Cauchy Boundary Conditions on a Wave

In summary, the homework statement is that at t=0 the displacement of an infinitely long string is defined as y(x,t) = sin (pi x/a) in the range -a<= x <= a.
  • #1

Homework Statement

So using the D'Alembert solution, I know the solution of the wave equation is of the form:

y(x,t) = f(x-ct) + g(x+ct)

I'm told that at t=0 the displacement of an infinitely long string is defined as y(x,t) = sin (pi x/a) in the range -a<= x <= a

and y =0 otherwise.

The string is initially at rest.

I'm told that the waves move along the string with speed c and told to sketch the displacement of the string at t=0, t=a/2c and t=a/c

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

So substituting t=0 into the d'alembert solution gives

f(x) + g(x) = sin pix/a

similarly since the string is initially at rest, we can calculate that f(x) - g(x) = const. therefore f(x) = 1/2sin pix/a + k where k is some const. and g(x) = 1/2 sin pix/a - k

So is the full solution y(x,t) = 1/2 [ sin (pi(x-ct)/a) + sin(pi(x+ct)/a) ] ? Isn't this a stationary wave..? I am not sure how to sketch for t = a/2c etc...thanks :)
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  • #2
I think you're overcomplicating this. You can easily sketch the wave at t=0; the equation's given to you. For t=a/2c, the wave travels at speed c, so the pattern at t=0 would just be shifted by a/2c*c=a/2.
  • #3
Thanks..I do see that, but I'm trying to understand the general method so that I can apply it to situations where the boundary conditions aren't so simple...

any guidance would be great
  • #4
No, you do not get standing waves on an infinite string.
Remember that f(x)=g(x)= sin(pix/a) is valid only in the interval between [-a, a ], and both functions are 0 everywhere else.
Letting time run, the argument of f(x) is replaced by x-ct and that of g(x) by x+ct. The condition above means that

f(x) = 1/2 sin(pi/a(x-ct)) if -a<=x-ct <=a that is -a+ct<=x<=a+ct

and g(x)= 1/2 sin(pi/a(x+ct)) if -a<=x+ct <=a that is -a-ct<=x<=a-ct ,

and y=0 everywhere else.

Can you sketch y(x,t) now?

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  • #5
ehild said:
No, you do not get standing waves on an infinite string.
Remember that f(x)=g(x)= sin(pix/a) is valid only in the interval between [-a, a ], and both functions are 0 everywhere else.
Letting time run, the argument of f(x) is replaced by x-ct and that of g(x) by x+ct. The condition above means that

f(x) = 1/2 sin(pi/a(x-ct)) if -a<=x-ct <=a that is -a+ct<=x<=a+ct

and g(x)= 1/2 sin(pi/a(x+ct)) if -a<=x+ct <=a that is -a-ct<=x<=a-ct ,

and y=0 everywhere else.

Can you sketch y(x,t) now?


Sorry I'm not quite sure I agree with what you've written here :S

I thought it was that f(x) + g(x) = sin pix/a (rather than f(x) = g(x) = ...)

and f(x) - g(x) = constant.

So f(x) = 1/2 sin pix/a + k
and g(x) = 1/2 sin pix/a - k

so f(x) + g(x) = 1/2 sin pi(x-ct)/a + 1/2 sin pi (x+ct)/a...? Over the limits on x that you have spelt out..

which seem to be two waves of equal magnitude, phase etc moving in opposite directions? i.e. a standing wave?
  • #6
OK, you are right, but that constant is arbitrary, so choose it zero for start.
The sum of two waves of the same frequency and amplitude moving in opposite direction in a closed interval would produce a standing wave, but it is not the case here.
Your function is not y(x.t)=1/2 sin (pi(x-ct)/a)+ 1/2 sin (pi(x+ct)/a) in the whole interval from minus infinity to infinity, but you need a piece-wise definition:

y(x,t) =f((x-ct) + g(x+ct)

where f(x) = 1/2 sin(pi/a(x-ct)) if ct-a<=x<=ct +a , zero otherwise

and g(x)= 1/2 sin(pi/a(x+ct)) if -ct-a<=x<=-ct +a, zero otherwise.

y(x,t) = 0 outside [-ct-a, -ct+a] U[ct-a, ct+a].

Try to sketch y for t = 4a/c, you will understand what I mean.

If you want to include an arbitrary constant, you can do it, by subtracting it form g and adding to f, it is just shifting them up or down.

  • #7
Ahh great help. I see now. Thanks ehild.

FAQ: Cauchy Boundary Conditions on a Wave

1. What are Cauchy boundary conditions on a wave?

Cauchy boundary conditions on a wave are a set of mathematical equations that describe the behavior of a wave at the boundaries of a given system. They specify the values of the wave function and its derivative at the boundaries, allowing us to solve for the wave's behavior within the system.

2. How are Cauchy boundary conditions different from other boundary conditions?

Unlike other boundary conditions, which typically specify either the value of the wave function or its derivative at the boundary, Cauchy boundary conditions specify both simultaneously. This allows for a more accurate and complete description of the wave's behavior within the system.

3. When are Cauchy boundary conditions used?

Cauchy boundary conditions are commonly used in the study of wave phenomena, such as in acoustics, electromagnetics, and fluid dynamics. They are especially useful when studying waves in heterogeneous systems, where the wave behavior may vary significantly at the boundaries.

4. Are there any limitations to using Cauchy boundary conditions?

Yes, there are some limitations to using Cauchy boundary conditions. They are most effective when the boundaries of the system are well-defined and do not change over time. Additionally, they may not accurately describe the behavior of waves in highly nonlinear systems.

5. How are Cauchy boundary conditions solved?

Cauchy boundary conditions are typically solved using mathematical techniques such as Fourier analysis or numerical methods like finite difference or finite element analysis. These methods allow us to find the solution to the Cauchy boundary value problem and determine the behavior of the wave within the system.
