Career Path Advice: Finding the Right Fit for You

In summary: Mathematics and Physics - If you are good with mathematics and physics, then you can go for mathematics and physics. It is a difficult profession but can offer a great career.
  • #1
Hey everyone, I'm nearing the end of high school and I can't for the life of me decide what I want to do... I have a couple choices but I can't decide between them...

My favourite thing in the world is figuring out the soloutuon to that hard multistep math or physics question, and I believe my overall problem solving skills are pretty good. Right now I'm managing a fast food restaurant and I really enjoy being the guy in charge...

Some careers I've considered are civil or electrical engineering. I really like the idea of civil engineering but it seems like they are generally the least paid engineers and also seem to do the least amount of math which I would likely find dissapointing (lots of generalizations, but I've done a fair bit of research)

Electrical engineering also jumps out at me but I'm by no means a computer genius of someone who spends a lot of time fiddling with wires

Overall I'm not a very hands on person and would probably enjoy office work or being the guy in charge eventually... I certainly wouldn't mind a quick walk through of what each job entails for you personally, thanks:)
Physics news on
  • #2
Couple more things about me: I just really love physics, forces and waves both really peak my interest... also any careers suggestions outside of these two are more than welcome
  • #3
belar6219 said:
Couple more things about me: I just really love physics, forces and waves both really peak my interest... also any careers suggestions outside of these two are more than welcome

Although I am not a career expert, based on my experience I can suggest a broad career guideline for you to chose from -

1) Computer Science - There are really some cool stuff such as Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Virtual Reality, Self-driving cars, etc happening in the world of technology. All these technologies require computer engineers. So if that interests you, you can choose to become a computer engineer. (Even if not a formal degree, you can learn programming online and prove your skills to the respective organization you wish to work for).

2) Electronics Engineering - Industrial automation is need of the hour and the demand for electronics engineer is really high. It is difficult to get a good electronics engineer. Not only industry but even the medical industry is getting automated (Surgies in hospitals are getting automated)

3) Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering is a tricky profession. It is more of an experience-based profession where the professional will trust an engineer, only if he/she has the relevant experience. Although the theory of books is applicable in the real world, but civil engineering requires extensive fieldwork experience.

FAQ: Career Path Advice: Finding the Right Fit for You

1. What are the key factors to consider when choosing a career path?

When considering a career path, it is important to think about your personal interests, skills, values, and goals. You should also research the job market and potential career opportunities in your desired field.

2. How do I know if a certain career path is right for me?

To determine if a career path is the right fit for you, it is important to assess your strengths and weaknesses, as well as your passions and values. You can also talk to professionals in the field and do informational interviews to gain a better understanding of the day-to-day responsibilities and challenges of the job.

3. Is it okay to change career paths multiple times?

Yes, it is perfectly fine to change career paths multiple times in your life. It is common for people to have multiple careers in different fields over the course of their lifetime. It is important to reassess your goals and interests periodically and make changes as needed to ensure job satisfaction and personal fulfillment.

4. How can I make a successful career change?

To make a successful career change, it is important to do your research and gain new skills or education if necessary. You should also network and reach out to professionals in your desired field, as they can provide valuable advice and connections. Lastly, have a plan in place for the transition and be prepared for potential challenges.

5. What resources are available for career path advice?

There are many resources available for career path advice, including career counselors, online career assessments, books and articles, and networking events. Additionally, many colleges and universities offer career services for students and alumni. It is also helpful to reach out to professionals in your desired field for advice and mentorship.

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