Cannon ejecting bullets moving on surface with friction

In summary: Mg - Mλu sinθ- λucosθ = M(-g - λu sinθ) - λucosθ.Is this what you have got?Diving by λ throughout,we get\frac{-μ}{λ}Mg - μusinθ = M\frac{dv}{dm} - ucosθM\frac{dv}{dm} = \frac{-μ}{λ}Mg - μusinθ + ucosθputting λ = \frac{dm}{dt} ,we getM\frac{dv}{dm} = -μMg\frac{dt}{dm} +( ucos
  • #1
Tanya Sharma

Homework Statement

A cannon of total mass [itex]m_{0}[/itex] is at rest on a rough horizontal road.It ejects bullets at rate of λ kg/s at an angle θ with the horizontal and at velocity u (constant) relative to the cannon .The coefficient of friction between the cannon and the ground is μ .Find the velocity of the cannon in terms of time t .The cannon moves with sliding .

Answer : [itex] v = - μgt + ( ucosθ - μusinθ)ln[\frac{m_0}{m_0-λt}][/itex]

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Taking the positive direction of x-axis towards right ,cannon is to move rightwards and eject bullets leftwards

We define system to comprise of (cannon + bullets)

Let M be the mass of the system at time t
then M-dm be the mass of the system at time t+dt
V be the Velocity of the system at time t
V + dv be the velocity of the system at time t+dt

Now [itex]\frac{dm}{dt}=-λ[/itex]

N=Normal force on the system from ground

Now in the vertical direction

Momentum of the system at time t = 0
Momentum of the system at time t + dt =(M-dm)(0) +(dm)(usinθ)


now [itex]F_{ext}=N-Mg[/itex]



[itex]N=Mg-λusinθ[/itex] (1)

In the horizontal direction

Momentum of the system at time t = MV
Momentum of the system at time t + dt =(M-dm)(V+dv) +(dm)(-ucosθ+V+dv)

dp=MV + Mdv - dmV - dmdv - dmucosθ +dmV +dmdv -MV

dp=Mdv - dmucosθ






Thus,we have

[itex]-μ(Mg-λusinθ) = (-λ)M\frac{dv}{dm}+λucosθ[/itex]

[itex]-μMg + λμusinθ = (-λ)M\frac{dv}{dm}+λucosθ[/itex]

Diving by -λ throughout,we get

[itex]\frac{μ}{λ}Mg - μusinθ = M\frac{dv}{dm} - ucosθ[/itex]

[itex]M\frac{dv}{dm} = \frac{μ}{λ}Mg -μusinθ + ucosθ[/itex]

putting [itex]λ = -\frac{dm}{dt}[/itex] ,we get

[itex]M\frac{dv}{dm} = -μMg\frac{dt}{dm} +( ucosθ - μusinθ)[/itex]

[itex]dv=-μgdt + ( ucosθ - μusinθ)\frac{dm}{M}[/itex]

[itex]\int_{0}^{v}dv = -μg\int_{0}^{t}dt + ( ucosθ - μusinθ)\int_{m_0}^{m_0-λt}\frac{dm}{m}[/itex]

[itex] v = - μgt + ( ucosθ - μusinθ)ln[\frac{m_0-λt}{m_0}][/itex]

which gives

[itex] v = - μgt - ( ucosθ - μusinθ)ln[\frac{m_0}{m_0-λt}][/itex]

This is not the correct answer...kindly help me with the problem ...
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  • #2
Check the signs. If Δm is the mass of a ball, it is positive. Ejecting a ball, the mass of the cannon decreases. If the cannon ejects balls so the rate of the ejected mass is λ, the mass of the cannon is M(t)=mo-λt.

By ejecting a ball, the vertical momentum of the cannon-ball system increases, as the ball gets the vertical velocity vy=usin(θ), and the vertical velocity of the cannon does not change. The change of the vertical component of momentum is Δm*usin(θ)=λΔt*usin(θ) and it is equal to the impulse of the external force: (-Mg+N)Δt, so N=Mg+λusin(θ): ejecting balls increases the normal force.

  • #3
ehild...thanks for the response...Considering what you have suggested , I have amended my work ...but again I arrive at an incorrect answer

Taking the positive direction of x-axis towards right ,cannon is to move rightwards and eject bullets leftwards

We define system to comprise of (cannon + bullets)

Let M be the mass of the system at time t
then M-dm be the mass of the system at time t+dt
V be the Velocity of the system at time t
V + dv be the velocity of the system at time t+dt

Now [itex]\frac{dm}{dt}=λ[/itex]

N=Normal force on the system from ground

Now in the vertical direction

Momentum of the system at time t = 0
Momentum of the system at time t + dt =(M-dm)(0) +(dm)(usinθ)


now [itex]F_{ext}=N-Mg[/itex]



[itex]N=Mg + λusinθ[/itex] (1)

In the horizontal direction

Momentum of the system at time t = MV
Momentum of the system at time t + dt =(M-dm)(V+dv) +(dm)(-ucosθ+V+dv)

dp=MV + Mdv - dmV - dmdv - dmucosθ +dmV +dmdv -MV

dp=Mdv - dmucosθ


[itex]\frac{dp}{dt} = λM\frac{dv}{dm} - λucosθ[/itex]

[itex]F_{ext}=-μ(Mg + λusinθ)[/itex]


[itex]\frac{dp}{dt}=-μ(Mg + λusinθ)[/itex]

Thus,we have

[itex]-μ(Mg + λusinθ) = λM\frac{dv}{dm} - λucosθ[/itex]

[itex]-μMg - λμusinθ = λM\frac{dv}{dm} - λucosθ[/itex]

Diving by λ throughout,we get

[itex]\frac{-μ}{λ}Mg - μusinθ = M\frac{dv}{dm} - ucosθ[/itex]

[itex]M\frac{dv}{dm} = \frac{-μ}{λ}Mg -μusinθ + ucosθ[/itex]

putting [itex]λ = \frac{dm}{dt}[/itex] ,we get

[itex]M\frac{dv}{dm} = -μMg\frac{dt}{dm} +( ucosθ - μusinθ)[/itex]

[itex]dv=-μgdt + ( ucosθ - μusinθ)\frac{dm}{M}[/itex]

[itex]\int_{0}^{v}dv = -μg\int_{0}^{t}dt + ( ucosθ - μusinθ)\int_{m_0}^{m_0-λt}\frac{dm}{m}[/itex]

[itex] v = - μgt + ( ucosθ - μusinθ)ln[\frac{m_0-λt}{m_0}][/itex]

which gives

[itex] v = - μgt - ( ucosθ - μusinθ)ln[\frac{m_0}{m_0-λt}][/itex]

Again I arrive at the same incorrect answer . Where am I getting it wrong??
  • #4
Tanya Sharma said:
Taking the positive direction of x-axis towards right ,cannon is to move rightwards and eject bullets leftwards

We define system to comprise of (cannon + bullets)

Let M be the mass of the system at time t

On system you mean the cannon and the balls still inside.

Tanya Sharma said:
then M-dm be the mass of the system at time t+dt
V be the Velocity of the system at time t
V + dv be the velocity of the system at time t+dt

Now [itex]\frac{dm}{dt}=λ[/itex]

So dm is the mass of a ball. And the time derivative of the mass is dM/dt=-λ.

Tanya Sharma said:
N=Normal force on the system from ground

Now in the vertical direction

Momentum of the system at time t = 0
Momentum of the system at time t + dt =(M-dm)(0) +(dm)(usinθ)


now [itex]F_{ext}=N-Mg[/itex]



[itex]N=Mg + λusinθ[/itex] (1)

In the horizontal direction

Momentum of the system at time t = MV
Momentum of the system at time t + dt =(M-dm)(V+dv) +(dm)(-ucosθ+V+dv)

dp=MV + Mdv - dmV - dmdv - dmucosθ +dmV +dmdv -MV

dp=Mdv - dmucosθ


[itex]\frac{dp}{dt} = λM\frac{dv}{dm} - λucosθ[/itex]

Beware: dm is the mass of a ball. M is the mass of the system. dM/dt=-λ.

M is a variable. dm is not. Keep t as independent variable. M=M0-λt.

[itex]\frac{dp}{dt} = M\frac{dv}{dt} - λucosθ[/itex]

Tanya Sharma said:
[itex]F_{ext}=-μ(Mg + λusinθ)[/itex]


[itex]\frac{dp}{dt}=-μ(Mg + λusinθ)[/itex]

Thus,we have

[itex]-μ(Mg + λusinθ) = λM\frac{dv}{dm} - λucosθ[/itex]

Keeping t as independent variable,
[itex]-μMg - λμusinθ = M\frac{dv}{dt} - λucosθ[/itex]

Substitute M=Mo-λt, collect the terms containing t and integrate.

  • #5
ehild ...what you have suggested is excatly what i did initially...Kindly look at post #1

If i write [itex]\frac{dm}{dt}=-λ[/itex] then N =Mg - λusinθ and again we arrive at the same incorrect result ...

Kindly have a look at the initial post...
  • #6
I suggested to keep the time as independent variable. dm/dt is not -λ. dm≠dM. Please, read my previous post. You integrate with respect to the mass, which is M. dm is the loss of mass when a ball is ejected. dM=-dm. dM/dt=-λ.

Last edited:
  • #7
ehild...Thank you very much :smile:

FAQ: Cannon ejecting bullets moving on surface with friction

1. What is the relationship between the cannon's friction and the speed of the ejected bullets?

The friction between the cannon and the surface will decrease the speed of the ejected bullets. This is because friction acts as a resistive force, causing a decrease in the kinetic energy of the bullets.

2. How does the angle of the cannon affect the motion of the ejected bullets?

The angle of the cannon will determine the initial velocity and direction of the ejected bullets. A higher angle will result in a longer horizontal distance traveled, while a lower angle will result in a shorter distance but a higher vertical displacement.

3. Does the mass of the bullets have an impact on their motion on the surface?

Yes, the mass of the bullets will affect their motion on the surface. A heavier bullet will have a greater inertia, making it more difficult to change its motion. This means that a heavier bullet will travel a shorter distance compared to a lighter bullet with the same initial velocity.

4. How does the type of surface affect the motion of the ejected bullets?

The type of surface will affect the amount of friction between the cannon and the surface, thus impacting the motion of the ejected bullets. A rougher surface will result in a higher amount of friction, causing the bullets to slow down more quickly compared to a smoother surface.

5. Is there a maximum distance that the ejected bullets can travel on the surface?

Yes, there is a maximum distance that the ejected bullets can travel on the surface. This is because as the bullets travel, they continually lose energy due to friction, eventually coming to a complete stop. This maximum distance can be calculated by considering the initial velocity, angle of the cannon, and the coefficient of friction between the cannon and the surface.

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