Canonical orientation on level set submanifolds?

In summary, the conversation discusses the problem of determining the orientability of a submanifold S=F-1(c) in an oriented manifold M, where F:M-->N is a smooth map and c is a regular value of F. It is concluded that the submanifold is orientable if the normal bundle of S is trivial, and a global basis can be obtained from a basis for the tangent bundle at c. However, when M is not orientable, a counterexample is provided to show that S may not be orientable.
  • #1
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There's a problem here from past years qualifiers exam that says

"Show that if M is an oriented manifold,F:M-->N is smooth, and c is a regular values of F, then S:=F-1(c) is an orientable submanifold of M."

I know that in the case where N=R, then there is a canonical transverse vector field to S given by grad(F), so this determines an orientation on S. But what about the general case? To generalize the above "argument", we would need dim(N) independant vector fields along S (or sections of the normal bundle of S if you prefer) that are transverse to S... where do we find those??
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  • #2
Mmh, I think I have figured this out... Basically, the key in the "classical argument" (the case N=R) is that grad(F)|_S gives a global section of the 1-dimensional normal bundle of S... that is to say, a trivialization of nu_S.

More generally, if S is a submanifold (embedded or immersed) of an oriented manifold M, then S is orientable whenever the normal bundle of S is trivial. (Just take a global frame (E_1,...,E_k) of the normal bundle and we define the orientation of T_pS to be the orientation determined by a basis which completes the frame (E_i(p)) to a positively oriented basis of T_pM.)

In particular, in the case where S=F-1(c), c a regular value, then [tex]F_*:\nu_S\rightarrow T_cN[/tex] is a bundle map, hence triviality of the normal bundle..
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  • #3
quasar987 said:
There's a problem here from past years qualifiers exam that says

"Show that if M is an oriented manifold,F:M-->N is smooth, and c is a regular values of F, then S:=F-1(c) is an orientable submanifold of M."

I know that in the case where N=R, then there is a canonical transverse vector field to S given by grad(F), so this determines an orientation on S. But what about the general case? To generalize the above "argument", we would need dim(N) independant vector fields along S (or sections of the normal bundle of S if you prefer) that are transverse to S... where do we find those??
Your idea seems right. I think the inverse image of the tangent bundle at c is trivial so the normal bundle over S is trivial and is thus orientable. I am just thinking that the inverse image of any bundle over a point is trivial and the derivative is a bundle map from the normal bundle of S to the tangent bundle at c. I guess a global basis would be the inverse image of a basis for the tangent bundle at c.
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  • #4
lavinia said:
I guess a global basis would be the inverse image of a basis for the tangent bundle at c.

The question then follows up with asking if the result remains true when the ambiant manifold M is not orientable. In other words, is every level set submanifold orientable? I assume the answer is no, but what is a counterexample?

I tried RP^2 in RP^4 as the preimage of 0 by the map f:RP4-->R:[x1:...:x5]-->1-(x12+...+x32), but 0 is not a regular value of that map!

Any idea?
  • #5
quasar987 said:

The question then follows up with asking if the result remains true when the ambiant manifold M is not orientable. In other words, is every level set submanifold orientable? I assume the answer is no, but what is a counterexample?

I tried RP^2 in RP^4 as the preimage of 0 by the map f:RP4-->R:[x1:...:x5]-->1-(x12+...+x32), but 0 is not a regular value of that map!

Any idea?

I'm not sure what you are asking but here is an example to show you why I am confused.

Take a non-orientable manifold Cartesian product the circle and map this Cartesian product onto the circle by projection. Then each level set is a non-orientable manifold.
  • #6
lavinia, recall that the original question was

"Show that if M is an oriented manifold,F:M-->N is smooth, and c is a regular values of F, then S:=F-1(c) is an orientable submanifold of M."

The question then asks

"Is this still true if M is not orientable?"

By your clever counter-example, the answer is no! :) Thanks!

Related to Canonical orientation on level set submanifolds?

1. What is the definition of canonical orientation on level set submanifolds?

Canonical orientation on level set submanifolds refers to a particular orientation of a submanifold that is defined by the level set of a smooth function. It is determined by the direction in which the function increases.

2. How is the canonical orientation on level set submanifolds related to differential geometry?

The concept of canonical orientation on level set submanifolds is closely related to the study of differential geometry. It is used to define a natural orientation on a given submanifold, which is a fundamental concept in this field.

3. Can the canonical orientation on level set submanifolds change?

No, the canonical orientation on level set submanifolds is uniquely determined by the level set of the smooth function and does not change. However, the orientation of the submanifold itself can change if it is rotated or reflected.

4. What is the significance of canonical orientation on level set submanifolds?

The canonical orientation on level set submanifolds is important in various areas of mathematics and physics, such as differential geometry, topology, and quantum mechanics. It allows for the definition of natural orientations on submanifolds, which are essential for many mathematical constructions and physical theories.

5. How is the canonical orientation on level set submanifolds used in practical applications?

The concept of canonical orientation on level set submanifolds has practical applications in fields such as computer graphics and image processing. It is used to define the orientation of surfaces and objects, which is important for rendering and analysis purposes.

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