Capacitance of capacitor with unevenly charged plates

In summary, the question is about finding the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor with unequal charges on the plates. After discussing various scenarios, it is determined that the outermost surfaces of the plates will have equal charges and the innermost surfaces will have opposite charges. This is based on Gauss Law and the fact that the electric field inside a conductor in electrostatic condition is zero.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I'm almost embarrassed to post this, but insofar none of my searches online have yielded any results. My question is simply, given a parallel plate capacitor (for the purpose of simplicity let's assume that there are no edge effects) whose constituent plates have charge +aQ and -bQ (a and b are some random number) respectively, what is the capacitance?

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

My main problem lies in determining what the 'Q' term in the equation above is. Is it simply an average of both charges? (Both plates have the same area in this example) All examples I have seen so far assume both plates have the same charge, and I've not been able to find an example where this is not the case. Thank-you in advance.
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  • #2
different charges?

can a PPC have different charges on each plate. I don't think so. a must equal b. if one plate is +aQ then the other has to be -aQ. therefore your capacitance should be C=aQ/V
  • #3
Are we sure about this? "can a PPC have different charges on each plate. I don't think so"

Lets assume I have a capacitor and charged it with a battery. Then I touched one lead of the cap to ground. Would the charges on the plates still be equal? Just asking.
  • #4
don't you have to connect both leads to discharge a capacitor?
  • #5
I am not sure. I recall a electrostatic problem where there are two spheres with different charges. Isn't this like a capacitor with different charges on the plates? I am just asking. I don't know the answer.
  • #6
Hello PedroB

When charged conducting plates are placed parallel to each other ,the two outermost surfaces get equal charges and the facing surfaces get equal and opposite charges i.e let plate A has charge Q1 and plate B has charge Q2 then the charge on outermost surfaces of both the plates will be (Q1+Q2)/2 .The innermost surfaces will have charge (Q1-Q2)/2 and -(Q1-Q2)/2 .

To get this result use Gauss Law and the fact that the electric field inside a conductor in electrostatic condition is zero.

Hope this helps .
  • #7
Tanya Sharma said:
Hello PedroB

When charged conducting plates are placed parallel to each other ,the two outermost surfaces get equal charges and the facing surfaces get equal and opposite charges i.e let plate A has charge Q1 and plate B has charge Q2 then the charge on outermost surfaces of both the plates will be (Q1+Q2)/2 .The innermost surfaces will have charge (Q1-Q2)/2 and -(Q1-Q2)/2 .

To get this result use Gauss Law and the fact that the electric field inside a conductor in electrostatic condition is zero.

Hope this helps .

i agree with this.

FAQ: Capacitance of capacitor with unevenly charged plates

1. What is capacitance?

Capacitance is a measure of a capacitor's ability to store an electrical charge. It is represented by the letter C and is measured in units of farads (F).

2. How is capacitance calculated?

The capacitance of a capacitor with evenly charged plates can be calculated using the formula C = Q/V, where Q is the charge stored on each plate and V is the potential difference between the plates. However, for a capacitor with unevenly charged plates, the calculation becomes more complex and involves taking into account the distribution of charge on each plate.

3. What factors affect the capacitance of a capacitor with unevenly charged plates?

The capacitance of a capacitor with unevenly charged plates is affected by the area of the plates, the distance between the plates, the dielectric constant of the material between the plates, and the distribution of charge on each plate.

4. How does the capacitance change if the distance between the plates is increased?

If the distance between the plates of a capacitor with unevenly charged plates is increased, the capacitance will decrease. This is because the electric field between the plates becomes weaker, resulting in a lower ability to store charge.

5. Can the capacitance of a capacitor with unevenly charged plates be increased?

Yes, the capacitance of a capacitor with unevenly charged plates can be increased by increasing the area of the plates, using a material with a higher dielectric constant, or by adjusting the distribution of charge on each plate. Additionally, connecting multiple capacitors in parallel can also increase the overall capacitance.
