Car driving around a banked curve (with friction)

In summary, the problem involves a 1400 kg car traveling on a banked concrete highway curve with a radius of 80.0 m and a 13.0 degree angle. The maximum speed the car can take the curve without sliding can be calculated using the equations F_r = (mv^2)/r and F_f = \mu N, where \mu is the static coefficient of friction between rubber and concrete. The horizontal component of the forces on the car must equal the centripetal force towards the center of the curve. Drawing a free body diagram can help determine which forces contribute to the centripetal force.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A concrete highway curve of radius 80.0 m is banked at a 13.0 degree angle.

What is the maximum speed with which a 1400 kg rubber-tired car can take this curve without sliding? (Take the static coefficient of friction of rubber on concrete to be 1.0.)

Homework Equations

[tex] F_r = \frac{mv^2}{r}[/tex]

[tex]F_f = \mu N[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

I have a few pieces here, but I'm not completely sure how to put them together.

There's a rotational force pulling towards the center of the circle:
[tex] F_r = \frac{mv^2}{r}[/tex]
Where mass and radius are given.

Also, there is a frictional coefficient:
[tex]F_f = \mu N[/tex]
Where [tex]\mu[/tex] is 1.0 and N is mgcos[tex]\theta[/tex] (at least I believe it is... or is it just mg?) where m, g, [tex]\mu[/tex], and [tex]\theta[/tex] are given.

I had a relatively easy time understanding problems in which there was no friction, but I can't quite figure this out. Anyone have any advice to push me in the right direction? :)
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  • #2
You already noted that the centripedal force is towards the center of the circle, so all you need to know now is which forces have a component pointing horizontally towards the center. I suggest that you draw a free body diagram with all the forces. This will help you see which contribute (and what components) to the centripetal force.
  • #3
  • #4
Awesome... Thank you very much! It all makes sense now. I kept treating centripetal force as a force in itself instead of a net force. Thanks again!

FAQ: Car driving around a banked curve (with friction)

1. How does friction affect a car driving around a banked curve?

Friction plays a crucial role in keeping a car on the banked curve. It creates a force that acts in the opposite direction of the car's motion, preventing it from sliding off the curve. Without friction, the car would continue moving in a straight line, causing it to lose control and potentially crash.

2. What is the ideal speed for a car to travel around a banked curve?

The ideal speed for a car to travel around a banked curve is the speed at which the centripetal force equals the gravitational force. This is also known as the critical speed or the speed at which the car can safely make the turn without relying on friction alone.

3. How does the angle of banking affect a car's ability to navigate a curve?

The angle of banking, also known as the angle of incline, directly affects the amount of centripetal force acting on the car. The steeper the banking angle, the greater the centripetal force, making it easier for the car to navigate the curve. However, if the angle is too steep, it can cause the car to lose traction due to excessive friction.

4. Why do race tracks have banked curves?

Race tracks have banked curves to allow cars to maintain higher speeds while taking turns. The banking angle, coupled with the speed of the car, creates a centripetal force that enables the car to make the turn without relying solely on friction. This allows for faster lap times and more thrilling races.

5. What happens if a car's tires do not have enough friction while driving around a banked curve?

If a car's tires do not have enough friction while driving around a banked curve, the car will not be able to generate enough centripetal force to make the turn. This can cause the car to slide off the curve and potentially crash. It is important to ensure that the tires have enough traction and that the car is not traveling at a speed that exceeds the critical speed for the given banking angle.
