Can You Solve This Complex Mathematical Expression Without a Calculator?

  • MHB
  • Thread starter anemone
  • Start date
In summary, evaluating an expression without a calculator has several benefits, such as improving mathematical skills, developing critical thinking, and enhancing problem-solving abilities. To evaluate an expression without a calculator, one can use the order of operations (PEMDAS) and break down the expression into smaller parts. It is also helpful to use mental math techniques, double-check work, and use scratch paper. While technology can aid in calculations, it is still important to be able to evaluate expressions without a calculator as it can be useful in various situations.
  • #1
Gold Member
POTW Director
Evaluate, without the help of a calculator the following math expression:

$\dfrac{(2\cdot 5+2)(4\cdot 7+2)(6\cdot 9+2)(8\cdot 11+2)\cdots(1998\cdot 2001+2)}{(1\cdot 4+2)(3\cdot 6+2)(5\cdot 8+2)(7\cdot 10+2)\cdots(1997\cdot 2000+2)}$

Remember to read the to find out how to!
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  • #2
Congratulations to the following members for their correct solutions::)

1. laura123
2. soroban
3. kaliprasad
4. eddybob123

I'll show three solutions here because each of them adopted different approach to solve for the problem.

Here is laura123's solution:
$\displaystyle \begin{align*}\dfrac{(2\cdot 5+2)(4\cdot 7+2)(6\cdot 9+2)(8\cdot 11+2)\cdots(1998\cdot 2001+2)}{(1\cdot 4+2)(3\cdot 6+2)(5\cdot 8+2)(7\cdot 10+2)\cdots(1997\cdot 2000+2)}&=\prod_{k=1}^{999}\dfrac{2k(2k+3)+2}{(2k-1)(2k+2)+2}\\&=\displaystyle\prod_{k=1}^{999}\dfrac{4k^2+6k+2}{4k^2+4k-2k-2+2}\\&=\prod_{k=1}^{999}\dfrac{2(k+1)(2k+1)}{2k(2k+1)}\\&=\prod_{k=1}^{999}\dfrac{k+1}{k}\\&=\dfrac{2}{1}\cdot\dfrac{3}{2}\cdot\dfrac{4}{3}\cdot\dots\cdot\dfrac{999}{998}\cdot\dfrac{1000}{999}\\&
=\dfrac{\cancel{2}}{1}\cdot\dfrac{\cancel{3}}{\cancel{2}}\cdot\dfrac{\cancel{4}}{\cancel{3}}\cdot\dots\cdot\dfrac{\cancel{999}}{\cancel{998}}\cdot\dfrac{1000}{\cancel{999}}\\&=1000 \end{align*}$.

Here is soroban's solution:
We have: $\;\dfrac{(12)(30)(56)(90) \cdots (3,\!1998,\!000)}{(6)(20)(42)(72) \cdots (3,\!994,\!002)} $

$\qquad =\;\dfrac{(3\cdot4)(5\cdot6)(7\cdot8)(9\cdot10) \cdots (1999\cdot 2000)}{(2\cdot3)(4\cdot5)(6\cdot7)(8\cdot9) \cdots (1998\cdot1999)}$

$\qquad =\;\dfrac{\dfrac{2000!}{2!}}{\dfrac{1999!}{1!}} \;=\;\dfrac{2000}{2} \;=\;1000$

Here's kaliprasad's solution:
We have $x(x+3) + 2 = (x+1)(x+2)$

So numerator = $3 * 4 * 5\cdots * 2000$

Denominator = $2 * 3 *4\cdots * 1999$

So ratio = $\dfrac{3 * 4 * 5\cdots * 2000}{2 * 3 *4\cdots * 1999}$ = 1000

FAQ: Can You Solve This Complex Mathematical Expression Without a Calculator?

1. What is the purpose of evaluating an expression without a calculator?

Evaluating an expression without a calculator helps to improve mathematical skills, develop critical thinking, and enhance problem-solving abilities. It also helps to understand the concepts behind the mathematical operations and builds a solid foundation for more complex calculations.

2. How do I evaluate an expression without a calculator?

To evaluate an expression without a calculator, you can use the order of operations (PEMDAS) to solve the expression step by step. This involves simplifying the parentheses, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction in that order.

3. Can I use a calculator to check my answer after evaluating the expression?

Yes, you can use a calculator to check your answer after evaluating the expression. This can help you identify any mistakes you may have made and improve your understanding of the concepts.

4. Are there any tips for evaluating an expression without a calculator?

One helpful tip is to break down the expression into smaller parts and solve them individually. You can also use mental math techniques, such as rounding or estimating, to make the calculations easier. Additionally, double-checking your work and using scratch paper to keep track of your steps can also be beneficial.

5. Is it necessary to evaluate expressions without a calculator if we have access to advanced technology?

While technology can certainly make calculations faster and more accurate, it is still important to be able to evaluate expressions without a calculator. This skill can come in handy in situations where a calculator is not available or when solving more complex equations that cannot be solved with a calculator alone.
