Can You Solve This Inelastic Collision Problem Without All Variables?

In summary, the conversation discusses a traffic accident between a car and a truck, with the vehicles skidding off the road after colliding. A witness claims the truck was traveling at 80km/hour, and the person asking for help is unsure how to solve the problem without certain values. They mention trying to use the equation m1v1+m2v2 = (m1+m2)v' but are unsure of what values to use.
  • #1
Hi everyone. I need some help with the following question.

In a traffic accident, a car of mass 2000kg traveling south collided in the middle of an intersection with a truck of mass 7000kg traveling west. The vehicles locked and skidded off the road long a line pointing southwest. A witness claimed that the truck had entered the intersection at 80km/hour.
a) Do you believe the witness? Why/why not?
b) Find the velocities of the vehicles before and after the collisions in the centre of mass frame.
c) How much kinetic energy is lost in the collision?

My problem is that I think there are too many values that are not given. I tried using the equation m1v1+m2v2 = (m1+m2)v' but then I didn't know what values to use for v1 and v'. Does anybody have any thoughts on this?
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  • #2
Yes, it would seem the problem is unsolvable unless you know: the velocity of the car, the velocity of the combined car/truck after collision, or another equation relating these quantities.
  • #3

Firstly, in order to determine if the witness is credible, we would need to know the credibility of the witness and if there were any other witnesses or evidence to support their claim. Without this information, it is impossible to say whether or not the witness is telling the truth.

As for the question of finding the velocities, we can use the conservation of momentum equation, m1v1 + m2v2 = (m1+m2)v', where m1 and m2 are the masses of the car and truck respectively, v1 and v2 are the initial velocities, and v' is the final velocity in the centre of mass frame. We can also use the fact that the vehicles lock and skid off the road in a southwest direction to determine the direction of the final velocity.

However, as you mentioned, there are several values that are not given. We would need at least one more piece of information, such as the final velocity or the coefficient of restitution, in order to solve for the final velocities.

As for the kinetic energy lost in the collision, we would also need to know the initial and final velocities in order to calculate the change in kinetic energy. Without this information, we cannot accurately determine the amount of energy lost in the collision.

In summary, without more information, it is difficult to solve this problem accurately. It would be helpful to have at least one more piece of information, such as the final velocity or the coefficient of restitution, to solve for the final velocities and the amount of energy lost in the collision.

FAQ: Can You Solve This Inelastic Collision Problem Without All Variables?

What is an inelastic collision?

An inelastic collision is a type of collision between two objects in which there is a loss of kinetic energy. This means that after the collision, the objects stick together or deform, and the total kinetic energy of the system is less than before the collision.

What is the difference between an inelastic collision and an elastic collision?

In an elastic collision, the total kinetic energy of the system is conserved, meaning that the objects bounce off each other without any loss of energy. In an inelastic collision, the objects stick together or deform, resulting in a loss of kinetic energy.

What factors affect the amount of kinetic energy lost in an inelastic collision?

The amount of kinetic energy lost in an inelastic collision depends on the materials and properties of the objects involved, as well as the angle and speed at which they collide. Friction, air resistance, and other external forces can also affect the amount of energy lost.

Can the total kinetic energy of a system increase in an inelastic collision?

No, the total kinetic energy of a system cannot increase in an inelastic collision. Some of the initial kinetic energy is always lost in the form of heat, sound, or deformation of the objects involved.

What are some real-life examples of inelastic collisions?

Some common examples of inelastic collisions include a car colliding with a wall, a baseball being caught by a catcher's glove, and a bullet hitting a target. In each of these cases, the objects involved stick together or deform upon impact, resulting in a loss of kinetic energy.

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