary in their structure and scoring.

5. Can IQ tests be biased?

There is ongoing research and debate about the potential for bias in IQ tests, particularly in regards to cultural and socioeconomic factors. Some argue that the content and structure of IQ tests may favor certain groups over others. However, efforts are being made to develop more culturally fair and unbiased IQ tests.

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