Category Theory - what is its current state?

In summary, category theory has become more popular in the past few decades, but it has not replaced other foundations for mathematics. It has a trickle-down structure in that it helps one better understand other foundations.
  • #1
Homework Helper
When I was very young, I read a book from the 60's about classical mathematics. I was far too young to understand anything in it of course, but I remember it mentioned that category theory was the new thing that was threatening to become a new foundation for mathematics.

So I was wondering, has this happened? Is this happening? Has it become ubiquitous? And has it reached a point like ZFC has in that it is canonical and well understood? Or has it remained a sort of ad hoc merging of different areas ostensibly to allow one to carry results across from one area to another?

A natural transformation can be considered to be a "morphism of functors". Indeed this intuition can be formalized to define so-called functor categories.

This makes it sound like I can understand natural transformations better by seeing what they inherit from the category of functors. Or another example, by looking at what functors inherit in the category (2-category?) of small categories, this should help me to better understand functors. Does category theory have this trickle-down structure? Or does it perhaps have a trickle-up structure? I ask because of sentences like this next quote:

For example, the 2-category Cat of categories, functors, and natural transformations is a doctrine. One sees immediately that all presheaf categories are categories of models.

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  • #2
verty said:
When I was very young, I read a book from the 60's about classical mathematics. I was far too young to understand anything in it of course, but I remember it mentioned that category theory was the new thing that was threatening to become a new foundation for mathematics.

So I was wondering, has this happened? Is this happening? Has it become ubiquitous? And has it reached a point like ZFC has in that it is canonical and well understood? Or has it remained a sort of ad hoc merging of different areas ostensibly to allow one to carry results across from one area to another?
There are people who want to replace ZFC with other, more category theory friendly, typed set theories (look up ETCS for example). I don't think there is an advantage, excapt making set theory more category theory friendly. For me, they don't capture properly the intuition behind what a set is. Apart from that, ZFC has still been studied much more thoroughly.
  • #3
I've been thinking a little about this. I think I can answer my second question. Maps between objects can't be understood without looking the objects themselves, but at an abstract level of objects and arrows, there is nothing much to say. Similarly with functors, there is nothing much to say at the level of categories of objects and arrows. Inevitably, one looks upwards when discussing things at that level, like saying that a category is a topos, along with operads and a bunch of other things. It's a bit like examining the bolts in the ceiling of a passenger plane in lieu of looking out the window. But if we close the curtains, what else is there to talk about?

Rubi, thanks for the information, I've looked around but what what I could find is rather sketchy. Given that this is all 50+ years old, I think one must conclude that there is little interest in making a foundation out of category theory. Probably this is for the best.

Thank you.

Related to Category Theory - what is its current state?

1. What is Category Theory?

Category Theory is a branch of mathematics that studies mathematical structures and relationships between them. It provides a framework for understanding and organizing various mathematical concepts, such as sets, functions, and transformations.

2. What is the current state of Category Theory?

Category Theory is a well-established and active field of research within mathematics. It continues to evolve and find applications in various areas, such as computer science, physics, and linguistics. Many open problems and research directions remain in Category Theory.

3. What are the main concepts in Category Theory?

The main concepts in Category Theory include categories, functors, and natural transformations. Categories are mathematical structures that consist of objects and arrows between them, while functors are mappings between categories. Natural transformations describe how functors interact with each other.

4. How is Category Theory used in other fields?

Category Theory has found applications in various fields, such as computer science, where it is used to study programming languages and algorithms. It has also been used in physics to study quantum mechanics and general relativity. In linguistics, Category Theory has been applied to study the structure of language.

5. What are some current research topics in Category Theory?

Some current research topics in Category Theory include higher category theory, which extends the concept of categories to higher dimensions, and categorical logic, which explores the relationship between category theory and logic. Other research areas include the use of Category Theory in algebraic geometry, homotopy theory, and topology.

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