Carnot heat engine - calculate work

In summary: U? I am used to seeing it in the form of U=Q+W?So \Delta W=\Delta U-\Delta Q\Delta W=0-mc(T-T_{1})\Delta W=-mc(T-T_{1}) (result for part a) total amount of work)In summary, using the Carnot heat engine with two objects of equal mass and specific heat capacities, with initial temperatures T1 and T2, it is possible to calculate the final temperature, change in internal energy, and total amount of work produced. The total change in entropy is equal to 0, as all reversible cycles have a change in entropy of 0. The final temperature can be
  • #1
Using Carnot heat engine we connect two objects with the same mass m, specific heat capacities c. At the beginning the body 1 has temperature [itex]T_{1}[/itex] and body 2 [itex]T_{2}[/itex]. Calculate:
a) How much mechanical work can this engine give?

I tried like this, but i believe this is very wrong :(

Can anybody please help me to calculate this the right way?

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Physics news on
  • #3
skrat said:
Using Carnot heat engine we connect two objects with the same mass m, specific heat capacities c. At the beginning the body 1 has temperature [itex]T_{1}[/itex] and body 2 [itex]T_{2}[/itex]. Calculate:
a) How much mechanical work can this engine give?

I tried like this, but i believe this is very wrong :(

Can anybody please help me to calculate this the right way?

I am not sure you can do it using calculus. But there is an easy way. You just have to recognize that the total change in entropy of the two reservoirs is: ____.

You can determine the final temperature of both reservoirs using this principle. From that you can determine the change in internal energy of the reservoirs. From the first law, you can then determine the amount of work that has been produced.

  • #4
Andrew Mason said:
I am not sure you can do it using calculus. But there is an easy way. You just have to recognize that the total change in entropy of the two reservoirs is: ____.
That is actually part b) of my homework: What is the total change of entropy?

I haven' really thought about that part yet, but my idea was to start like this:
[itex]\Delta S_{1}=\int \frac{dQ}{T}=mc\int \frac{dT}{T}[/itex]
Where this is change of entropy for one body only, so:
[itex]\Delta S=\Delta S_{1}+\Delta S_{2}=mc(ln\frac{T}{T_{1}}+ln\frac{T}{T_{2}})[/itex] where the first logarithm is negative (assuming that [itex]T_{1}>T_{2}[/itex] and T somewhere in the middle).

Andrew Mason said:
You can determine the final temperature of both reservoirs using this principle. From that you can determine the change in internal energy of the reservoirs. From the first law, you can then determine the amount of work that has been produced.
And the final temperature is part c)

So if I find out how to calculate the final temperature I can than calculate the change in internal energy and there by from first law also the amount of work produced.
Well I am assuming that the total change of entropy is equal to 0, but I don't really understand why would this be true and even if it is, how can I than determine the final temperature from the equation above?

  • #5
skrat said:
That is actually part b) of my homework: What is the total change of entropy?

I haven' really thought about that part yet, but my idea was to start like this:
[itex]\Delta S_{1}=\int \frac{dQ}{T}=mc\int \frac{dT}{T}[/itex]
Where this is change of entropy for one body only, so:
[itex]\Delta S=\Delta S_{1}+\Delta S_{2}=mc(ln\frac{T}{T_{1}}+ln\frac{T}{T_{2}})[/itex] where the first logarithm is negative (assuming that [itex]T_{1}>T_{2}[/itex] and T somewhere in the middle).
Correct. So [itex]\Delta S/mc = ln\frac{T}{T_{1}}+ln\frac{T}{T_{2}} = 0[/itex] which reduces to:

[tex]\ln{\frac{T}{T_{1}}} = \ln{\frac{T_{2}}{T}}[/tex]

So what is T in terms of T1 and T2 (hint: apply the inverse of ln to both sides)?

And the final temperature is part c)

So if I find out how to calculate the final temperature I can than calculate the change in internal energy and there by from first law also the amount of work produced.
Well I am assuming that the total change of entropy is equal to 0, but I don't really understand why would this be true and even if it is, how can I than determine the final temperature from the equation above?
ΔS = 0 because all cycles are reversible Carnot cycles. The system and reservoirs are in equilibrium at all times.

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  • #6
Andrew Mason said:
ΔS = 0 because all cycles are reversible Carnot cycles. The system and reservoirs are in equilibrium at all times.
So every reversible cycle has ΔS=0. But Carnot cycle is reversible, thereby the change of total entropy is equal to zero. Right?

Ok, I hope this is right:
[itex]T=\sqrt{T_{2}T_{1}} [/itex](result for part c) final temperature)
Where T is always positive.

We already said that ΔS=0, but let's make sure (mainly because it's part b) of my homework):
[itex]\Delta S=mcln(\frac{T^{2}}{T_{1}T_{2}})=mcln(\frac{T_{1}T_{2}}{T_{1}T_{2}})=0[/itex]

Let's move to part a) so total amount of work given... hmm weird, but my result is 0?
If I understand correctly, you use letter U for internal energy? Funny. =)
[itex]\Delta U=\Delta Q+\Delta W[/itex]
[itex]\Delta W=\Delta U-\Delta Q[/itex]
[itex]\Delta W=(mc(T-T_{1})+mc(T-T_{2}))-(mc(T-T_{1})+mc(T-T_{2}))[/itex]
[itex]\Delta W=mc(2T-T_{1}-T_{2})-mc(2T-T_{1}-T_{2})[/itex]
[itex]\Delta W=0[/itex]

Now I will be happy if anybody corrects me again.=)
  • #7
Think about what ΔU should be for the engine as it goes through one cycle. U is a state variable, and when something goes through a cycle it returns to its initial state.
  • #8
TSny said:
Think about what ΔU should be for the engine as it goes through one cycle. U is a state variable, and when something goes through a cycle it returns to its initial state.

Of course! Hah, completely forgot about that.

So [itex]\Delta W=\Delta Q=mc(2T-T_{1}-T_{2})[/itex]
  • #9
That's close. Check the overall sign.
  • #10
skrat said:
Of course! Hah, completely forgot about that.

So [itex]\Delta W=\Delta Q=mc(2T-T_{1}-T_{2})[/itex]
That is one way to look at it.
Or you could apply the first law to the whole system of engine + reservoirs as an isolated system, in which ΔQ = 0 (no heat flow into or out of the system). In that case, ΔU = W. The change in internal energy of the reservoirs is just:

ΔU = mC(ΔTh + ΔTc)

  • #11
What if the heat engine works n times worse than carnot engine?

Is in that case total change of entropy still 0 and final temperature the same as before, so: [itex]T=\sqrt{T_{1}T_{2}}[/itex] ?

and [itex]\Delta W=-\eta \Delta Q[/itex] where [itex]\eta =\frac{\eta _{c}}{n}[/itex] ?
  • #12
skrat said:
What if the heat engine works n times worse than carnot engine?

Is in that case total change of entropy still 0 and final temperature the same as before, so: [itex]T=\sqrt{T_{1}T_{2}}[/itex] ?

and [itex]\Delta W=-\eta \Delta Q[/itex] where [itex]\eta =\frac{\eta _{c}}{n}[/itex] ?
I am not sure what n times worse than the Carnot means. The entropy would definitely not be 0 if it is an irreversible process.

  • #13
Andrew Mason said:
I am not sure what n times worse than the Carnot means. The entropy would definitely not be 0 if it is an irreversible process.

It means that we have an carnot heat engine that has effciency defined as [itex]\eta _{c}=1-\frac{T_{C}}{T_{H}}[/itex]. A similar heat engine that works n times worse that carnot heat engine is an engine whose efficiency [itex]\eta _{x}[/itex] is defined as [itex]\eta _{x}=\frac{1-\frac{T_{C}}{T_{H}}}{n}[/itex].
So Carnot heat engine has maximum efficiency, now I have to calculate the amount of work, final temperature and total change of entropy if the heat engine has lower efficiency.

At least, that't how I understand it...
I hope my english is not too bad to understand it.
  • #14
skrat said:
It means that we have an carnot heat engine that has effciency defined as [itex]\eta _{c}=1-\frac{T_{C}}{T_{H}}[/itex]. A similar heat engine that works n times worse that carnot heat engine is an engine whose efficiency [itex]\eta _{x}[/itex] is defined as [itex]\eta _{x}=\frac{1-\frac{T_{C}}{T_{H}}}{n}[/itex].
So Carnot heat engine has maximum efficiency, now I have to calculate the amount of work, final temperature and total change of entropy if the heat engine has lower efficiency.

At least, that't how I understand it...
I hope my english is not too bad to understand it.

So efficiency = W/|Qh| = (|Qh|-|Qc|)/|Qh| = (1/n)(Th-Tc)/Th. This means that:

That appears to reduce to:

|Qh|/Th = |Qc|/Tc - (n-1)W/Tc which, since Qc > 0 and Qh < 0, means:

Qh/Th + Qc/Tc = (n-1)W/Tc

If the the heat reservoirs are such that there is negligible change in temperature of each reservoir in each cycle, the change in entropy in one cycle is:

ΔS = ΔSh + ΔSc = Qh/Th + Qc/Tc = (n-1)W/Tc


FAQ: Carnot heat engine - calculate work

1. What is a Carnot heat engine?

A Carnot heat engine is a theoretical engine that operates on the principle of a reversible thermodynamic cycle, proposed by French physicist Sadi Carnot in 1824. It is a model for the most efficient possible heat engine that can be built using two heat reservoirs at different temperatures.

2. How does a Carnot heat engine work?

A Carnot heat engine works by taking in heat from a high-temperature source, using it to do work, and then expelling the remaining heat to a low-temperature reservoir. The engine operates in a cycle, with a series of four processes: isothermal expansion, adiabatic expansion, isothermal compression, and adiabatic compression.

3. How do you calculate the work done by a Carnot heat engine?

The work done by a Carnot heat engine can be calculated using the equation W = Q1 - Q2, where Q1 is the heat absorbed from the high-temperature reservoir and Q2 is the heat expelled to the low-temperature reservoir. This equation is based on the first law of thermodynamics, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or converted.

4. What factors affect the efficiency of a Carnot heat engine?

The efficiency of a Carnot heat engine depends on the temperature difference between the two reservoirs, with a greater temperature difference resulting in a higher efficiency. It also depends on the materials used to construct the engine, as well as the design and operation of the engine.

5. Can a Carnot heat engine be 100% efficient?

According to the second law of thermodynamics, it is impossible for any heat engine to have 100% efficiency. However, the Carnot heat engine is the most efficient possible heat engine, with an efficiency of 1 - T2/T1, where T1 is the temperature of the high-temperature reservoir and T2 is the temperature of the low-temperature reservoir. Therefore, the closer the temperatures are, the closer the efficiency will be to 100%, but it can never reach it.

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