Categories - Bland Chapter 3 - Problem 1 - Problem Set 3.1

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In summary, Peter provides a summary of the content. He explains that the problem requires that for all m, n in the set of positive integers there is a morphism from m to n that uses matrix multiplication. He also provides an interpretation for $f$ as a morphism from $R^{m}$ to $R^{n}$. Fallen Angel finds this helpful and provides an insightful comment.
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member
I am reading Paul E. Bland's book, "Rings and Their Modules".

I am trying to understand Section 3.1 on Categories.

At present I am working on Problem 1 in Problem Set 3.1 and I need some help in understanding the problem and its solution.

Problem 1 (Problem Set 3.1) reads as follows:
View attachment 3599
Potential helpers on this problem will need to know Bland's definition of a category and his notation ... the definition reads as follows:View attachment 3600
View attachment 3601Thus for \(\displaystyle \mathscr{C}\) we have that

\(\displaystyle \mathscr{O}\) is the class of positive integers greater than or equal to \(\displaystyle 2\)


the set of morphisms \(\displaystyle \text{Mor} (m,n)\) is the set of \(\displaystyle m \times n\) matrices over a commutative ring \(\displaystyle R\)
Now my problem concerns verifying and interpreting \(\displaystyle C1\).
\(\displaystyle C1\) requires that for all \(\displaystyle m, n \in \mathscr{O}\) there is a (possibly empty) set \(\displaystyle \text{Mor} (m,n)\) called the set of morphisms \(\displaystyle f \ : \ m \rightarrow n\) from \(\displaystyle m\) to \(\displaystyle n\) such that:

\(\displaystyle \text{Mor} (m,n) \cap \text{Mor} (s,t) = \emptyset \ \text{ if } \ (m,n) \ne (s,t)\)This of course is true since there is no common element between the set of \(\displaystyle m \times n\) matrices and the set of \(\displaystyle s \times t\) matrices when \(\displaystyle (m,n) \ne (s,t)\)... ... BUT ... what do we make of \(\displaystyle f \ : \ m \rightarrow n\)? ... ... what does it represent? ... ... do we just ignore this as something that just does not fit the present case, or perhaps some formalism that does not matter?But then ... why does it not matter that there is no interpretation for \(\displaystyle f \ : \ m \rightarrow n\), that is no interpretation for \(\displaystyle f\) ... ...I hope someone can clarify this (possibly simple) point.

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  • #2
Hi Peter,

I think the natural way of interpreting this is seeing $f$ as a morphism from $R^{m}$ to $R^{n}$ using matrix multiplication.

$\begin{array}{cccc}f: & R^{m} & \longrightarrow & R^{n}\\ & x & \mapsto & Ax \end{array}$

where $A\in Mor(m,n)$
  • #3
Fallen Angel said:
Hi Peter,

I think the natural way of interpreting this is seeing $f$ as a morphism from $R^{m}$ to $R^{n}$ using matrix multiplication.

$\begin{array}{cccc}f: & R^{m} & \longrightarrow & R^{n}\\ & x & \mapsto & Ax \end{array}$

where $A\in Mor(m,n)$
Well! ... ... that was really helpful Fallen Angel!

Thanks for that insight!

Appreciate your time and support!


FAQ: Categories - Bland Chapter 3 - Problem 1 - Problem Set 3.1

1. What is the purpose of categorization in scientific research?

Categorization helps to organize and classify information, making it easier to understand and analyze data. It allows scientists to make meaningful comparisons and draw conclusions from their research.

2. How do scientists determine categories for their research?

Scientists use various methods, such as observation, experimentation, and statistical analysis, to identify patterns and similarities in their data. These patterns are then used to create categories that accurately represent the data.

3. What is the difference between nominal and ordinal categories?

Nominal categories are used to label or name groups, while ordinal categories rank groups in a specific order. For example, in a study of students' academic performance, "major" would be a nominal category, while "GPA range" would be an ordinal category.

4. How do categories help in hypothesis testing?

Categories allow scientists to compare data between groups and determine if there are significant differences or relationships. This is important in hypothesis testing, as it helps to identify patterns and support or reject a hypothesis.

5. Can categories change over time?

Yes, categories can change as new information is discovered or as theories and perspectives in the scientific community evolve. It is important for scientists to regularly review and update categories to ensure they accurately represent the data and current understanding of a topic.
