Cardinality of continuous functions f:R->R.

In summary: Thanks for the input.In summary, the cardinality of set of continuous functions f:R->R is bigger or equals 2^c.
  • #1
Gold Member
i need to find the cardinality of set of continuous functions f:R->R.
well i know that this cardinality is samaller or equal than 2^c, where c is the continuum cardinal.
but to show that it's bigger or equals i find a bit nontrivial.
i mean if R^R is the set of all functions f:R->R, i need to find a 1-1 function from it to the set of continuous functions (lets call it A).
i tried this function g:R^R->A:
g(f)=f if f is continuous function.
g(f)=h if f isn't continuous on R.
where h is a continuous function on Q.
i feel that again i did something wrong my problem is how to correct it, obviously i didnt defined h as i should be, and what's the connection of it to f, but i don't see a way to pass it.
any help?
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  • #2
You do not have to find a injection from R^R, the set of all functions. A map from any set with that cardinailty will do.

About the best way of doing this (again), is to construct some subset of all continuous functions with cardinality 2^c. It might take some ingenuity, but it isn't that hard (just think of Taylor series).
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  • #3
any suggestions?
i mean possible candidates are:
{0,1}^[0,1] P([0,1]) P(R)
i think the third set is the easiest, but gain finding the function is hard task here.
i need to find a function from P(R)->A
perhaps we can mapp from a subset of P(R), say B to a function in A, perhaps f|B (which is a continuous function f:B->R), will that suffice or i need something else?
  • #4
Reread the edited post above.
  • #5
i don't understand, we need to show that the cardinality of A is 2^c, iv'e showed that it's smaller or equals 2^c, now i need to show that it's bigger or equals 2^c.
and you suggest me to:"About the best way of doing this (again), is to construct some subset of all continuous functions with cardinality 2^c"
the only subset i can think of is the set of all functions f:R\Q->R\Q, it's cardinality is 2^c, but is it a subset, i mean every function in this subset is a continuous function cause f(R\Q) is a subset of R\Q.

i feel I am writing jibberish. )-:
  • #6
well i don't see the connection to here.
i mean f(x)=f(x0)+(x-x0)f'(x0)+(x-x0)^2f''(x0)/2+...
you mean the set of functions which can be written as a taylor expansion as a subset to the set of all continuous functions from R to R.
or perhaps the set of functions of different estimations to f, such as:
  • #7
I don't see how Taylor series will help. The most obvious interpretation of that hint shows that there are c|N| analytic functions, and although analytic functions are continuous, c|N| < 2c.
  • #8
Yep. That's why I pulled out to think about it some more.
  • #9
so do you have any advice on this question, perhaps the cardinality isn't 2^c?
  • #10
loop quantum gravity said:
so do you have any advice on this question, perhaps the cardinality isn't 2^c?

I didn't think it was -- I thought the restriction of continuity made it c -- but I don't have a proof of this offhand. Let me think about it.
  • #12
Oh, it turns out the proof's easy -- any continuous function is completely determined by its values on Q. So,

|C(R, R)| <= |RQ| = |R||Q| = (2|N|)|Q| = 2|N||Q| = 2|NxQ| = 2|N| = |R|
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  • #13
Duh... And there was me lamenting that analysis isn't much help 'cos I couldn't think of a way of making (different) density arguments work.
  • #14
hurkyls argument gives only an upper bound for the cardinality. you have to show it achieves this bound too. but maybe i came in late and missed this part of the discussion.
  • #15
mathwonk said:
hurkyls argument gives only an upper bound for the cardinality. you have to show it achieves this bound too. but maybe i came in late and missed this part of the discussion.
Well this is entirely obvious, just count the constant functions.

Nice proof Hurkyl.

FAQ: Cardinality of continuous functions f:R->R.

1. What does the term "cardinality" mean in relation to continuous functions f:R->R?

The cardinality of a set refers to the number of elements in that set. In the context of continuous functions f:R->R, the cardinality represents the number of unique functions that exist within this set.

2. Are there an infinite number of continuous functions f:R->R?

Yes, there are an infinite number of continuous functions f:R->R. This is because the set of real numbers is uncountably infinite, meaning that there are more real numbers than there are natural numbers (1, 2, 3...).

3. What is the relationship between the cardinality of continuous functions f:R->R and the cardinality of the set of real numbers?

The cardinality of continuous functions f:R->R is equal to the cardinality of the set of real numbers, which is known as the cardinality of the continuum. This means that there are just as many continuous functions as there are real numbers.

4. Can all real numbers be mapped by a continuous function f:R->R?

No, not all real numbers can be mapped by a continuous function f:R->R. This is because the set of real numbers is uncountably infinite, while the set of continuous functions is only countably infinite. Therefore, there will always be some real numbers that do not have a corresponding continuous function.

5. How does the cardinality of continuous functions f:R->R compare to the cardinality of other sets of functions?

The cardinality of continuous functions f:R->R is larger than the cardinality of other sets of functions. For example, the set of all polynomial functions has a countably infinite cardinality, while the set of all continuous functions has an uncountably infinite cardinality. This is because continuous functions are able to capture more complex and intricate patterns than other sets of functions.

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