Capturing an Asteroid: Creating Earth's 2nd Moon

In summary, it is uncertain if we have the technology to divert an asteroid, and even if we did, it is unlikely that we would have enough time to do so before it hit Earth.
  • #1
What would be the best way to capture this asteroind and place it in a orbit about the Earth? It would be better to capture and study it then to just redirect it or destroy it. Imagine Earth with two Moons.
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  • #2
To capture the asteroid and 'park' it in orbit would require a decelerating force to bring its velocity down to that which would be compatible with an orbital velocity in Earth's gravity field.

This would require having a rocket rendezvous with the asteroid and then having sufficient reserve to provide the necessary [itex]\Delta V[/itex].
  • #3
This thing is already hauling in the coal. What if it is already traveling near the speed needed to do this?
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  • #4
Do you think we presently have the capability to direct an asteroid away from hitting earth, assuming we have sufficient time of course?
  • #5
Actually I think it will be going slower than the Earth when the near miss occurs - not that that makes any difference. The amount of energy required to place it in Earth orbit is beyond our current technology.

Even diverting an asteroid that isn't due to hit for 24 years is on the limits of our technology, and to turn a 24 year distant hit into a near miss requires only the tiniest of nudges, compared with the massive shove required to get it into Earth orbit.
  • #6
We have elements of system that could be used to deflect NEO 2004 MN4, but we do not have an integrated delivery or missions system. Right now it is not a significant issue within NASA. It might take in the range of 5 years to put a system together.

See also the related thread - - which discusses the likelihood of impact.
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FAQ: Capturing an Asteroid: Creating Earth's 2nd Moon

1. How do you capture an asteroid?

Capturing an asteroid involves sending a spacecraft to the asteroid and using a variety of methods to alter its trajectory and bring it into orbit around Earth. These methods may include using gravity assists from other planets, deploying solar sails or ion thrusters, or using physical capture methods such as nets or harpoons.

2. Why would we want to capture an asteroid?

Capturing an asteroid could provide valuable resources for space exploration and potentially support future human missions. Asteroids contain valuable minerals and water, which can be used for fuel or building materials. Additionally, studying an asteroid up close could provide valuable insights into the formation of our solar system.

3. How would capturing an asteroid create a second moon for Earth?

Once captured, the asteroid would be placed into a stable orbit around Earth, becoming a second natural satellite. This would not be a traditional moon like our current moon, but rather a smaller, irregularly shaped object. It would still have a significant impact on Earth's tides and gravitational pull.

4. What are the potential risks of capturing an asteroid?

There are several potential risks associated with capturing an asteroid. The spacecraft could encounter technical issues or malfunctions during the capture process. Once in orbit, there is a risk of the asteroid colliding with Earth or our current moon. Additionally, there may be ethical considerations regarding the potential disruption of an asteroid's natural trajectory and potential impact on other celestial bodies.

5. How feasible is it to capture an asteroid?

While capturing an asteroid is a complex and challenging endeavor, it is considered feasible with current technology. NASA and other space agencies have conducted studies and simulations to determine the best methods for asteroid capture. However, more research and testing may be needed before a successful capture mission can be carried out.

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