Career Flexibility a thing of the Past

In summary, the conversation discusses the challenges of finding a job in the engineering field due to specific skills being demanded and the need to conform to certain labels or specialties. It is suggested that networking and referrals may be a more effective way to find job opportunities, rather than relying on job postings. The conversation also touches on the impact of HR regulations and the retirement of senior engineers on the job market.
  • #1
I am just throwing this out there to fish for opinions

Engineering is often advertised as a broad profession offering many opportunities. With tight labor markets where there is an over supply of job seekers is this no longer a true statement. I ask because workers must be responsive to the tides in industry. As some sectors cool off it is beneficial to migrate to hotter areas.

The problem is companies are demanding very specific skills. Its rare that you see a blanket 5 10 20 yr experience requirement without a caveat for something specific like 5 yrs 2 phase deep sea flow in pipes modeling or something.

Are people basically forced into being labeled as specific type of engineer?

Does one have to "start from the bottom" to migrate to a different field within the discipline?

Is it possible to stay an generalist and not be reduced to a project manager?

Thanks in advance for comments ?
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  • #2
Here's what I think happened: As a side effect of anti-discrimination laws of all sorts, companies were required to document exactly what certifications and experience was required to do a job. The days when someone could look you in the eye, discuss a few technical subjects and then subjectively declare you fit for the job are gone. This is not such a bad thing. It definitely helps to level the playing field for everyone.

However, a side effect of this effort is that it pigeon-holes people into specialties if they want to get paid well. It also makes everyone go looking for certificates that only prove that you know how to pass a test and that you had all the right check marks from all the right agencies. The certification industry and educational institutions are making a killing training people for all sorts of things that didn't even exist before.

I keep saying this and I still think it is true: Human Resource Specialists used to be called Personnel Clerks. There is no way these former clerks will understand experiential knowledge. For example, someone who spent a lot of time designing HVAC gear might also do very well designing pressurization systems for aircraft. Good Luck proving that to an HR specialist.

We probably lose many qualified candidates because they do not include the proper key words that these people are trained to look for. So they often outsource their services to head-hunting firms who do understand the field.

Thus, my answer is that you are probably right. Unless you find some way to squirrel yourself around the HR gauntlet, the chances of you applying your wits to another field of interest are slim to none. Alternatively, you can work for a company that is too small to care about HR regulations.

I really can't see any way around this. This is a bureaucratic solution to a social problem. The social problem couldn't be fixed directly, so this is what happened. I hope someone sorts this mess out some day, but I fear that it may be a long time before that happens.
  • #3
no. companies are required to put out though ultra detailed 'requirements' but they are much closer to wishlists. if you are capable of doing the job and can convince them of that, you will be hired so long as mr.perfect never applies (which he usually doesn't.)

senior engineers are retiring everywhere. companies are being forced to accept 'under-qualified' workers, they just don't like to admit it. Obviously you will need to prove yourseld if you are jumping disciplines but migrating within your field is possible and if you gain other engineering experience while doing it that only opens more doors.
  • #4
Thanks for the reply

It stinks because being married one needs flexibility to follow the spouse. I am currently in a flow modeling group. I figured modeling multi phase flow has broad applications. Gas, any type of chemical plant etc... The problem is you read job postings and they will specify a specific degree which mine will never fit NE. So i am kind of up the river.

I thnk the answer is to put together a network of head hunters. Its depressing, I went into engineering because of the broad spectrum of jobs and that every so often i can change it around without starting from nothing. Doesn't appear to be the case any more.
  • #5
koab1mjr said:
Thanks for the reply

It stinks because being married one needs flexibility to follow the spouse. I am currently in a flow modeling group. I figured modeling multi phase flow has broad applications. Gas, any type of chemical plant etc... The problem is you read job postings and they will specify a specific degree which mine will never fit NE. So i am kind of up the river.

I thnk the answer is to put together a network of head hunters. Its depressing, I went into engineering because of the broad spectrum of jobs and that every so often i can change it around without starting from nothing. Doesn't appear to be the case any more.

Do you know people who do the kind of work you are seeking? You can change somewhat but it is easier *within* a job than it is to convince someone to pay you to do something you haven't done before.

I think the best way would be to look through your network to try to find an in at an organization that does the kind of work you want. Once you get to a high technical level, job postings are not a good way to look for work. The vast majority of good positions are filled by people that have been referred to them (sometimes through a headhunter, but often not)
  • #6
physicsboard said:
no. companies are required to put out though ultra detailed 'requirements' but they are much closer to wishlists. if you are capable of doing the job and can convince them of that, you will be hired so long as mr.perfect never applies (which he usually doesn't.)

You won't even get called in for an interview if you're missing some key words.

I tried applying for a job posting at Boeing a few minutes ago.﹠-evaluation-laboratory-technician-1-jobs

With my lab experience, I figured I'd be a shoe-in. Except they specifically ask you if you've done any sort of "additive machining" stuff. I haven't. I have all the other necessary skills and experience. I figure that's the part they could teach me in a week. So what do I do? Do I lie and then get asked about it during the interview? Or do I just hit "no", get told I can't even apply, and then go do something else?

Related to Career Flexibility a thing of the Past

What is meant by "Career Flexibility a thing of the Past"?

Career flexibility refers to the ability of individuals to have control over their work schedules and the freedom to make choices about their career paths. The phrase "a thing of the past" suggests that this type of flexibility is no longer as common or attainable as it once was.

Why is there a belief that career flexibility is no longer possible?

Some experts argue that the increasing demands of the modern workplace, such as longer working hours and the expectation of constant availability, make it difficult for individuals to have control over their work schedules. Additionally, the rise of the gig economy and the decrease in job security may also contribute to this belief.

What are the potential consequences of a lack of career flexibility?

A lack of career flexibility can lead to burnout, decreased job satisfaction, and a negative impact on work-life balance. It can also limit opportunities for career growth and development, as individuals may feel stuck in their current positions or unable to pursue new career paths.

Are there any industries or professions that still offer career flexibility?

Yes, there are still industries and professions that prioritize career flexibility. For example, some companies in the tech industry may offer flexible work schedules or remote work options. Additionally, freelance or consulting work can also provide individuals with a certain level of career flexibility.

What can be done to promote and maintain career flexibility in the modern workplace?

Employers can take steps to promote career flexibility by offering flexible work arrangements, such as telecommuting or flexible schedules. They can also prioritize work-life balance and provide resources for employees to manage their workload and maintain their mental health. Individuals can also advocate for themselves and negotiate for more flexibility in their workplace. Additionally, policymakers can implement policies that support work-life balance and protect workers' rights to career flexibility.

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