Cancer in general is good for you?

In summary: Yes, this is a possible explanation. There are cells called "stem cells" which are unique in that they can both divide and regenerate other cells. This may be why some people believe that cell division can be considered a kind of "cancer" in some cases.
  • #1
I don't know much biology. But is it possible that Cancer in general is good for you?

My reasoning is that Cancer is actually produced by our body to repair cells, but sometimes our body lose control of the Cancer and it becomes harmful.

Example, smoking causes damage to lunge tissues. Then our body sends Cancer cells to our lungs to repair the lunge tissues but over a large amount of Cancer, our body might lose control of it then the small amount of Cancer turns harmful. (is there a name for good Cancer?)

I know this sounds crazy, can you give me some reasons why this is flawed.
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  • #2

Hi Bright Wang,

Cell division is very important to our bodies and this is how many kinds of old or damaged cells are repaired. This is good. Cancer refers to out-of-control cell division, when the normal regulation of cell division is disrupted and cells start inappropriately dividing. This is bad.

Cancer is not actually produced by our bodies to repair cells. Cell division is the way that cells are replaced, which is a good thing when the cell division is properly regulated.

From the way that you are using the term "cancer", I think that the term for "good cancer" you are looking for is cell division. But really, that is not cancer. Instead of cell division being a kind of cancer (not true), cancer is a kind of cell division (true).
  • #3

JonMoulton said:
Hi Bright Wang,

Cell division is very important to our bodies and this is how many kinds of old or damaged cells are repaired. This is good. Cancer refers to out-of-control cell division, when the normal regulation of cell division is disrupted and cells start inappropriately dividing. This is bad.

Cancer is not actually produced by our bodies to repair cells. Cell division is the way that cells are replaced, which is a good thing when the cell division is properly regulated.

From the way that you are using the term "cancer", I think that the term for "good cancer" you are looking for is cell division. But really, that is not cancer. Instead of cell division being a kind of cancer (not true), cancer is a kind of cell division (true).

True enough.

"Cancer" is a term to describe a mutation that can occur in pretty well any type of tissue of an organism. It may be that some people/animals have more of this mutation than others but it is possible that everyone is carrying it in their genetic make up. It is probable that everyone develops a cancer at some point in their life and their immune system deals with it without the knowledge of the person. However, some people's immune system will not be able to stop the unregulated growth because of weak immunity.

One theory is that the mutation that causes unregulated cell division will surface after several repeated incidence of tissue death. To illustrate this imagine your finger getting scraped. The skin grows back where the scrape was. Then it gets scraped again. Then the skin grows back again. Then it gets scraped, same place, again. Each time the tissue grows back, replacing the damaged tissue, there is a chance that one of the tissue cells replacing the old cells will have the genetic mutation that causes unregulated cell division... or "mal-plasia" (bad growth). Its theorized that this process can hold true for any tissue in the body. So if you have something damaging and killing off the tissues of your liver, then new tissue grows back, then you kill off that tissue in your liver again... and a new layer of tissue grows back, with this repetition you have increased the possibility of developing a cell in that re-growth that has the genetic mutation for mal-plasia.
  • #4

JonMoulton said:
Hi Bright Wang,

Cell division is very important to our bodies and this is how many kinds of old or damaged cells are repaired. This is good. Cancer refers to out-of-control cell division, when the normal regulation of cell division is disrupted and cells start inappropriately dividing. This is bad.

Cancer is not actually produced by our bodies to repair cells. Cell division is the way that cells are replaced, which is a good thing when the cell division is properly regulated.

From the way that you are using the term "cancer", I think that the term for "good cancer" you are looking for is cell division. But really, that is not cancer. Instead of cell division being a kind of cancer (not true), cancer is a kind of cell division (true).

Is it possible that there's a type of cell (like how there's stem cells) that its job is to help repair tissues, in addition to the normal cell division. Theses cells have the properties of bring more nutrients for the damaged part and attract blood vessels. Yes, I really shouldn't use the word Cancer to describe this.
  • #6

Bright Wang said:
Is it possible that there's a type of cell (like how there's stem cells) that its job is to help repair tissues, in addition to the normal cell division. Theses cells have the properties of bring more nutrients for the damaged part and attract blood vessels. Yes, I really shouldn't use the word Cancer to describe this.

Damaged tissues are repaired by cells dividing and filling in the damaged area. This is how tissues are repaired. Unless you are asking about an inflammatory response?

Stem cells are just cells withought a job yet...the unemployed cells. :wink:
  • #7

Its interesting to note that a cancerous cell can mimic the function of a stem cell.

There's been many tumours at an advanced stage taken from a patient that have begun to differentiate into teeth, hair and other parts of the body... all in the same tumour.

The difference is that a stem cell will differentiate in a constructive manner where the mutated cell will divide and differentiate in an erratic way.
  • #8

baywax said:
Its interesting to note that a cancerous cell can mimic the function of a stem cell.

There's been many tumours at an advanced stage taken from a patient that have begun to differentiate into teeth, hair and other parts of the body... all in the same tumour.

The difference is that a stem cell will differentiate in a constructive manner where the mutated cell will divide and differentiate in an erratic way.

Because that I heard there's a lot of Cancer cells in muscle cells. But the muscle is able to some how use it to its own advantage. So muscle cells acutually attract Cancer.
  • #9

Bright Wang said:
Because that I heard there's a lot of Cancer cells in muscle cells. But the muscle is able to some how use it to its own advantage. So muscle cells acutually attract Cancer.

Perhaps you could provide us a link to the study that examines what you heard about.

FAQ: Cancer in general is good for you?

1. What do you mean by "cancer is good for you"?

When we say "cancer is good for you", we are not implying that having cancer is a desirable or positive thing. Rather, we are referring to the concept of hormesis, which suggests that low levels of stress or toxins can have beneficial effects on the body.

2. How can cancer be beneficial to the body?

Studies have shown that low levels of stress, such as those caused by cancer, can stimulate the body's natural defense mechanisms and lead to improved immune function. Additionally, some cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy, can also induce hormesis and have anti-cancer effects.

3. Is there any scientific evidence to support the idea that cancer is good for you?

Yes, there have been numerous studies on the concept of hormesis and its potential benefits for cancer patients. However, it is important to note that these studies are still ongoing and more research is needed to fully understand the effects of hormesis on cancer.

4. Does this mean that we should not try to prevent or treat cancer?

No, the idea that cancer can have beneficial effects on the body does not mean that we should not take steps to prevent or treat it. Cancer is a serious and potentially life-threatening disease, and it is important to continue efforts to prevent it and find effective treatments.

5. Can we intentionally induce hormesis to treat cancer?

While some cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy, can unintentionally induce hormesis, intentionally using hormesis as a treatment for cancer is still in the early stages of research. There is not enough evidence to support its use as a standard treatment at this time, and it should only be done under the guidance of a medical professional.

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