Capacitor Charge Calculation with Dielectric Insertion

In summary: There is no simple answer, you would need to calculate the electric field and then use the equation for capacitance to find the new charge.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A capacitor connected to a battery initially holds a charge of +q on its positive plate and -q on its negative plate. The electric field between the plates is initially E. A dielectric material is then inserted that polarizes in such a way as to produce an electric field of -0.30E (where the - sign indicates that this field opposites that of E). Determine the new charge stored on the positive plate.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I did my work on Word using the equation tool just to make the notation format easier to read.

Is my logic correct here?

Any help would be greatly appreciated! :)
Physics news on
  • #2
Callix said:

Homework Statement

A capacitor connected to a battery initially holds a charge of +q on its positive plate and -q on its negative plate. The electric field between the plates is initially E. A dielectric material is then inserted that polarizes in such a way as to produce an electric field of -0.30E (where the - sign indicates that this field opposites that of E). Determine the new charge stored on the positive plate.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I did my work on Word using the equation tool just to make the notation format easier to read.

Is my logic correct here?

Any help would be greatly appreciated! :)

The equation in red is the Coulomb force between two equal point charges. It is not electric field, and it is irrelevant to this problem.
  • #3
ehild said:
The equation in red is the Coulomb force between two equal point charges. It is not electric field, and it is irrelevant to this problem.
Oh duh, it's just q from the source, not q^2

Could we solve it using the equation for capacitance?
  • #4
What i
Callix said:
Oh duh, it's just q from the source, not q^2

Could we solve it using the equation for capacitance?
What do you mean?
  • #5
ehild said:
What i

What do you mean?

Well since it's capacitor maybe we can use C=Q/V=Q/Ed?
  • #6
Callix said:
Well since it's capacitor maybe we can use C=Q/V=Q/Ed?
That is correct. But the problem is not clear. Is the capacitor connected to the battery during the whole experiment?
  • #7
ehild said:
That is correct. But the problem is not clear. Is the capacitor connected to the battery during the whole experiment?
  • #8
Callix said:
Does the electric field change between the plates then when the dielectric material is inserted?
  • #9
ehild said:
Does the electric field change between the plates then when the dielectric material is inserted?

The field is the same between the empty space, but is different inside the dielectric, correct?
  • #10
No, the field is voltage over the distance between the plates, neither of them changes.
  • #11
ehild said:
No, the field is voltage over the distance between the plates, neither of them changes.

Okay, so where can I go from there?
  • #14
Can anyone else help me with this? =/
  • #15
Yes, the new charge is Q'=EεA. But you do not know ε.
The field polarizes the dielectric and dipole chains appear. The ends of the chains neutralize some of the surface charges. How much do they neutralize in this case? It was given, that the dipoles would make a field of 0.3 E, opposite to the original.
  • #16
ehild said:
Yes, the new charge is Q'=EεA. But you do not know ε.
The field polarizes the dielectric and dipole chains appear. The ends of the chains neutralize some of the surface charges. How much do they neutralize in this case? It was given, that the dipoles would make a field of 0.3 E, opposite to the original.

Does this image depict what you're describing correctly?
  • #17
  • #18
  • #19
ehild said:

Okay, so then would the new value for ε be the dielectric constant?
So κ=Eo/E = E/0.7E=1.4286?
  • #20
The new electric field is the same as the initial one was, U/d. See Post #10.
  • #21
ehild said:
The new electric field is the same as the initial one was, U/d. See Post #10.

Okay, got it. So voltage is the same because of the presence of the battery and obviously separation does not change, thus field is constant. So how can I find the new charge if we don't know ε?
  • #22
Your sketch in #16 suggests you are assuming that the added material occupies less than the full gap between the plates? However, this fraction doesn't seem to be specified.
  • #23
You know that E=E1-E2, as your picture shows. E2=0.3E. The new surface charge corresponds to the field E1, σ'=ε0E1. So what is σ' in terms of σ?
  • #24
NascentOxygen said:
Your sketch in #16 suggests you are assuming that the added material occupies less than the full gap between the plates? However, this fraction doesn't seem to be specified.

That's true. I made the assumption because all of the examples that our professor has mentioned has been when there is some separation between the two. But the question never suggests that there is any.

ehild said:
You know that E=E1-E2, as your picture shows. E2=0.3E. The new surface charge corresponds to the field E1, σ'=ε0E1. So what is σ' in terms of σ?

  • #25
I asked the relation between the new and the initial surface charges.
  • #26
ehild said:
I asked the relation between the new and the initial surface charges.
Oh okay, well if

Or would it be by a factor of 0.3?
  • #27
Callix said:
Oh okay, well if

Or would it be by a factor of 0.3?
What do you think, is the new charge more or less than the initial one? Why we use dielectrics in the capacitors? To increase their ability to store more charge.
Look at your picture. The actual E is E = E1-E2, and E2=0.3 E.
  • #28
ehild said:
What do you think, is the new charge more or less than the initial one? Why we use dielectrics in the capacitors? To increase their ability to store more charge.
Look at your picture. The actual E is E = E1-E2, and E2=0.3 E.

Right, so then it would be σ'=0.7σ=0.7ε0E1.
  • #29
Is the new charge less than the initial one?
  • #30
ehild said:
Is the new charge less than the initial one?

Well logically I would suppose not then, since C=q/V and we already know V is constant because of the battery, so q must change. Adding dielectrics help increase C, so that means q increases as well.

So before, were you saying that E=E1-(-E2)? Or E=E1+(-E2), because it seems like you're hinting that it's the first, which in that case it would be by a factor of 1.7.
  • #31
Callix said:
Well logically I would suppose not then, since C=q/V and we already know V is constant because of the battery, so q must change. Adding dielectrics help increase C, so that means q increases as well.

So before, were you saying that E=E1-(-E2)? Or E=E1+(-E2), because it seems like you're hinting that it's the first, which in that case it would be by a factor of 1.7.
It is the first, E1=E+E2, but E2 is the field of the dipoles, which is 0.3E, if the E2 means the magnitude of the dipole field.
  • #32
ehild said:
It is the first, E1=E+E2, but E2 is the field of the dipoles, which is 0.3E, if the E2 means the magnitude of the dipole field.

Right, so then it would increase by a factor of 1.7, so
And that is the surface charge density on the dielectric?
  • #33
Callix said:
Right, so then it would increase by a factor of 1.7, so
And that is the surface charge density on the dielectric?
Why 1.7? It is wrong.
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FAQ: Capacitor Charge Calculation with Dielectric Insertion

What is a capacitor?

A capacitor is an electronic component that stores electrical energy in the form of an electric field. It is composed of two conductive plates separated by a non-conductive material, known as a dielectric.

What is dielectric insertion?

Dielectric insertion is the process of inserting a non-conductive material, such as a dielectric, between the two conductive plates of a capacitor. This increases the capacitance of the capacitor, allowing it to store more electrical energy.

How do you calculate the charge of a capacitor with dielectric insertion?

The charge of a capacitor with dielectric insertion can be calculated using the formula Q = CV, where Q is the charge in coulombs, C is the capacitance in farads, and V is the voltage across the capacitor. The capacitance can be determined by multiplying the permittivity of the dielectric material by the area of the plates and dividing by the distance between the plates.

What is the effect of dielectric insertion on the capacitance of a capacitor?

Dielectric insertion increases the capacitance of a capacitor by reducing the electric field between the plates. This allows for more charge to be stored on the plates, resulting in a higher capacitance value.

What are some common dielectric materials used in capacitors?

Some common dielectric materials used in capacitors include ceramic, mica, paper, and plastic. The choice of dielectric material depends on the desired capacitance, voltage, and frequency range of the capacitor.
