Capacitance with smoothly varying dielectric in 1D

In summary, the conversation discusses two methods for finding the capacitance of a parallel plate structure with a spatially varying dielectric. The first method involves solving for the potential using Laplace's equation and boundary conditions, while the second method uses an averaged permittivity. The first method yields a lower capacitance value, and the second method may be considered more accurate. However, a simpler method is proposed that yields the same result as the first method.
  • #1
Louis Fry
Dear all,

I am trying to find the capacitance of a parallel plate structure that comprises a spatially varying (linear) dielectric in one dimension. I have two methods of solving this which give different answers, and I am not sure which is correct.

I consider the dielectric region to be free of excess charge, and therefore I took the governing equation to be [tex] \nabla \cdot \varepsilon \nabla \varphi = 0 [/tex] which can be expanded to read [tex] \nabla^2 \varphi + \nabla \varphi \cdot \frac{\nabla \varepsilon}{\varepsilon} = 0 [/tex] which in one dimension then reads [tex] \frac{d^2 \varphi}{dx^2} + \frac{1}{\varepsilon} \frac{d \varphi}{dx} \frac{d \varepsilon}{dx} = 0 [/tex] Now I choose the functional form of [itex] \varepsilon (x) [/itex], where I have split the dielectric into three regions between [itex]x_A,x_{A'},x_{B'}[/itex] and [itex]x_B[/itex], shown in the attached image 'inhomogeneous_dielectric.png'. I choose the permittivity to be of the form [tex] \varepsilon(x) = \varepsilon_0 (ax + b) [/tex] in the regions from [itex]x_A[/itex] to [itex]x_{A'}[/itex] and [itex]x_{B'}[/itex] to [itex]x_B[/itex], and constant between [itex]x_{A'}[/itex] and [itex]x_{B'}[/itex] (the middle region). [itex]a,b[/itex] are different for each side region.


In the region of constant permittivity, I use Laplace's equation as usual [tex] \frac{d^2 \varphi}{dx^2} = 0 [/tex] which between [itex]x_{A'}[/itex] and [itex]x_{B'}[/itex] gives the expected solution of the form [tex] \varphi_{A'B'}(x) = cx + d [/tex] where [itex]c[/itex] and [itex]d[/itex] can be determined by imposing continuity of the potential later on.

Now looking at the side regions, I get [tex] \frac{1}{\varepsilon} \frac{d \varepsilon}{dx} = \frac{1}{\varepsilon_0 (ax + b)} \frac{d}{dx}(\varepsilon_0 (ax + b)) = \frac{a}{ax + b} [/tex] which leads to a differential equation of the form [tex] \frac{d^2 \varphi}{dx^2} + \frac{a}{ax + b} \frac{d \varphi}{dx} = 0 [/tex]

At first glance, it seems that the most obvious solution is of the form [tex] \varphi_{AA'}(x) = \pm \ln(ax + b)[/tex] however this is not very useful since there is no way of controlling the shape of this equation to match the potential at the outer boundaries [itex]\varphi_A[/itex] and [itex]\varphi_B[/itex] ([itex] V = \varphi_B-\varphi_A [/itex]). Then I notice that a more general solution is in fact [tex]\varphi_{AA'}(x) = c_1 \ln(ax + b) + c_2[/tex] which is now in a form that can be controlled.

This leads to six unknowns, which can be solved using six boundary conditions, ie that the potentials match at the outer and inner boundaries, and that the potential is smooth across each inner boundary. This appears to work ok, the result is shown in 'potential_profile.png' for [itex]V = 1V[/itex].


Then I calculate the electric flux density in each region using [tex] D(x) = -\varepsilon(x)\frac{d\varphi}{dx} [/tex] which yields a constant flux density throughout the structure from points A to B. This suggests this is the correct solution for the potential. The charge on each plate is then determined from [itex]Q = AD[/itex] where [itex]A[/itex] is the junction area.

Now for the two methods of calculating the capacitance:

1 - Using the flux density and potentials in each region:

The total capacitance is described as [tex] \frac{1}{C_t} = \frac{1}{C_1} + \frac{1}{C_2} + \frac{1}{C_3} [/tex] where the capacitance in each region is calculated as [tex] C_i = A \frac{D}{V_i} [/tex] where each of [itex] V_i [/itex] are the potential differences across each region, calculated using the potential solution in each region.

Using this method I get [itex] C_t/A \approx 7.67 \times 10^{-11} \mathrm{F.m^{-2}} [/itex] which gives an effective dielectric constant of [itex] \varepsilon_{eff} = C_t (x_B - x_A)/A \approx 8.66 \varepsilon_0 [/itex]

2 - Using a 'macroscopically averaged' permittivity:

Using this method avoids solving for the potential, however the result obtained is a little larger. The average dielectric constant throughout the structure is computed as [tex] \varepsilon_{avg} = \frac{1}{x_B - x_A} \int_{x_A}^{x_B} \varepsilon(x) dx [/tex] which with the present values gives [itex] \varepsilon_{avg} = 9\varepsilon_0. [/itex] I then calculate the capacitance as [tex] C_t = \varepsilon_{avg} \frac{A}{x_B - x_A} [/tex] which gives the result [itex] C_t/A \approx 7.97 \times 10^{-11} \mathrm{F.m^{-2}} [/itex] which is arguably similar to the above method, but slightly larger.

I would go with method 1, since the whole system is solved in that case, however I don't see where the discrepancy comes from. Does anyone have any ideas?

Thanks for reading!
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  • #2
You don't need to go through all this. Consider a slab of thickness dx. Its capacitance is
##dC = \frac{\epsilon(x) A}{dx}##. It's in series with a whole bunch of other slabs like it. What's the total capacitance of the series combination?
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Likes Louis Fry
  • #3
Thank you for your reply kuruman, yes using this method I get exactly the same as method 1. The potential was important to me for another reason, I went from there in my calculations but did not think of this much simpler way. Cheers!

Related to Capacitance with smoothly varying dielectric in 1D

1. What is capacitance with smoothly varying dielectric in 1D?

Capacitance with smoothly varying dielectric in 1D is a concept in physics and electrical engineering that describes the ability of a material to store electrical charge when subjected to an electric field. It involves a dielectric material with a smoothly varying permittivity along one dimension.

2. How is capacitance with smoothly varying dielectric in 1D calculated?

The capacitance with smoothly varying dielectric in 1D can be calculated using the formula C = εA/d, where ε is the permittivity of the material, A is the area of the dielectric, and d is the distance between the plates. However, for a smoothly varying dielectric, the permittivity may change along the length of the material and the calculation becomes more complex.

3. What are some examples of materials with smoothly varying dielectric in 1D?

Some examples of materials with smoothly varying dielectric in 1D include graded index optical fibers, which have a varying refractive index along their length, and layered dielectric structures, such as capacitors with dielectric layers of varying thickness.

4. How does capacitance with smoothly varying dielectric in 1D affect circuit performance?

The presence of capacitance with smoothly varying dielectric in 1D can impact the performance of a circuit by affecting the electric fields and charges within the circuit. It can also introduce additional capacitance values that need to be taken into account in circuit analysis and design.

5. What are the practical applications of capacitance with smoothly varying dielectric in 1D?

Capacitance with smoothly varying dielectric in 1D has practical applications in various fields, including electronics, optics, and materials science. It is used in the design of capacitors, optical fibers, and other electronic components. It also plays a role in the performance of devices such as solar cells, sensors, and transistors.

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