Career in Theoretical/Experimental Physics through Chemistry

In summary, the conversation is about someone interested in pursuing a career in physics, despite currently studying chemistry. They are considering applying for a PhD program in theoretical chemistry at Oxford, but also wondering if they can enter into post-graduate research in physics. They have some concerns about their lack of formal education in mathematics but believe they could excel in physics with more practice. They are also interested in merging their passion for science with philosophy. The conversation also mentions some examples of chemists going on to do chemical physics in graduate school and the possibility of doing a PhD in physics in the UK.
  • #1
Hi everybody,

Have followed this forum for a year or so and decided it's about time to sign up. I have a couple of questions regarding my career. I'm currently a 2nd year Chemist, with interests in quantum/theoretical chemistry. My plans at the moment are leaning towards applying for a PhD program in theoretical chemistry at Oxford.
Basically what I want to ask is, how can I approach a career in Physics? Does it depend on post-graduate applications etc?
My biggest issue at the moment is that throughout my education, I only entered into school around GCSE time, and didn't take maths at A-level. I still managed to achieve AAAA at A-level though.
Despite teaching myself as much maths as I can whilst concentrating on my degree, I still struggle to understand the mathematics within Griffiths Intro to QM.
I feel like if I could master the maths, I could excel within physics, and with interests in philosophy I would love to merge my passion for science with philosophy (theoretical). Do you believe this is possible? With regards to PhD programs etc...


Physics news on
  • #2
If you want to be a physicist, doesn't it make sense to change your major to physics?
  • #3
Vanadium 50 said:
If you want to be a physicist, doesn't it make sense to change your major to physics?
Well, firstly it's so easy here in the U.K.
Secondly, I do enjoy chemistry, it's a great subject. I suppose what I'm asking is whether I can enter into post-graduate research in areas of Physics, and if so, which areas would you say are accessible?
  • #4
Years ago I spent some time in materials science. Lots of both physicists and chemists there. Just a thought.
  • #5
Wavefunction12 said:
Hi everybody,

Have followed this forum for a year or so and decided it's about time to sign up. I have a couple of questions regarding my career. I'm currently a 2nd year Chemist, with interests in quantum/theoretical chemistry. My plans at the moment are leaning towards applying for a PhD program in theoretical chemistry at Oxford.
Basically what I want to ask is, how can I approach a career in Physics? Does it depend on post-graduate applications etc?
My biggest issue at the moment is that throughout my education, I only entered into school around GCSE time, and didn't take maths at A-level. I still managed to achieve AAAA at A-level though.
Despite teaching myself as much maths as I can whilst concentrating on my degree, I still struggle to understand the mathematics within Griffiths Intro to QM.
I feel like if I could master the maths, I could excel within physics, and with interests in philosophy I would love to merge my passion for science with philosophy (theoretical). Do you believe this is possible? With regards to PhD programs etc...



I know chemists bachelors students who went on to do chemical physics in grad school. Look into OSU, UColorado Boulder, or UMaryland Chemical Physics programs as examples; as far as I know they deal with materials, atomic, molecular physics and other topics that have overlap between the two subjects.
  • #6
clope023 said:
I know chemists bachelors students who went on to do chemical physics in grad school. Look into OSU, UColorado Boulder, or UMaryland Chemical Physics programs as examples; as far as I know they deal with materials, atomic, molecular physics and other topics that have overlap between the two subjects.
I'm based in the U.K and plan on doing my post-graduate studies here if possible! As much as I'd love to venture forth into America!
  • #7
As far as I know there is no formal reason why you couldn't do a PhD in physics in the UK. From a practical point of view it will of course depend on what you would like to do, you will have to convince the DTC (of you go that route) or supervisor that you would be better suited for that particular area/project than someone with a PhD in physics. There are certainly cases where this might be the case. I know someone who went that route (albeit in Sweden). She developed a new process for fabricating high-Tc superconductor circuits. i.e. it was mainly cleanroom work and her background in chemistry was actually an advantage (she is now a lecturer in physics).

Related to Career in Theoretical/Experimental Physics through Chemistry

1. What is the difference between theoretical and experimental physics?

Theoretical physics is a branch of physics that uses mathematical models and theories to explain natural phenomena, while experimental physics involves conducting experiments and making observations to understand and test these theories.

2. How is chemistry related to theoretical and experimental physics?

Chemistry is closely related to both theoretical and experimental physics as it provides the foundation for understanding the behavior of matter at a molecular level. Theoretical physicists use concepts from chemistry to develop mathematical models, and experimental physicists use techniques from chemistry to study and manipulate particles and atoms.

3. What skills are necessary for a career in theoretical/experimental physics through chemistry?

A strong understanding of mathematics, particularly calculus and linear algebra, is essential for both theoretical and experimental physics. In addition, a solid background in chemistry, including knowledge of atomic and molecular structure, is crucial for this field. Critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills are also important for a career in theoretical/experimental physics through chemistry.

4. What are some potential career paths for someone interested in theoretical/experimental physics through chemistry?

There are many career options for individuals with a background in theoretical/experimental physics through chemistry. Some common paths include research positions in academia or industry, working in government laboratories, or pursuing a career in data science or scientific consulting.

5. How can I prepare for a career in theoretical/experimental physics through chemistry?

To prepare for a career in this field, it is important to take advanced courses in mathematics, chemistry, and physics during your undergraduate studies. Participating in research projects, attending conferences and seminars, and networking with professionals in the field can also help you gain valuable experience and make connections in the industry.

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