Capacitor Charge Discharge Clarification

In summary, the charge and discharge of a capacitor involve exponential curves that are affected by the combination of resistance and capacitance in the circuit. The direction of the current changes between charging and discharging, and the absolute value of the discharge current decreases towards zero.
  • #1
Ok so i am just trying to clarify a few points about capacitor charge, discharge, i was wondering if anyone could help.

1)In charging, am i right in thinking current decreases exponentially, charge increases exponentially, and voltage increases exponentially.?

3) Am i write in thinking in discharging, all three quantities decrease exponentially.?

4) if current decreases exponentially in charging, and then decreases exponentially in discharging how is this possible?.

5) By removing the power supply and connection to the capacitor, would it discharge, or do you have to discharge through a resistor?

Thanks in advance
Physics news on
  • #2
Can no one answer this?
  • #3
In the real world there is always some resistance in series with the capacitance.
EDIT remove text in italics.
It is the combination of resistance and capacitance that produces the logarithmic or exponential charge/discharge curves.

You have not quite got the increase decrease or the curves correct so I have sketched some in the attachment.

note the difference betwen exponential and logarithmic increase
and the fact the the currents for charge and discharge flow in opposite directions, but the voltage and total charge graphs remain in the first quadrant.

Consider the experiment in the circuit.

A timer is set to zero and the switch set to position 1. This charges the capacitor through resistor R from battery voltage E. The current is monitored by meter A and the capacitor voltage by Meter V.
Current flows into the capacitor and is reckoned positive.

Graphs of the charging current, voltage and total charge are shown along with their equations. The capacitor commences charging with zero voltage across it, but maximum charge current Ie.

After a time, t, the switch is set to the centre disconnected position.
The capacitor now has a total charge Qf and a voltage Vf, both of which are positive. the current Ic has fallen to somewhere near zero.

The switch is now set the discharge position (3).
Current now flows out of the capacitor and is therefore reckoned negative.
At the outset a large current flows as the full capacitor voltage appears across the resistor.

As the capacitor discharges this voltage diminishes so the current falls.
Also the charge held in the capacitor diminishes.
Both the voltage and charge are still positive.

Graphs and equations for discharge are also shown.


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  • #4
Studiot said:
In the real world there is always some resistance in series with the capacitance.
It is the combination of resistance and capacitance that produces the logarithmic or exponential charge/discharge curves.

You have not quite got the increase decrease or the curves correct so I have sketched some in the attachment.

note the difference betwen exponential and logarithmic increase
and the fact the the currents for charge and discharge flow in opposite directions, but the voltage and total charge graphs remain in the first quadrant.

Your logarithmic curves make no sense whatsoever. For a simple RC circuit, the voltage across the capacitor and the current through the resistor are related by Ohm's law and Kirchoff's voltage rule [itex]V_{\text{c}}=IR[/itex] (when charging, the input/battery voltage must be included in the equation: [itex]V_{\text{in}}=IR+V_{\text{c}} [/itex] ). So, if the current is an exponential (and it is!) so is the voltage across the capacitor.
  • #5
ojsimon said:
Ok so i am just trying to clarify a few points about capacitor charge, discharge, i was wondering if anyone could help.

1)In charging, am i right in thinking current decreases exponentially, charge increases exponentially, and voltage increases exponentially.?

3) Am i write in thinking in discharging, all three quantities decrease exponentially.?

Yes to both questions.

4) if current decreases exponentially in charging, and then decreases exponentially in discharging how is this possible?.

Only the direction of the current changes.

5) By removing the power supply and connection to the capacitor, would it discharge, or do you have to discharge through a resistor?

It would discharge with or without a resistor. If you somehow managed to build a circuit with no resistance, and just a capacitor (with no internal resistance), the discharge would be almost instantaneous. However, even with superconducting wires, I don't think anyone has managed to build a capacitor with no internal resistance, and since the internal resistance effectively acts in series with the capacitor you always really have an RC circuit (not just a C-circuit).
  • #6
Are you asking about the curve f(t) = ket/tau, where k and tau are positive constants?

Neither the charge on the capacitor, nor the voltage across it, fit this curve.
  • #7
Phrak said:
Are you asking about the curve f(t) = ket/tau, where k and tau are positive constants?

Neither the charge on the capacitor, nor the voltage across it, fit this curve.

Of course not, that's an increasing exponential.
  • #8
gabbagabbahey said:
Of course not, that's an increasing exponential.

Of course. However, this is how question one reads.
  • #9
Oh, right.

@ojsimon, The voltage and charge across the capacitor during charging are increasing, and there is an exponential involved,


but that's not quite the same thing as "increasing exponentially" (Like [tex]e^{\frac{t}{RC}}[/itex] ).
  • #10
Ok thanks everyone that has clarified my points i think...
  • #11
You are absolutely right Gabbagabbahey. The use 'logarithmic' was inappropriate so I have amended post#2 to reflect this.

However the graphs were correct.
Nevertheless I have taken the opportunity to improve the sketch in post#2
  • #12
Studiot said:
You are absolutely right Gabbagabbahey. The use 'logarithmic' was inappropriate so I have amended post#2 to reflect this.

However the graphs were correct.
Nevertheless I have taken the opportunity to improve the sketch in post#2

From your new sketches it looks like current increases when it is discharging, doesn't this contradict what was previously said. But thanks again for the sketches they make this point really clear.

  • #13
From your new sketches it looks like current increases when it is discharging, doesn't this contradict what was previously said.

I'm sorry if I haven't managed to make this point clear.

The discharge current is necessarily in the opposite direction to the charge current.
When you discharge the capacitor current flows out; when you charge it current flows in.

So I have shown what you would read on the ammeter. The charge current would read positive and the discharge current would read negative.

So the discharge current starts from an initially high absolute (negative) value and the absolute value (magnitude) of current decreases towards zero.

That is why it is plotted on the negative part of the current axis.

Hope this makes it clear.
  • #14
Your drawing and equations look good to me Studiot. For the charge across the capacitor, you're missing a "1" sub-subscript on the IE. But why not replace the RCIE1 term with EC instead, as the asymtotic charge is independent of R?
  • #15
You can indeed use Ie = E/R to sunstitute in my expression if you like.

I just did it that way because each required quantity follows the same pattern.
  • #16
Studiot said:
I'm sorry if I haven't managed to make this point clear.

The discharge current is necessarily in the opposite direction to the charge current.
When you discharge the capacitor current flows out; when you charge it current flows in.

So I have shown what you would read on the ammeter. The charge current would read positive and the discharge current would read negative.

So the discharge current starts from an initially high absolute (negative) value and the absolute value (magnitude) of current decreases towards zero.

That is why it is plotted on the negative part of the current axis.

Hope this makes it clear.
Yeah thanks a lot that has clarified this point completely.

FAQ: Capacitor Charge Discharge Clarification

1. What is the purpose of charging and discharging a capacitor?

The purpose of charging and discharging a capacitor is to store and release electrical energy. When a capacitor is charged, it builds up a potential difference between its plates, which allows it to store energy. When the capacitor is discharged, this stored energy is released in the form of an electrical current.

2. How does a capacitor charge and discharge?

A capacitor charges when a voltage source is connected to its terminals, causing electrons to accumulate on one of its plates and creating a potential difference between the plates. When the voltage source is removed, the capacitor discharges as the electrons flow back to the other plate, creating an electrical current.

3. What factors affect the charging and discharging of a capacitor?

The charging and discharging of a capacitor can be affected by several factors, including the capacitance of the capacitor, the voltage of the charging source, and the resistance of the circuit. A higher capacitance and voltage will result in a faster charging time, while a higher resistance will slow down the charging and discharging process.

4. What is the time constant of a capacitor?

The time constant of a capacitor is a measure of how quickly it charges and discharges. It is calculated by multiplying the capacitance of the capacitor by the resistance of the circuit. A larger time constant indicates a slower rate of charging and discharging, while a smaller time constant indicates a faster rate.

5. How can I calculate the charge or voltage of a capacitor at a specific time during charging or discharging?

The charge and voltage of a capacitor at a specific time can be calculated using the equations Q = Q0(1-e-t/RC) and V = V0e-t/RC, where Q0 and V0 are the initial charge and voltage, t is the time, R is the resistance, and C is the capacitance of the capacitor.
