Canada Reveals Missile Defense Shield

In summary, a four billion dollar tetron missile defense shield was deployed over the weekend in Vancouver, British Columbia. The new system, powered by hydro energy, is capable of deflecting ballistic missiles and protecting Western Canada from attacks by countries such as Russia, China, America, North Korea, and possibly Samoa. The deployment occurred while the world was focused on the new Survivor series and has sparked some humorous reactions.
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
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Gold Member
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA-- Canadians will be able to sleep better tonight, knowing that the four billion dollar tetron missile defense shield is now operational. The new system, capable of deflecting ballistic missiles, was quietly deployed over the weekend, while the world was busy watching the new Survivor series.

The Pacific missile shield generator is responsible for protecting Western Canada from ballistic missiles.

The hydro-powered energy shield is capable of resisting airborn missile attacks from the Russians, Chinese, Americans, and other rogue nations such as the North Koreans, and quite possibly the Samoans. [continued]
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  • #2
Lmao :smile:
  • #3
Aw, c'mon. That's just lame.
  • #4
Hmm, is this April Fool's Day?

"...while the world was busy watching the new Survivor series." :smile:
  • #5
Americans?? I thought Canada and America had great relations!
  • #6
Kerrie said:
Americans?? I thought Canada and America had great relations!

I think they're most worried about the Samoans. :biggrin:
  • #7
Kerrie said:
Americans?? I thought Canada and America had great relations!
Well I do anyway--many Canadian friends. But if Canada did install a defense shield, I'm not so sure I'd question it. You folks get too left-wing, and you may be added to the "Axis of Evil." :wink:

Related to Canada Reveals Missile Defense Shield

1. What is Canada's Missile Defense Shield?

Canada's Missile Defense Shield is a system designed to protect the country from potential missile attacks. It consists of radars, satellites, and interceptors that work together to detect and destroy incoming missiles before they reach Canadian territory.

2. When was the Missile Defense Shield revealed?

Canada's Missile Defense Shield was officially revealed by the Canadian government on February 7, 2005, after years of negotiations and discussions with the United States.

3. Why did Canada decide to implement a Missile Defense Shield?

The decision to implement a Missile Defense Shield was made by the Canadian government to enhance the country's defense capabilities and protect its citizens from potential threats. It was also seen as a way to strengthen Canada's relationship with the United States.

4. How does the Missile Defense Shield work?

The Missile Defense Shield operates by using a network of sensors, radars, and satellites to detect and track any potential missile threats. Once a threat is identified, an interceptor missile is launched to destroy it before it reaches Canadian airspace. The system also has the capability to relay information to the United States' missile defense system, providing a larger scope of protection.

5. Has the Missile Defense Shield been tested?

Yes, the Missile Defense Shield has been tested multiple times since its implementation in 2005. These tests have been conducted to ensure that the system is fully functional and able to effectively protect Canada from potential missile threats. The results of these tests have been positive, with the system successfully intercepting simulated missile attacks.

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