Category Theory: Inverse Limit in Sets

In summary, the homework equation states that for any diagram ##\mathcal{F}:\mathscr{J}\to\mathbf{Sets}## and any index category ##\mathscr{J}##, there exists a unique morphism ##w:W\to A## such that ##w_i=l_i\circ w##. To solve the problem, one must first find a morphism ##w:W\to A## such that ##w_i=l_i\circ w## and then show that this morphism actually maps into ##A##.
  • #1
I think this looks like a homework problem, so I'll just put it here.

Homework Statement

Demonstrate that, for any index category ##\mathscr{J}## and any diagram ##\mathcal{F}:\mathscr{J}\to\mathbf{Sets}##,

$$\varprojlim_{\mathscr{J}}A_j=\left\{a\in \prod_{j\in \operatorname{obj}( \mathscr{J})}A_j~\vert~(i,k\in\operatorname{obj}(\mathscr{J}),~a_i\in A_i,~a_k\in A_k, \text{ and } \phi_{ik}\in \hom_{\mathscr{J}}(i,k))~\implies~a_k=\mathcal{F}(\phi_{ik})(a_i) \right\}=A$$
along with the obvious projections, which I'll denote ##l_i: A\to A_i##.

Homework Equations

I don't know how to make diagrams in TeX, so I'll just link to the universal property.

The Attempt at a Solution

Suppose ##W## has morphisms ##w_i: W\to A_i## that satisfy ##w_k=\mathcal{F}(\phi_{ik})\circ w_i##. We wish to show the existence of a unique morphism ##w: W\to A## such that ##w_i=l_i\circ w##.

My thought is that both ##W## and ##A## clearly map into the product ##\prod A_j##. We even have the unique map from ##A## to ##\prod A_j##, set inclusion, satisfying the universal property for the product. However, I don't know how to proceed. Any nudges in the right direction would be helpful. Thank you!
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  • #2
The maps ##w_i:W\rightarrow A_i## induce a unique map ##w:W\rightarrow \prod_{i\in I} A## such that ##l_i\circ w = w_i##. This is essentially by definition of the product in the category.

Now show that ##w## actually maps into ##A##, that is, that ##w(W)\subseteq A## and that it satisfies the universal property.
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  • #3
micromass said:
The maps ##w_i:W\rightarrow A_i## induce a unique map ##w:W\rightarrow \prod_{i\in I} A## such that ##l_i\circ w = w_i##. This is essentially by definition of the product in the category.

Now show that ##w## actually maps into ##A##, that is, that ##w(W)\subseteq A## and that it satisfies the universal property.
Let me see if I understand what you're saying. Let ##\pi_i: \prod A_j\to A_i## be the natural projection maps from the universal property defining the product. Then, ##\pi_i\circ w=w_i##. But, since the ##w_i## commute with the induced maps ##\mathcal{F}(\phi_{ik})##, and ##A## is defined as precisely the subset of ##\prod A_j## that does this, ##w(W)\subseteq A##. Let ##\rho: \prod A_j\to A## be a left inverse of the inclusion map ##i:A\to\prod A_j##, and let ##w'=\rho\circ w:W\to A##. This map ##w'## is unique because ##w(W)\subseteq A##, so the left inverse would take any element of ##w(W)## to its corresponding element of ##A##.

Is this correct?
  • #4
Yes, seems right!

FAQ: Category Theory: Inverse Limit in Sets

1. What is the inverse limit in category theory?

Inverse limit is a concept in category theory that describes the construction of a limit object in a category by taking the dual of a direct limit. It is used to study the structure of a category by breaking it down into smaller pieces and understanding how they fit together.

2. How is the inverse limit defined in the category of sets?

In the category of sets, the inverse limit is defined as the set of all possible tuples of elements from each of the sets in the inverse system, which are related by the inverse system's morphisms. This set is then equipped with a projection map to each of the sets in the inverse system, satisfying certain universal properties.

3. What is an inverse system in category theory?

An inverse system in category theory is a collection of objects and morphisms that are related in a specific way, such that the objects and morphisms form a directed graph. This directed graph represents the "inverse" relationships between the objects and morphisms, hence the name "inverse system."

4. How is the inverse limit related to other types of limits in category theory?

The inverse limit is a special case of a limit in category theory. It is the limit of an inverse system, which is a directed system with arrows pointing in the opposite direction. Other types of limits include direct limits, equalizers, and products, which all have different universal properties and are used to study different aspects of a category.

5. What are some applications of inverse limits in mathematics?

Inverse limits have many applications in mathematics, including topology, algebraic geometry, and dynamical systems. They can be used to construct important mathematical objects, such as the p-adic numbers, and to study the structure of various mathematical structures, such as groups, rings, and fields. Inverse limits also have connections to other areas of mathematics, such as number theory and functional analysis.

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