Can You Solve This Exceptionally Challenging IQ Test?

  • Thread starter C0nfused
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    Iq Test
In summary, this IQ test is exceptionally challenging and requires advanced problem-solving skills. It includes a variety of difficult questions and puzzles that test different aspects of intelligence, making it a true measure of one's cognitive abilities. It is designed to push individuals to their mental limits and may not be suitable for everyone. However, those who are able to successfully complete this test can feel a sense of accomplishment and pride in their high IQ levels.
  • #1
Hi everybody,
You have propably found this test while searching the net but I am curious to see if anyone of you can solve any of its questions.Here's the link to it and to some others ,much easier. It's the one for exceptional intelligence.
Do u think it's worth spending some time in it? Of course, it is made clear that this is a test for people with IQ 150+ and so very few people can actually solve some of its questions-I certainly cannot! Anyway, check it out to see how difficult a test can be! The other tests also worth a look.
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  • #2
hard..104 :rolleyes:
  • #3
which one?
  • #4
I took the "ultimate IQ test" and got 134.
  • #5
Ultimate, I didn't bother with the unfolded polyhedrons though...
  • #6
Did you check the test for exceptional intelligence.It's very very difficult! I doubt whether most people can solve 3 or 4 (or i am saying a lot!) of its questions. It's really amazing that the highest score in it is 22 out of 25! I was reffering to this one in the title of the thread. Anyway, the ultimate one is much more "normal" and actually a nice one. With a 134, Icebreaker, i think you can become a member of the high IQ society that owns this site!
  • #7
Ya I saw the invitation, but I thought it was one of those "give me your money and I'll give you a full report" thing and closed it. Oh well.
  • #8
I redid it, and I'm a member now... :smile:
  • #9
Has anyone heard of the Giga Society? They are a group of individuals who have an IQ higher than the top 99.9999999% -ile of general society.

"Assuming the world population is 6 billion, only 6 people could qualify."

"Exclusive and unique requirement to join the Giga society is an intelligence performance at the level of 1 in a 1'000'000'000 on any of the acceptable IQ tests [listed on the page"
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  • #10
Hmm... I got 134 too. Do you think that in question 15 they meant "disk" when they wrote "circle"?
  • #11
122, ooh, I am not special. :(
  • #12
nobody's special...
  • #13
Doh! I finished the 12 minute test, clicked OK, and the window closed! What a waste!
  • #14
lol! :smile:
  • #15
i did the 12 minutes test but got no

  • #16
146 on the 12 minute test in about 10 minutes...just guessed on the ones i didn't know right away instead of going back to look at them, clicking back and forth took too long
  • #17

132 on the Ultimate.
  • #18
damn, you guys are good :smile:
  • #19
DaveC426913 said:

132 on the Ultimate.

so did I. ultimate is extremely hard in some questions... :confused:
  • #20
I just did the 12 mnutes test and got 154. I prefer timed tests I think.
  • #21
I did the timed test but didn't get a result either... I think they don't give you a result if the timer runs out?
  • #22
yeah, i was to lazy to do the unfolding and folding of shapes, i got a 132 as well. Really though, I am not that smart.
  • #23
136 on the ultimate test
135 on the culture fair test

Haven't done the others yet.
  • #24
148 verbal IQ test.

152 culture fair IQ test.
  • #25
Actually, six months ago I took a personal IQ test with a psicologist, and it was two hours each day, every day, for 15 days continuos. The conclusion was, in quote of the written words, "He has a ver high IQ. He has special facilities dealing with numbers, patterns, rules and other logical subjects. His great ability in spatial and creative thinkings, permits him evaluate situations from cause to consequence in a very ethical, diplomatic and logical way." And many other things I am just too tierd to post.
  • #26
i got 136 on the 12 min test. n finished it 25seconds before time.
  • #27
I got like 100 on the timed because I din't care or try :smile:
  • #28
this is not actual test. more like 25 puzzels. I have got like 20 answers of this test.
10 I figure out by myself and 10 pop up on internet from time to time.

6 questions are pretty easy. can be solved on paper. even by 14 years old. which gives IQ like 130.
Lot of them only with knowledge of programming.

requirement is a LOT of free time.
  • #29
Re: Serg (Test for Exceptional Intelligence) - Which 5 of the 25 questions haven't you got a solution for. I may have a solution that you require, as I have solved quite a few myself. Post reply and email address.
  • #30
I have no solution for 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 23, 25.

Primerily I'm interested in 7 and 8.

If you seriose, any time. ;)
  • #31
Re: Serg: Q2 for Q6
  • #32
145 on the ultimate IQ test. Didn't try the others yet, save for the Exceptional IQ one. Got through the first few...and then I was like...hmmm... :smile:

Anyways, I need to come here more often. :biggrin:

PS: Always an interesting topic on these forums. I can stay up all night just reading what everyone's got to say. * Giga Insomnia Society *
  • #33
IQ is the stupidest thing I have ever seen. What is it supposed to measure again?
  • #34
I don't know :confused:

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