Cauchy-Schwartz Inequality for Step Functions

In summary, the conversation discusses the proof of the inequality (\int \phi\psi)^{2} \leq (\int\phi^{2})(\int\psi^{2}) for step functions \phi and \psi. The conversation also includes a hint to consider the quadratic function Q(t)=\int(t\phi+\psi)^2 and minimize it to prove the inequality.
  • #1

Homework Statement


[tex]\phi,\psi : [a,b] \rightarrow \Re [/tex]

be step functions.

Prove that

[tex](\int \phi\psi)^{2} \leq (\int\phi^{2})(\int\psi^{2}) .[/tex]

Hint: Consider the quadratic function of a real variable t defined by

[tex]Q(t)=\int(t\phi+\psi)^2 .[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

I really don't know where to start with this, and the hint only confuses me more! :p

Any help appreciated, thanks!
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  • #2
Q(t)>=0, since it's the integral of a nonnegative function (a square). Expand Q(t) out and differentiate with respect to t. Solve Q'(t)=0 for t and put that value of t back into the expression Q(t)>=0 and see what you get.
  • #3
Yeah I get a similar thing. So we get a turning point of Q at some value t=-psi/phi, and when you put this back into Q you get

[tex]\int0 = constant[/tex].

Am I being really dumb cos I can't seem to get anything like the inequality from this :((((

  • #4
I meant integrate first. I.e.
t^2 \int \phi^{2} + 2t \int\phi \psi + \int\psi^{2} \geq 0.

Now minimize that. The minimum occurs at a value of t that is a ratio of two integrals.
  • #5
Ah yeah I got it :-) Thanks!
  • #6
Deano10 said:
Sorry to be a pain, but I am still a little confused!

Just to check, what exactly are we integrating with respect to?

Whatever variable phi and psi are functions of. Call it x. So write psi(x) and phi(x).

FAQ: Cauchy-Schwartz Inequality for Step Functions

1. What is the Cauchy-Schwartz Inequality for Step Functions?

The Cauchy-Schwartz Inequality for Step Functions is a mathematical inequality that states the product of the norms of two step functions is less than or equal to the norm of their product. In other words, it shows that the length of the projection of one step function onto another is always less than or equal to the product of their lengths.

2. How is the Cauchy-Schwartz Inequality for Step Functions used in mathematics?

The Cauchy-Schwartz Inequality for Step Functions is a fundamental tool in mathematics, particularly in the fields of analysis and linear algebra. It is used to prove many important theorems, including the triangle inequality, Hölder's inequality, and the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality for integrals.

3. Can the Cauchy-Schwartz Inequality for Step Functions be extended to other types of functions?

Yes, the Cauchy-Schwartz Inequality can be extended to other types of functions, such as continuous functions and integrable functions. In these cases, the norm of a function is defined as the integral of its absolute value over a given interval. The inequality still holds, but the proof may be more involved.

4. What is the significance of the Cauchy-Schwartz Inequality for Step Functions in real-world applications?

The Cauchy-Schwartz Inequality for Step Functions has many real-world applications, particularly in physics and engineering. It is used to prove the uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics, as well as in signal processing, control theory, and optimization problems. Essentially, it allows us to make predictions and analyze data with more accuracy and precision.

5. Is the Cauchy-Schwartz Inequality for Step Functions a strict inequality?

No, the Cauchy-Schwartz Inequality for Step Functions can be an equality in certain cases. For example, if the two step functions are linearly dependent, then the projection of one onto the other will have the same length as the product of their lengths. However, in most cases, the inequality is strict and the length of the projection will be less than the product of their lengths.

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