Capacitor plates and tunneling current

In summary: Yes, it's possible to build a simple QM model to examine the tunnelling current in a capacitor, but I'm not sure if it's possible to do so with potential wells.
  • #1
If two capacitor plates at a moderate voltage (200-300V) and low capacitance are kept very close to each other would there exist a tunneling current between them.

If the tunneling current will exist, then it will gradually reduce the energy of the capacitor. Where will the used capacitor energy go?

BTW, is there a limit to how much energy density a capacitor can have?
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  • #2
Yes, a tunneling current will exist -- ain't no infinite barriers around.

Yes, the tunneling current will deplete the energy, but at something like an erg/century energy flow. The depletion comes from radiation. Note, you might generate more current by waving the capacitor in the air, at a fairly vigorous pace.

Yes, when the plates begin to melt, or, when hit you dialectric breakdown -- the electric field begins to tear the dipoles apart. You can read about this in most any basic physics text.

Reilly Atkinson
  • #3
reilly said:
Yes, when the plates begin to melt, or, when hit you dialectric breakdown -- the electric field begins to tear the dipoles apart. You can read about this in most any basic physics text.

Thank you. :smile:

And for the breakdown part, I was actually talking about no dielectrics i.e. capacitor in vacuum.
Under extreme voltages like million or billion volts and low capacitance, without dielectrics, will the electrons be able to break through the vacuum and travel to the positive capacitor plate even when the capacitor plates are sufficiently apart for no tunneling current to take place?
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  • #4
Can anyone please answer my last question?
  • #5
Just a guess. The tunneling current may be much like a thermally generated current, or, perhaps even more likely, that the tunneling effect produces an osmotic cuurent -- perhaps in both directions, not dissimilar to the ionic currents in neurons.

I also suspect that it might be possible to build a simple QM model with potential wells to test and examine tunnelling currents in a capacitor.

Reilly Atkinson

Related to Capacitor plates and tunneling current

1. What is the purpose of capacitor plates in a circuit?

Capacitor plates are used to store electrical charge and release it when needed. They are made of conductive materials and are separated by an insulating material, creating a potential difference between the plates.

2. How does a capacitor plate store charge?

When a potential difference is applied to the capacitor plates, electrons accumulate on one plate while the other plate becomes positively charged. This creates an electric field between the plates, which stores the electrical charge.

3. What is tunneling current in a capacitor plate?

Tunneling current is the flow of electrons through an insulating material in a capacitor. This can occur when the insulating material is very thin or when the electric field is strong enough to allow electrons to pass through the barrier.

4. How does tunneling current affect the performance of a capacitor?

Tunneling current can lead to leakage of charge in a capacitor, reducing its ability to hold and release charge effectively. It can also cause changes in the capacitance and introduce noise into the circuit.

5. What are some factors that can affect tunneling current in a capacitor plate?

The thickness and composition of the insulating material, the magnitude of the electric field, and the temperature can all affect tunneling current in a capacitor plate. The presence of impurities or defects in the insulating material can also impact the flow of electrons through the barrier.
