Cauchy riemann equations and constant functions

In summary, the conversation discusses whether a function f(z) needs to be constant if it is analytic on a set H and has a constant modulus. The hint provided is to prove that if f and its conjugate f* are both analytic on a domain D, then f must be constant. The conversation goes on to discuss possible counterexamples and concludes that the original statement is true, as shown by the proof provided.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let f(z) be analytic on the set H. Let the modulus of f(z) be constant. Does f need be constant also? Explain.

Homework Equations

Cauchy riemann equations

Hint: Prove If f and f* are both analytic on D, then f is constant.

The Attempt at a Solution

I think f need be constant.
Let f*=conjugate operator

Let f = U+iV Then f* = U-iV
Since F is analytic we can use CR equations and we get
1) Ux = Vy
2) Uy = -Vx .
Applying CR to f* gives
3) Ux = -Vy
4) Uy = Vx

1) and 3) imply Vy = -Vy and 2) and 4) imply Vx = -Vx.
But the only function that can equal its negative is zero, and thus Vx = Vy = 0, and so V = constant.
Likewise, the same argument for Ux and Uy gives Ux = Uy = 0 and so U = a constant. And both U and V constant implies that f is constant. So we have the hint proven. Let f = u+iv. We’re given |f| = c.

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  • #2
Hint: f times f* is |f|^2 which is a constant.
  • #3
But what about the function f(z)=z=x+iy? Isn't that function analytic on the say, unit disk with a constant modulus but f is not constant?
  • #4
reb659 said:
But what about the function f(z)=z=x+iy? Isn't that function analytic on the say, unit disk with a constant modulus but f is not constant?

If you mean the unit disk, it doesn't have constant modulus. If you mean the unit circle, yes, it does. They should have stated assumptions on the domain H. Let's say it needs to be open and connected.
  • #5
Ah yes, I meant unit circle. I was thinking the domain would need to have restrictions because I thought I proved it yet found a counterexample at the same time. But for the original problem:

Let f=U + iV. We have |f|=c for some constant c. |z|^2=zz*, so we have |f|^2=c^2 which implies f*=c^2/f. f is analytic by assumption and constants are always analytic over any D, so by the above hint I proved f must be constant.
  • #6
reb659 said:
Ah yes, I meant unit circle. I was thinking the domain would need to have restrictions because I thought I proved it yet found a counterexample at the same time. But for the original problem:

Let f=U + iV. We have |f|=c for some constant c. |z|^2=zz*, so we have |f|^2=c^2 which implies f*=c^2/f. f is analytic by assumption and constants are always analytic over any D, so by the above hint I proved f must be constant.

Sure, that's it.

FAQ: Cauchy riemann equations and constant functions

1. What are Cauchy-Riemann equations?

Cauchy-Riemann equations are a set of two partial differential equations that are used to determine if a complex-valued function is differentiable at a point in the complex plane. They are named after mathematicians Augustin-Louis Cauchy and Bernhard Riemann.

2. What do the Cauchy-Riemann equations represent?

The Cauchy-Riemann equations represent the necessary and sufficient conditions for a complex-valued function to be differentiable at a point in the complex plane. These conditions involve the partial derivatives of the function with respect to its real and imaginary components.

3. What is the significance of the Cauchy-Riemann equations?

The Cauchy-Riemann equations are significant because they help us understand the behavior of complex-valued functions and their derivatives. They are also important in the development of complex analysis, which has applications in many branches of mathematics and physics.

4. How are constant functions related to Cauchy-Riemann equations?

Constant functions are those whose output remains the same regardless of the input. For these functions, the Cauchy-Riemann equations are satisfied, as the partial derivatives of the function are both equal to 0. This means that constant functions are differentiable everywhere in the complex plane.

5. Can the Cauchy-Riemann equations be used to determine analyticity?

Yes, the Cauchy-Riemann equations are a necessary condition for a function to be analytic. If a function satisfies these equations, it is said to be analytic and can be represented by a power series. However, satisfying the Cauchy-Riemann equations is not a sufficient condition for analyticity, as there are other requirements that must also be met.

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