CApollo 11 50th Anniversary: CSPAN3 Coverage Today

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In summary: Apollo 11 on his father's large color Zenith TV. Dave's father was an Army technical sergeant, so he was already familiar with the space program. The event that Dave remembers the most from that day was the landing on the moon.
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TL;DR Summary
50 year rerun of Apollo 11 coverage on Cspan3
Today on Cspan3
They are broadcasting what is essentially a 50 year delay coverage of the Apollo 11 mission. I watched the launch, and it was _amazing_.

This seems to be mostly the straight CBS coverage with Walter Cronkite and an amazing stream of guests from Wally Shirra to LBJ. Really amazing stuff, and to think that this was 50 years ago. I was a very young kid at the time and I remember many of the launches and missions, although I don't specifically recall if I saw the launch and splashdown of 11 at the time (I was ~2.5 years old)... but I do recall following with fascination many of the subsequent missions.

Many recollections of watching launches and splashdowns on the old Large (for the time) color Zenith TV that my father had bought for Superbowl One. CBS seemed to be the almost-official network of space mission coverage, with Cronkite at the helm. Lots of my incidental knowledge of the day to day developments of the space program came vis CBS-In the News, the short blips of surprisingly hard news between Saturday morning cartoons.
I also have an unusually specific memory of overhearing, on the TV... apparently while I was doing something else, a break-in on the regular programming to report that the astronauts on Apollo 17 had discovered a patch of orange soil.

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Astronomy news on
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I'm older, so I remember it well. I was glued to the TV the whole day. I was most amazed that the event which I read about as pure SF in my youth was not only happening, but being televised live. None of the SF authors I read dared to predict that.

The event stands out in my memory much more than the Cuban Missile Crisis, or the JFK assassination.
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Likes BillTre, diogenesNY and davenn
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My memories of that day are a bit different. I'm an Army brat (Army family member), and I was 11 y/o stationed with my family in Japan at the time. I was bright, but not dedicated to science yet, and I was not that much into the whole Moon Shot/Landing program effort at the time. My dad was also technical, and had worked on satellite procurement projects previously in his Army positions, and he and my mom were very interested in how the Moon Landing would work out.

I still remember that I was playing outside of our housing the day that the Landing was supposed to happen, and my mom and dad kept yelling for me to come inside because the landing was coming up soon. I really wasn't interested, and wanted to keep playing ball (or whatever I was doing), but in the end my dad pretty much dragged me inside to watch the landing and the first human steps on the moon. At the time I didn't appreciated it, but of course now I do understand how historic it was.
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Likes anorlunda, diogenesNY and davenn
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Apollo 11 launched from Earth on my 10th birthday (16th July 1969). What an awesome
way to celebrate my BD.
I was already well into playing with electronics, had my first telescope and had been following the
whole NASA space program for several years. Collecting cards that came in the breakfast cereal packs,
cutting out every newspaper clipping I could get my hands on.
My Grandad who got the National Geographic mag saved for me every issue that had anything to do
with space travel, astronomy and geology.
For the moon landing we (family) were transfixed to the old B&W TV watching it all happen :smile:
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Likes anorlunda, Heikki Tuuri, diogenesNY and 1 other person

Related to CApollo 11 50th Anniversary: CSPAN3 Coverage Today

1. What was the significance of the Apollo 11 mission?

The Apollo 11 mission was the first manned mission to land on the moon, marking a major milestone in space exploration and the space race between the United States and the Soviet Union.

2. How did the Apollo 11 mission impact scientific research?

The Apollo 11 mission provided valuable data and samples from the moon, allowing scientists to better understand the moon's composition and history. It also paved the way for future space exploration and technological advancements.

3. Who were the astronauts on the Apollo 11 mission?

The Apollo 11 mission was led by Commander Neil Armstrong, Command Module Pilot Michael Collins, and Lunar Module Pilot Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin. Armstrong and Aldrin were the first humans to walk on the moon.

4. How long did the Apollo 11 mission last?

The Apollo 11 mission lasted a total of 8 days, from July 16th to July 24th, 1969.

5. What is the legacy of the Apollo 11 mission?

The Apollo 11 mission is considered a major achievement in human history and a symbol of human curiosity and determination. It also sparked further advancements in space exploration and technology, and continues to inspire future generations to pursue scientific and technological innovation.

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