Canonical Commutation Relation Explained?

In summary, the conversation discusses someone's request for an explanation of a concept and a recommendation for a book on the subject. They also ask for clarification on a mathematical expression involving Pauli matrices and the identity equation. The response provides a summary of the steps to solve the equation and suggests using anti-commutation relations and the cyclic property of the trace.
  • #1
what is it? i need to know everything about it. i know it encompasses a lot of different stuff but yea if someone could point me to a book or webpage that explains it thoroughly.

additionally what does this equal


those are pauli matrices btw. alpha is just an arbitrary index to differentiate it from the [itex]\mu[/itex] index
Physics news on
  • #2
  • #3
ice109 said:
additionally what does this equal


some four by four matrix that depends on all the indices. The expression doesn't get any simpler than that... are you sure you don't maybe want the value of the trace? that is easily simplified.
  • #4
ice109 said:
what is it? i need to know everything about it. i know it encompasses a lot of different stuff but yea if someone could point me to a book or webpage that explains it thoroughly.

...probably any QM book. Try Messiah's book.
  • #5
olgranpappy said:
some four by four matrix that depends on all the indices. The expression doesn't get any simpler than that... are you sure you don't maybe want the value of the trace? that is easily simplified.

what's the identity?
  • #6
ice109 said:
what's the identity?

You mean, you want to know the RHS of the equation

You can figure it out by commuting one of the sigma matrices on the far left all the way to the right (using the *anti*commutation relations for sigma matrices) and then using the cyclic property of the trace to get it back. This gives you an equation for the trace of four sigma matrices in terms of the trace of two sigma matrices. The trace of two sigma matrices can be then figured out in the same way. E.g.
Tr(\sigma_i \sigma_j)=Tr(-\sigma_i\sigma_j+2\delta_{ij})=-Tr(\sigma_i\sigma_j)+4

FAQ: Canonical Commutation Relation Explained?

1. What is the canonical commutation relation?

The canonical commutation relation is a fundamental principle in quantum mechanics that describes the relationship between two observables, such as position and momentum. It states that the product of the uncertainties in measuring these observables is equal to or greater than the reduced Planck's constant divided by 2. This means that the more precisely one observable is measured, the less precisely the other can be measured.

2. How is the canonical commutation relation derived?

The canonical commutation relation can be derived mathematically using the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and the commutator of two operators. The commutator is a mathematical operation that describes how two operators "commute" or interact with each other. The resulting equation is the canonical commutation relation, which is a fundamental principle in quantum mechanics.

3. What is the significance of the canonical commutation relation in quantum mechanics?

The canonical commutation relation is significant because it allows us to understand the inherent uncertainty in measurements at the quantum level. It also provides a framework for understanding the relationship between different observables and how they affect each other. This principle is essential for understanding many phenomena in quantum mechanics, such as the uncertainty principle and the quantization of energy levels.

4. Can the canonical commutation relation be violated?

No, the canonical commutation relation is a fundamental principle in quantum mechanics and has been experimentally verified numerous times. It is a mathematical consequence of the uncertainty principle and is a fundamental property of quantum systems. Violating this relation would mean violating the laws of quantum mechanics.

5. How is the canonical commutation relation applied in practical situations?

The canonical commutation relation is used in practical situations to calculate the uncertainties in measuring different observables in quantum systems. It is also used in the development and understanding of quantum theories and models, such as the quantum field theory and the quantum harmonic oscillator. Additionally, it is used in the development of new technologies, such as quantum computing and cryptography, which rely on the principles of quantum mechanics.

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