Canoeing Across a River: Solving for the Optimal Path

  • Thread starter r.meghdies
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In summary, the conversation discusses the correct method for a canoeist to cross a river with a 2km/h current and a width of 400m. The two options are to paddle straight across the river or to paddle diagonally against the current. The correct method is to paddle straight across the river, but at a slight angle to compensate for the current. The conversation also explains the concept of frames of reference and how they can affect the perceived path of travel.
  • #1
I have a test on Friday on my textbook, 2 physics teachers and other people say I'm wrong but i know i still think I'm right. what is the right way to answer this i explained option 2 is correct. please give explanation of why, or examples i can use to prove it.

Thank you!

A canoeist who can paddle 5km/h in still water wishes to cross a 400 m wide river, with 2km/h current. If he steers the canoe perpendicular to the current and wants to get straight across the river how long will it take him to cross the river.

Which way is right? and why?

hypotenuse = 5 km/h
...| (ignore dots)
...| < 2 km/h
^ 400 m & 4.58 km/h
Θ = 22*

option 1:

t = 0.4 km / 4.58 km/h

option 2:
cosΘ = a / h
cos 22 = 0.4 km / h
h = 0.43 km

now i do t= .43km / 4.58 km/h

t= 5.63 minutes
Physics news on
  • #2
Option 1 seems right to me. There is one thing in the question that, as worded, doesn't make sense. Let's say the current is to the right. If he paddles perpendicular to the current (i.e. straight across the river), then he won't make it directly across. The current will sweep him to the right. In order to make it to the point DIRECTLY across the river, he'll have to paddle diagonally, (forwards and to the left) in such a way that the leftward component of his velocity is 2 km/h. So you set up a velocity right triangle with a hypoteneuse of 5 km/h (his total velocity), and a leftward component of 2 km/h. Solving for the forwards component using pythagoras, you indeed get 4.58 km/h, and t = 0.4 km/ 4.58 km/h = 5.23 min

I don't understand option 2 at all. There is no 22 degree angle in this triangle. arccos(2/5) = 66.42 degrees.
  • #3
In order to go straight across, the canoeist must steer into the current at 23.6 degrees (typo 22*?) , such that his ultimate path of travel (and velocity) will be perpendicular to the current . So the total distance he travels is 400m at 4.58km/hr, not 430 meters at that speed. I vote for option 1.
  • #4
Right, PhantomJay. Your angle is the complement of mine. It looks like our answers are consistent. His path makes an angle of 66.4 degrees with the riverbank, or 23.6 degrees with the line of sight straight across the river.
  • #5

look at my can say this is addition of have to travel the hypotenuse in order to overcome the current...if not then you will not end up directly across the river bank.
|< from here to here >|

now if we break it up into the vectors take vector 1...the represents where your heading and where you end let say no swim all of the we do the addition...the current comes in and pushes you all the way down so that you end up directly across from where you far did you swim...the hypotenuse...

another way of explaining it is that let's say we want to swim against current without adding(which would really be subtracting) the vectors. We show that they would have to swim longer by extending the vector to make up for the current...this would show a greater distance traveled and would = the same time as just subtracting the vectors.

Do you still not agree with me? if so teach me...because logically what i say makes sense!


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  • #6
Dude, I think I know what your problem is. You might be having trouble with the idea of relative motion and relativity (in the classical sense).

There are TWO ways of looking at this problem. The first way is from the point of view of an observer on the river bank. In other words, in the *frame of reference* in which the riverbank is at rest. The second method is from the point of view of an observer in the river i.e. in the *frame of reference* in which the water is at rest, and the riverbanks are moving to the left at 2km/h. In physics jargon, we might call the first point of view the riverbank rest frame and the second point of view the river (or water) rest frame

Method 1: Riverbank rest frame

From this observer's point of view, your canoe moves in a *straight line* across the river a distance of 0.4 km at a velocity of 4.58 km/h and the time it takes to reach the opposite side is:

t = 60 min/hr * (0.4 km / 4.58 km/h ) = 5.23 min

Method 2: River rest frame

In this frame of reference, the canoe moves *diagonally* a distance of:

0.4 km / sin(23.6) = .436 km

at a velocity of 5 km/h (be careful here to get the right velocity in THIS frame of reference)

Therefore t = 60 min/hr * (0.436 km / 5 km/h) = 5.23 min

Either way, you get the same answer, but you cannot MIX frames of reference, which is what you did in option 2 when you used the wrong velocity for the diagonal path from the river's point of view. Do you understand?
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  • #7
r.meghdies said: have to travel the hypotenuse in order to overcome the current...if not then you will not end up directly across the river bank.
Just to expand on Cepheid's correct response, you do not travel the hypotenuse; you paddle in that directon, but end up traveling in a straight line of 400m, perpendicular to the current. Your canoe will be 'yawed' 23.6 degrees to the left as you move, but your path of travel will be perpendicular to the current. This is what the problem specifies, perhaps unclearly: You paddle in a direction that will 'steer' you in a perpendicular path. Make sense?

FAQ: Canoeing Across a River: Solving for the Optimal Path

1. How do I properly steer a canoe while crossing a river?

To steer a canoe while crossing a river, use a combination of paddle strokes and body movements. To turn left, paddle on the right side of the canoe. To turn right, paddle on the left side. Use a J-stroke, where you angle the paddle towards the front of the canoe while paddling, to maintain a straight course. Additionally, shifting your weight to one side of the canoe can also help with steering.

2. What safety precautions should I take before canoeing across a river?

Before canoeing across a river, always wear a life jacket and make sure it is properly fastened. Check the weather forecast and avoid canoeing in strong winds or storms. Bring a first aid kit and know how to use it. Additionally, make sure you have enough water and food for the trip, and inform someone of your planned route and expected return time.

3. How do I choose the right canoe for crossing a river?

When choosing a canoe for crossing a river, consider its size, shape, and material. A longer and narrower canoe will be faster and easier to steer, while a shorter and wider canoe will be more stable. A canoe made of durable materials such as fiberglass or Kevlar will be better suited for rougher river conditions. It is also important to consider the weight capacity of the canoe and make sure it can support the weight of you and your gear.

4. What factors should I consider when planning a route for canoeing across a river?

When planning a route for canoeing across a river, consider the river's current, water level, and any potential hazards such as rapids or obstacles. Make sure you have a map or GPS to guide you and plan for rest stops along the way. It is also important to have an emergency plan in case you encounter any unexpected challenges during the trip.

5. How do I safely navigate through rapids while canoeing across a river?

To safely navigate through rapids while canoeing across a river, first, carefully observe the water and look for any potential hazards. Use a combination of paddle strokes, body movements, and communication with your paddling partner to navigate through the rapids. Remember to always keep your weight centered in the canoe and be prepared to bail out or swim to shore if necessary.
