Canonical form and change of coordinates for a matrix

In summary: I am trying to find the eigenvalues of a 6x6 matrix and I'm lost. Can you help?In summary, my professor has only shown us the various \lambda cases for 2 x 2 matrices and because we can "look everything up on google," we have no book! Unfortunately, my professor has only shown us the various \lambda cases for 2 x 2 matrices and because we can "look everything up on google," we have no book! I know I have to do subtract \lambda on the diagonal, take the determinant, find the roots by solving for the \lambda values, and then plug them in one at a time to find the different \zeta, turn that into a change of coordinates
  • #1
Hello! I'm trying to do some linear algebra. I have an insane Russian teach whose English is, uh, lacking.. so I'd appreciate any help with these I can get here!

Homework Statement

Find the canonical forms for the following linear operators and the matrices for the corresponsing change of coordinates.

Here is the 6x6 matrix:
0 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 1
-1 0 0 -2 0 0

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I know I have to do subtract [tex]\lambda[/tex] on the diagonal, take the determinant, find the roots by solving for the [tex]\lambda[/tex] values, and then plug them in one at a time to find the different [tex]\zeta[/tex], turn that into a change of coordinates, and then depending on case, put it into canonical form...

Unfortunately, my professor has only shown us the various [tex]\lambda[/tex] cases for 2 x 2 matrices and because we can "look everything up on google," we have no book!

A couple questions: Can I simplify this or maybe turn it into the Jordan block? Can anyone point me to a similar problem, even? I've been searching for two hours, have searched through three free linear algebra e-books and am still lost =(

Thanks so much!
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  • #2
Welcome to PF!

Hi jejaques! Welcome to PF! :smile:

(have a lambda: λ :wink:)
jejaques said:
Unfortunately, my professor has only shown us the various [tex]\lambda[/tex] cases for 2 x 2 matrices and because we can "look everything up on google," we have no book!

Just put -λ down the diagonal, and calculate the determinant :smile:
  • #3

tiny-tim said:
Hi jejaques! Welcome to PF! :smile:

(have a lambda: λ :wink:)

Just put -λ down the diagonal, and calculate the determinant :smile:

tiny-tim said:
Hi jejaques! Welcome to PF! :smile:

(have a lambda: λ :wink:)

Just put -λ down the diagonal, and calculate the determinant :smile:

Hello, and thanks for the welcome...

Yeah, my reasoning was in my "attempt at a solution" section. I subtracted [tex]\lambda[/tex] from the diagonal and did the determinant; I just thought it was too much tedious stuff to post here, as I'm having problems further on.

The determinant is [tex]\lambda[/tex]6 - 2[tex]\lambda[/tex]3 + 1

To factor roots, I set the determinant equal to zero and factored, as follows:
0 = ([tex]\lambda[/tex]3 - 1)2
= ([tex]\lambda[/tex]-1)([tex]\lambda[/tex]5 + [tex]\lambda[/tex]4 + [tex]\lambda[/tex]3 - [tex]\lambda[/tex]2 - [tex]\lambda[/tex] - 1)
= ([tex]\lambda[/tex] - 1)([tex]\lambda[/tex] - 1)([tex]\lambda[/tex]4 + 2[tex]\lambda[/tex]3 + 3[tex]\lambda[/tex]2 + 2[tex]\lambda[/tex] + 1)
= ([tex]\lambda[/tex] - 1)2([tex]\lambda[/tex]2 + [tex]\lambda[/tex] + 1)2

It has identical real roots at... [tex]\lambda1[/tex] = [tex]\lambda2[/tex] = 1, and identical complex roots at [tex]\lambda3[/tex] = [tex]\lambda4[/tex] = 1/2 + [tex]\sqrt{3}[/tex]i[tex]/[/tex]2 and [tex]\lambda5[/tex] = [tex]\lambda6[/tex] = 1/2 - [tex]\sqrt{3}[/tex]i[tex]/[/tex]2

But the issue is, with a 6 x 6 matrix, which case should I evaluate and how should I go about finding the eigenvectors?

I know complex roots evaluate to the canonical form A[tex]\bar{}[/tex]:
[tex]\alpha[/tex] [tex]\beta[/tex] 0
-[tex]\beta[/tex] [tex]\alpha[/tex] 0
0 0 1

But do I need to evaluate each of the positive and negative complex roots separately, and where do I throw in the [tex]\lambda1[/tex] = [tex]\lambda2[/tex] canonical form in that big 6 x 6?

  • #4
Hey, buddy are you in sergey nikitin class at ASU?

Related to Canonical form and change of coordinates for a matrix

1. What is the purpose of finding the canonical form of a matrix?

The canonical form of a matrix is a simplified version of the original matrix that makes it easier to perform computations and analyze properties of the matrix. It also allows for easier comparison and classification of matrices.

2. How is the canonical form of a matrix determined?

The canonical form of a matrix is determined by performing a series of elementary row and column operations on the original matrix. These operations include swapping rows or columns, multiplying a row or column by a scalar, and adding a multiple of one row or column to another.

3. Can the canonical form of a matrix be unique?

No, the canonical form of a matrix is not always unique. Depending on the operations performed, different matrices may have the same canonical form. However, the type of canonical form (e.g. row echelon form, reduced row echelon form) is always unique.

4. How does change of coordinates affect a matrix?

Change of coordinates involves transforming the basis vectors of a vector space. This affects the representation of a matrix in that space, as the basis vectors are used to define the columns of the matrix. Therefore, a change of coordinates will result in a different matrix representation.

5. What is the relationship between the canonical form and change of coordinates for a matrix?

The canonical form of a matrix is dependent on the chosen basis vectors for a vector space. Therefore, a change of coordinates will result in a different canonical form for the same matrix. Conversely, finding the canonical form of a matrix can help determine the appropriate change of coordinates for a specific problem.

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