Capillary Tube Rise: Does Water Reach Max Height & Stop?

In summary, the conversation discusses the dynamics of capillary rise and wetting in a system with a capillary tube. The fundamental equation for this phenomenon is derived and two asymptotic solutions are presented. The conversation also explores the potential use of this process on a larger scale and the energy transfer involved. Wetting is found to be accompanied by a change in interfacial energy, but not necessarily a change in temperature. The concept of energy conservation is also brought up in relation to this process.
  • #1
Does the water approach the maximum height in a capillary tube with 0 velocity?I mean to say that does it go to the maximum height and just stop or perform simple harmonic motion ?Water is in equilibrium but velocity need not be 0 or is it(why?).The expression we derive for h should be for mean position then not for maximum height.
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  • #2
The losses involved would be very high and I should imagine that any oscillation would be highly damped. But I think you are right to assume that the 'restoring force' will be roughly proportional to displacement, which, in principle, produces SHM.
I wonder if there is, in fact, any combination of substances that exhibits this.
  • #3
adiphysics said:
Does the water approach the maximum height in a capillary tube with 0 velocity?I mean to say that does it go to the maximum height and just stop or perform simple harmonic motion ?Water is in equilibrium but velocity need not be 0 or is it(why?).The expression we derive for h should be for mean position then not for maximum height.

It's actually an interesting problem:

To summarize, the fundamental equation, assuming Poiseuille flow, is

ρ[zz'' + (z')^2] = (2γcosθ)/r - (8ηzz')/r^2 - ρgz,

where ρ, η is the fluid density and viscosity, z the column height, r the radius of the tube, and ' means time derivative. There are two asymptotic solutions; the Lucas-Washburn equation (steady state) and the low viscosity limit (Quere equation).

The Lucas-Washburn equation asymptotes as t→∞ to z(t) = Z(1-exp(-Kt)), where Z is the 'final' height Z = 2γcosθ/ρgr and K is another constant. The Quere equation asymptotes to z(t) = at + bt^2+..., with a = √(2γcosθ/ρr) and b = -g/6.

At equilibrium, perturbations to the height (Z + ε(t)) follow ε'' + g/Z ε = 0 (simple harmonic motion) in the Quere limit, and a more complicated function if the full fundamental equation is used.
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  • #4
Can water be transferred from high level to low level using a cotton wick ?
  • #5
Sure- and as an alternate method, gravity works well for that.
  • #6
But the wick is a 'self priming' syphon, which can be very handy.
  • #7
then from low level to high level ? water rises in the wick then it should also fall down due to gravity
  • #8
of course.
that's what I meant by syphon.
It can rise a short distance and fall as far as you like. Such a syphon is ideal for automatically getting rid of small rain puddles on seats etc.
  • #9
are we not increasing the potential energy of water without doing any work ? is it not violation of law of conservation of energy ?
  • #10
The energy for the process comes as thermal energy.
I suggest that it would be the water molecules with the highest KE that make it to a higher level. KE to PE conversion will reduce average KE (temperature).
  • #11
I have never read that.If that is the case then at a large scale,energy can be generated by this method by some innovations.We can use the gravitaional P.E. of water for that.
  • #12
I wanted to ask another thing.When water rises in a ct , if a hole is made, then water does not come out.Has it anything to do with this ?
  • #13
adiphysics said:
I have never read that.If that is the case then at a large scale,energy can be generated by this method by some innovations.We can use the gravitaional P.E. of water for that.

How could you use this on a large scale? All that happens is that the water cools down in order to increase the PE of a minuscule fraction of its volume. There is not 'something for nothing' here, any more than in any other form of energy transfer. Before suggesting a 'large scale application, it is always worth while putting in some actual numbers of mass lifted and distance lifted.

The only example I have ever come across of wicking plus evaporation being used as a driving mechanism is the 'drinking bird' demonstration. In that case, the majority of energy comes from the evaporation - helped on by the wicking effect (surface tension).
  • #14
adiphysics said:
are we not increasing the potential energy of water without doing any work ? is it not violation of law of conservation of energy ?

Hardly- wetting occurs if the water/substrate interfacial energy is lower than the air-substrate interfacial energy. The total energy is lower, and the force balance is between the weight of the water and the (difference) in interfacial energy (Young's equation).
  • #15
So the temperature should rise? Or is that irrelevant?
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  • #16
sophiecentaur said:
So the temperature should rise? Or is that irrelevant?

Are you asking me, or the OP? In general, wetting is not accompanied by a change in temperature, although thermal gradients can change wetting behavior.
  • #17
Please look at the picture.I wanted to ask if water from A will go to B then to C and so on..


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  • #18
Andy Resnick said:
Are you asking me, or the OP? In general, wetting is not accompanied by a change in temperature, although thermal gradients can change wetting behavior.

Yes, I was asking you, because, if the system is going to a lower PE state then Energy is conserved so is it reasonable to suggest that it would appear as a rise in KE / temperature? This is not what I thought originally but seems to make more sense.
OR is the energy just rearranged in Potential form - Electric to Gravitational, with no change in KE? From what you say, this is probably the right way to see it.
  • #19
sophiecentaur said:
Yes, I was asking you, because, if the system is going to a lower PE state then Energy is conserved so is it reasonable to suggest that it would appear as a rise in KE / temperature? This is not what I thought originally but seems to make more sense.
OR is the energy just rearranged in Potential form - Electric to Gravitational, with no change in KE? From what you say, this is probably the right way to see it.

In the context of capillary rise, the gain in energy caused by raising a volume of fluid is equal to the loss of energy due to wetting. In the absence of gravity, a fluid column will not stop rising- alternatively, a perfectly wetting fluid will spread until the entire substrate is covered (as long as the continuum approximation is valid).

Does that help?
  • #20
So it's: Work In = Work Out (and not thermal).
Fair enough, thanks.
  • #21
andy resnick said:
in the context of capillary rise, the gain in energy caused by raising a volume of fluid is equal to the loss of energy due to wetting. In the absence of gravity, a fluid column will not stop rising- alternatively, a perfectly wetting fluid will spread until the entire substrate is covered (as long as the continuum approximation is valid).

Does that help?

thank you very much.

Related to Capillary Tube Rise: Does Water Reach Max Height & Stop?

1. How does capillary tube rise work?

Capillary tube rise is a phenomenon that occurs due to the cohesive and adhesive forces between a liquid, such as water, and a solid surface, such as the walls of a tube. These forces cause the liquid to rise up the tube against the force of gravity.

2. Does water always reach a maximum height in a capillary tube?

No, the maximum height that water can reach in a capillary tube depends on the diameter of the tube and the properties of the liquid, such as surface tension and density. The smaller the diameter of the tube, the higher the water can rise.

3. Why does water stop rising in a capillary tube?

Water stops rising in a capillary tube when the upward force of the cohesive and adhesive forces is balanced by the downward force of gravity. This happens when the weight of the water column becomes too much for the forces to overcome, resulting in a state of equilibrium.

4. Can other liquids besides water exhibit capillary tube rise?

Yes, any liquid that has cohesive and adhesive forces can exhibit capillary tube rise. However, the height to which the liquid can rise may vary depending on its properties and the diameter of the tube.

5. How is capillary tube rise used in scientific research?

Capillary tube rise is used in various scientific applications, such as in microfluidics, where tiny amounts of liquid need to be manipulated. It is also used in capillary electrophoresis, a technique used for separating and analyzing molecules based on their size and charge. Additionally, it is used in paper chromatography, where different components of a mixture can be separated and identified based on their affinity for the paper and the solvent used.

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