Carnot cycle heat engine max work done

In summary: B) so the engine does work in every cycle?The engine does work in every cycle, though the amount of work done in a cycle depends on the temperature at point c.C) the engine is very efficient.In summary, the engine is very efficient because it does not require a great deal of work to move from one temperature to another.
  • #1

Homework Statement


A heat engine containing an ideal gas has a reversible cycle which consists of 2 constant
volume segments with V = 1ℓ and V = 3ℓ and two constant pressure segments with P = 1 atm and
P = 2 atm (see figure below). The temperature at point “c” is Tc = 273 K.

A) Is the path of the cycle clockwise or counter-clockwise? Explain.
B) How much work is done by the engine in one cycle?
C) What is the efficiency of the engine? Notice that this is a reversible engine, so recall
the efficiency of a Carnot engine and use the ideal gas law.

Homework Equations

W = PdV
W = VdP

The Attempt at a Solution

A) since at point c the engine is at the low temp Tc then since it is a heat engine the cycle must be going counter clockwise to go from high to low temp (please check my understanding on this)
B) this is where I am stuck
W = Wac + Wcd + Wdb + Wba
W = VdeltaP(ac) + PdeltaV(cd) + VdeltaP(db) + PdeltaV(ba)
W = (1L)(1atm - 2atm) + (1atm)(3L-1L) + (3L)(2atm-1atm) + (2atm)(1L-3L)
W = -1atmL + 2atmL + 3atmL - 4atmL
W = 0
this leads me to believe i did something wrong. please help :(


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  • #2
A. an "engine" usually has to do work on it's surroundings - which leg has to do positive work?
B. the work done in a process is the area under the P-V diagram.
... so at constant volume, the work is zero.

Note: this is not a Carnot cycle.
  • #3
im not entirely sure what you mean in A or what you mean by which leg.
but for part B) the cycle has a height of 1 atm and a width of 2L so it has an area of 2atmL which means its does 2 atmL of work?
  • #4
A. One leg of the cycle would be going from a to b, or from b to a ... it's an analogy from the terms used for a foot race. Perhaps you'd prefer "stage" or maybe "process" since each leg has only one process in it?

B. well done - though the person marking may prefer you put work in Joules.
  • #5
so it would be 203 joules.
for part A) the expansions would do the positive work?
for part c) for a reversible engine
e = 1-Tc/Th
whe have Tc we need Th
using the ideal gas law we find number of moles by using the known temp at point c
n = PV/RT = (1atm)(1L)/(.0821 atmL/molK)(273K) = .0446 mol
now we can find the temps at the other points
point a) T = PV/nR = (2 atm)(1L)/(.00366atmL/K) = 546 K
point b) T = PV/nR = (2atm)(3L)/(.00366 atmL/K) = 1639 K
point d) T = PV/nR = (1atm)(3L)/(.00366atmL/K) = 820 K
Th = 1639 K
plugging in
e = 1 - Tc/Th = 1 - 273/1639 = .833
e = 83.3%
  • #6
for part A) the expansions would do the positive work?
Well done: - $$\int_{V_1}^{V_2}P(v)\;\text{d}v > 0 : V_2>V_1$$ ... we have a definition for work where work done by the engine is positive.
(Some people rework the equations the other way - but the equation is the same with a different sign.)

C) the carnot effciency is the maximum efficiency.
You can tell which temperatures are lowest and highest by sketching isotherms on the graph - which would have saves you about 2/3 of that work ;)
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Likes toothpaste666
  • #7
thanks for your help.
so it goes clockwise because that way V2>V1 and the work is positive?
for C) how would I sketch isotherms on a PV graph?
  • #8
Look at the PV diagrams for isothermal processes.
  • #9
toothpaste666 said:

Homework Statement


A heat engine containing an ideal gas has a reversible cycle which consists of 2 constant
volume segments with V = 1ℓ and V = 3ℓ and two constant pressure segments with P = 1 atm and
P = 2 atm (see figure below). The temperature at point “c” is Tc = 273 K.

A) Is the path of the cycle clockwise or counter-clockwise? Explain.
B) How much work is done by the engine in one cycle?
C) What is the efficiency of the engine? Notice that this is a reversible engine, so recall
the efficiency of a Carnot engine and use the ideal gas law.

Homework Equations

W = PdV
W = VdP

The Attempt at a Solution

A) since at point c the engine is at the low temp Tc then since it is a heat engine the cycle must be going counter clockwise to go from high to low temp (please check my understanding on this)
B) this is where I am stuck
W = Wac + Wcd + Wdb + Wba
W = VdeltaP(ac) + PdeltaV(cd) + VdeltaP(db) + PdeltaV(ba)
W = (1L)(1atm - 2atm) + (1atm)(3L-1L) + (3L)(2atm-1atm) + (2atm)(1L-3L)
W = -1atmL + 2atmL + 3atmL - 4atmL
W = 0
this leads me to believe i did something wrong. please help :(
A heat engine performs net positive mechanical work. Work is done in only two sections a-b and d-c. Net work done BY the system can only be positive if Wa-b (ie. the area under a-b) is positive. This means the system is expanding from a-b. So it is being compressed from d-c.

I am not sure where you get W = VdP. This is a reversible cycle so [itex]W = \int PdV[/itex] where W is the work done BY the system, P is the pressure of the system and V is its volume. There is ZERO work done from c-a and from b-d.

To determine the net work done per cycle, take the area under a-b (work done by the system in expansion) and subtract the area under d-c (work done on the gas in compression).

  • #10
yeah i knew the W = VdP didnt seem right. So it would still be W = PdV but since dV = 0 then W = 0.
W = Wac + Wcd + Wdb + Wba
W = PdeltaV(ab) + PdeltaV(bd) + PdeltaV(dc) + PdeltaV(ca)
W = PdeltaV(ab) + 0 + PdeltaV(dc) + 0
W = (2atm)(3L-1L) + (1atm)(1L-3L)
W = 4atmL + (-2atmL)
W = 2 atmL
  • #11
toothpaste666 said:
yeah i knew the W = VdP didnt seem right. So it would still be W = PdV but since dV = 0 then W = 0.
W = Wac + Wcd + Wdb + Wba
W = PdeltaV(ab) + PdeltaV(bd) + PdeltaV(dc) + PdeltaV(ca)
W = PdeltaV(ab) + 0 + PdeltaV(dc) + 0
W = (2atm)(3L-1L) + (1atm)(1L-3L)
W = 4atmL + (-2atmL)
W = 2 atmL
Good. Now express that in Joules.

  • #12
oh right. that's about 203 J

FAQ: Carnot cycle heat engine max work done

1. What is a Carnot cycle heat engine?

A Carnot cycle heat engine is a theoretical thermodynamic cycle that describes the most efficient way to convert heat into work. It consists of four processes: isothermal expansion, adiabatic expansion, isothermal compression, and adiabatic compression.

2. How does a Carnot cycle heat engine work?

A Carnot cycle heat engine works by using an external heat source to heat up a working fluid, such as a gas, in a cylinder. The heated gas then expands and does work on a piston, which can be used to generate electricity or power machinery. The remaining processes in the cycle involve cooling the gas and compressing it back to its original state.

3. What is the maximum work that can be done by a Carnot cycle heat engine?

The maximum work that can be done by a Carnot cycle heat engine is determined by the temperature difference between the hot and cold reservoirs, as well as the efficiency of the engine. The maximum efficiency of a Carnot cycle heat engine is given by the formula: efficiency = (T_hot - T_cold) / T_hot, where T_hot is the temperature of the hot reservoir and T_cold is the temperature of the cold reservoir.

4. How does the efficiency of a Carnot cycle heat engine compare to other heat engines?

The efficiency of a Carnot cycle heat engine is the highest possible for a heat engine operating between two temperatures. This means that no other heat engine can be more efficient than a Carnot cycle heat engine, regardless of its design or working fluid.

5. Can a Carnot cycle heat engine be used in practical applications?

While a Carnot cycle heat engine is the most efficient theoretical heat engine, it is not used in practical applications due to its slow speed and complex design. However, the principles of the Carnot cycle are used in other heat engines, such as steam turbines and internal combustion engines, to increase their efficiency.
