Can You Solve This Week's Compact Lie Group Problem?

  • MHB
  • Thread starter Chris L T521
  • Start date
In summary, a compact Lie group is a mathematical group with finite parameters and continuous group operations. Solving a compact Lie group problem is significant for understanding their structure and properties, which have applications in various fields. The approach to solving these problems involves understanding the group's definition and properties, using known theorems and techniques, and using mathematical reasoning. Common techniques for solving compact Lie group problems include using group representations, Lie algebras, and Lie theory. There are also many real-world applications of compact Lie groups, such as in physics, chemistry, robotics, computer vision, and cryptography. They are used to study symmetries and develop efficient algorithms for data processing and pattern recognition.
  • #1
Chris L T521
Gold Member
Here's this week's problem.


Problem: Let $G$ be a non-trivial, connected, compact Lie group. Show that $\chi(G)=0$. (i.e. it's Euler characteristic is zero)


Use the Lefschetz fixed point theorem.

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  • #2
No one answered this week's question. You can find my solution below.

Proof: Let $G$ be a nontrivial compact, connected Lie Group. Since any Lie group can be given a simplicial complex structure, it follows that $G$ is also a polyhedron. Furthermore, since $G$ is compact, it is a space with finitely generated homology. Let $m_e:G\rightarrow G$ denote the left multiplcation map by $e$ (i.e. the identity of $G$). The map $m_e$ is clearly the identity map; furthermore, by one of the definitions of the Euler characteristic, we have that the Lefschetz number of $m_e$ is $\chi(G)$. Now, let $g\in G$ be any non-identity element. Define the map $m_g:G\rightarrow G$ by $g\mapsto gx$ for $x\in G$ (i.e. left multiplcation by $g$). Then $m_g$ has no fixed points in $G$.

Claim: The Lefschetz number of $m_g=0$.
Proof of Claim: Suppose the Lefschetz number of $m_g\neq 0$. Then, since $G$ is a compact polyhedron, we must have a fixed point by the Lefschetz fixed point theorem, which contradicts the fact that $m_g$ has no fixed points. Hence $m_g$ has a Lefschetz number of zero.$\hspace{.25in}\blacksquare$

We now show that $m_g$ and $m_e$ have the same Lefschetz number. Since $G$ is connected and a manifold, it is path-connected. Now, let $\gamma:[0,1]\rightarrow G$ be a path with $\gamma(0)=e$ and $\gamma(1)=g$. Consider the mapping $M:G\times[0,1] \rightarrow G$ given by $M(x,t)=\gamma(t)x$. Then $M(x,0)=m_e(x)$ and $M(x,1)=m_g(x)$. Furthermore, $M$ is continuous. Hence, $m_e$ and $m_g$ are homotopic maps and since Lefschetz numbers are homotopy invariant, they have the same Lefschetz numbers, i.e. $\chi(G)=0$.$\hspace{.25in}\blacksquare$

FAQ: Can You Solve This Week's Compact Lie Group Problem?

What is a compact Lie group?

A compact Lie group is a type of mathematical group that is both compact and a continuous group. It is a group whose elements can be described by a finite number of parameters and whose group operations are continuous functions.

What is the significance of solving a compact Lie group problem?

Solving a compact Lie group problem is significant because it allows us to understand the structure and properties of these groups, which have applications in various fields such as physics, engineering, and computer science. It also helps us to identify patterns and symmetries in mathematical systems.

How do you approach solving a compact Lie group problem?

The approach to solving a compact Lie group problem involves understanding the definition and properties of the group, identifying any known theorems or techniques that can be applied, and using mathematical reasoning and calculations to find a solution.

What are some common techniques used to solve compact Lie group problems?

Some common techniques used to solve compact Lie group problems include using group representations, Lie algebras, and Lie theory. Other techniques may involve using symmetry properties, group actions, and character theory.

Are there any real-world applications of compact Lie groups?

Yes, there are many real-world applications of compact Lie groups, including in physics, chemistry, robotics, computer vision, and cryptography. For example, compact Lie groups are used to study the symmetries of physical systems and to develop efficient algorithms for data processing and pattern recognition.

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