Cauchy Sequence of Continuous Fns: Uniform Convergence?

In summary, a cauchy sequence of continuous functions defined on the whole real line converges uniformly to a continuous function. However, this uniform convergence doesn't hold for functions defined on a compact subset of the real line.
  • #1
Is it true that a cauchy sequence of continuous functions defined on the whole real line converges uniformly to a continuous function?
I thought this was only true for functions defined on a compact subset of the real line.
Am I wrong?
Physics news on
  • #2
Yes, the uniform limit of a sequence of continuous functions is always continuous.

Why we often work with compact sets in uniform convergence is because the uniform norm can be infinite. But on a compact interval, all functions are bounded. So this cannot happen there.
  • #3
My actual doubt was actually about the convergence. Why does it have to converge? The space of continuous functions defined on the real line is not a banach space as far as I know.
  • #4
Well, take a uniform Cauchy sequence [itex](f_n)_n[/itex]. By definition, it satisfies

[tex]\forall \varepsilon>0:~\exists n_0:~\forall p,q\geq n_0:~\forall x\in \mathbb{R}:~d(f_p(x),f_q(x))<\varepsilon[/tex]

It follows that every sequence [itex](f_n(x))_n[/itex] is Cauchy for all x, so it converges to a [itex]y_x[/itex]. This constructs a function

[tex]f:\mathbb{R}\rightarrow \mathbb{R}:x\rightarrow y_x[/tex]

By taking limits, we get

[tex]\forall \varepsilon>0:~\exists n_0:~\forall q\geq n_0:~\forall x\in \mathbb{R}:~d(f(x),f_q(x))=\lim_{p\rightarrow +\infty}{d(f_p(x),d_q(x))}\leq\varepsilon[/tex]

This shows that [itex](f_n)_n[/itex] converges uniformly to f.

Is this what you want?
  • #5
It seems to be. But doesn't this amount to saying that [tex] \mathcal{C}(\mathbb{R}) [/tex] is complete with respect to the uniform norm?
  • #6
No, because the uniform norm isn't well defined. For example, [itex]f(x)=x^2[/itex] has [itex]\|f\|_\infty=+\infty[/itex]. But infinity is not a valid value for a norm...
  • #7
Sure that's what I was missing, thanks.

FAQ: Cauchy Sequence of Continuous Fns: Uniform Convergence?

1. What is a Cauchy sequence of continuous functions?

A Cauchy sequence of continuous functions is a sequence of functions that converge uniformly to a function. This means that for any small margin of error, there exists a point in the sequence where all subsequent functions will be within that margin of error from the limiting function.

2. What is uniform convergence?

Uniform convergence is a type of convergence where a sequence of functions approaches a limiting function at a uniform rate. This means that for any given margin of error, there exists a point in the sequence where all subsequent functions will be within that margin of error from the limiting function.

3. How is uniform convergence different from pointwise convergence?

Uniform convergence and pointwise convergence are two types of convergence that can occur in sequences of functions. While pointwise convergence only requires that the functions approach the limiting function at each individual point, uniform convergence requires that the functions approach the limiting function at a uniform rate across the entire domain.

4. What is the significance of Cauchy sequences of continuous functions in mathematics?

Cauchy sequences of continuous functions have important applications in mathematics, particularly in the fields of analysis and topology. They are used to prove the existence and properties of continuous functions, and are also fundamental in the study of metric spaces.

5. How can I determine if a sequence of continuous functions is a Cauchy sequence?

To determine if a sequence of continuous functions is a Cauchy sequence, you can use the Cauchy criterion, which states that a sequence of functions is a Cauchy sequence if and only if for any small margin of error, there exists a point in the sequence where all subsequent functions will be within that margin of error from each other.
