Canberra CNF Spectrum File Convert ?

In summary, Chris wrote a program to convert .cnf files to ascii. It is available for download from his website.
  • #1
I want to convert canberrra CNF spectrum file to ASCII file.
I found a program (IAEA, Winspedac) for converting, but program needed sad.dll file. :confused:

Please help me. :cry:

Thanks a lot.
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  • #2
The matter of the 'sad.dll' came up in this thread.
  • #3

I recently registered and this is my first post.
I have a single .exe that converts .cnf to ascii spectrum file if anybody is interested. It is written in assembler (FASM) and has a few custom extras but I could simplify or adapt it if required.


PS Don't tell Canberra Industries!
  • #4
ChrisLeslie said:

I recently registered and this is my first post.
I have a single .exe that converts .cnf to ascii spectrum file if anybody is interested. It is written in assembler (FASM) and has a few custom extras but I could simplify or adapt it if required.


PS Don't tell Canberra Industries!
Hi Chris,

I desperately need something to convert my .cnf spectra into ascii so I would be very interested to try your .exe file.


  • #5
I will see if I can dig it up and send it to you when I get back to work. I havn't used it for a few years so no guarantees it still works for recent .cnf files.

  • #6
OK here it is. It will ask for a .cnf file name and then ask for a .tka file name. The .tka file will be spat out hopefully. .Tka format is an ASCII format with the counts for each channel as a separate line. My program will ask for a "gamma" or "alpha" file. Gamma will expect a 2048 channel .cnf file and alpha will expect a 1024 channel .cnf file. If you have have a different number of channel then the program won't work. However, I can easily change it if you wish.
I cannot gaurantee it to work in all cases because the spectrum itself is buried inside the .cnf file in various locations. There is an algorithm to find the location but only works for the cases of .cnf files that I encounter. Yours may be different.

The Genie2K will also do much the same thing and probably more robustly if you do a "save as" and save as a toolkit file. However, the first two channels are reversed for some reason. The first two channels should be the actual counting time and the live time.


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  • #7
I want to advice you "FitzPeaks Gamma Analysis Software" (You can download it at It's freeware and it allow to convert spectra from a variety of different manufacturer's systems including Genie (.cnf) file format to ASCII and others.
  • #8
I need help in getting the comments included in the Genie2K Sample info section. We entered some data there, however, this data is not readable even in FitzPeaks package. Is it possible to read this data from a 16K gamma spectrum.
  • #9
The file could be corrupted if you can't read it by Genie2K. If so, or otherwise, you could try to read the file into a file editor. Somewhere in there your comments should be readable, if you look hard enough, because the comments should be readable ASCII characters.


  • #10
Thank you very much, We could retrieve the information.
  • #11
I ran across this format and managed to write a python script to extract data from it. The attached zip includes the script as well as a slightly woolly description of the file format.

Hope this helps someone in the future.


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  • #12
Hi ChrisLeslie,

I am running into the same problem as others trying to convert .cnf files to ascii files. We are using 4096 channels and would like to know if we could use your .exe file. Thanks a bunch :-)
  • #13
that's a great help! thanks

splondike said:
I ran across this format and managed to write a python script to extract data from it. The attached zip includes the script as well as a slightly woolly description of the file format.

Hope this helps someone in the future.
  • #14
did somebodyused the Dataaccess.dll in C++ to access tom CAM files
  • #15
Recently I was asked to implement reading of this CNF format.
I've found a very nice program that can read it - FitzPeaks, mentioned in this thread, and wrote email to Jim Fitzgerald who is the author of FitzPeaks. He sent me his code (thank you!) and basing on this code I've added this format to my xylib library. I completely rewrote the code, so I may have introduced some bugs.

The Python code by splondike was also useful, but it reads only one specific version of CNF.

If anyone is interested, source and Windows binaries (simple converting program) are at:
(I'm not allowed to post a link, because it's my first post here).

This library with simple converter (xyconv) are also included in Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora and other Linux distros, but it will take some time until distro maintainers update their version. Canberra CNF has been added in xylib 0.9.
  • #16
Hallo GENIE2000 users,

I use Alpha-Analyst and I am glad that I found some adresses in my cnf-files, which enables me to open it using MS-Excel (VBA-Macro).

Those parameters as:

-livetime,realtime,preset I am msec
-Date of measurement
-sample title, sample ID, sample name, 3 lines sample description, detector ID, unit
-calibration polynom values (offset, slope, slope^2, slope^3)
-1024 K channel data (may be different in gamma specs)

best regards

FAQ: Canberra CNF Spectrum File Convert ?

1. What is a CNF spectrum file?

A CNF spectrum file is a type of file used to store spectral data, which is a measurement of the intensity of light at different wavelengths. It is often used in scientific research to analyze the composition of materials, such as chemicals or biological samples.

2. What is the purpose of converting a CNF spectrum file?

The purpose of converting a CNF spectrum file is to make the data accessible and usable by different software programs or devices. It may also be necessary to convert the file to a different format if the original format is not compatible with a specific analysis or research method.

3. How do I convert a CNF spectrum file?

There are various software programs available that can convert CNF spectrum files. Some popular options include Spectragryph, Origin, and LabVIEW. These programs usually have a user-friendly interface and allow you to convert the file by simply uploading it and selecting the desired output format.

4. Are there any limitations to converting a CNF spectrum file?

Yes, there may be limitations depending on the software used for conversion. Some programs may only support certain file formats, so it is important to check the compatibility before attempting to convert a CNF spectrum file. Additionally, the quality and accuracy of the converted data may vary depending on the software used.

5. Can I convert a CNF spectrum file to a different file format without losing data?

In most cases, yes, you can convert a CNF spectrum file to a different file format without losing data. However, it is always recommended to double-check the converted file to ensure that all data has been accurately transferred. It is also important to use reliable and reputable software to minimize the risk of data loss during conversion.

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